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Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:15 am
by Mr. Frozen
Feminism is the desire to have equal rights in women. Feminists got laws passed that allowed women to vote, join the military, and not get discriminated in the work place. Feminism was needed to change stuff like this:


Today, women legally have the same rights as men. I do not think feminism is needed at all anymore. Almost all feminists today are not feminists at all, they just want a matriarchal society that ignores the rights of men. They complain about women not being in prestigious male dominated professions, such as engineering, but say women shouldn't work in the "degrading" male dominated professions such as garbage collectors and janitors. Leave those shitty jobs to the men. They want to be able to sleep with whoever they want, but want to be able to go to court and punish a man if she rejects having sex with him at any point (seriously how is this an actual thing?). They want to be able to get a man to impregnate them and keep him as an ATM, while leeching more money off the government. These modern feminists are women who refuse to grow up and accept the fact that bad things happen to them.

I do agree that there are shitty people who treat women differently because they are women. However, legally there is no need for feminists. There are also shitty people who treat black people different just because of their skin color, but legally racism is not a problem. I know this first hand because I am black and been to some extremely racist parts of the US. Did I go online and complain that some idiots wanted to hurt my feelings and tried to get laws passed to prevent people from trying to hurt my feelings? No, I just dismissed them as idiots and went along with my day. If I felt physically threatened, I would just maybe, you know, avoid racist fucks? I have been catcalled by women in the past as well and I do agree that it is extremely awkward, perhaps a bit degrading but jesus christ, just deal with it. At the end of the day, these things do not affect you (well, unless it is persistent, but at that point it falls into harassment which again, you can fix with the help of the cops, be sure to collect evidence) Grow a thicker skin, women. You have equal rights now, and are able to experience the world in its full, shitty glory. Stop acting like children and put on your big girl pants. If someone physically harms you, or rejects you for a job because of your sex, then take that to court.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 3:16 pm
by AnimeGamer183
Come to think of it, do you really think having this debate on an over 90% male video game message board on the internet was really a good idea? *Looks who created this topic* that explains everything :lol:

edit -

Ok I was in the process of typing up another long winded post and then I realized there is only one thing that needs to be said. If you defend only one end of this gender battle and dont talk about or see the issues from the other genders perspective then YOU ARE PART OF THE PROBLEM!!! Im done with this mind numbingly retarded debate, the more you make this an issue, the more you enable it. GOOD DAY SIRS

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:27 pm
by YUmakemygame
This may not be apparent through my pseudonym, but I am a woman and I agree wholeheartedly with Mr. Frozen. I do not characterize myself to be any different from anyone, regardless of gender. What I value most importantly is my life, my successes, and my failures so that I learn from them. Sometimes I do not express myself as eloquently as I should (my apologies, I do tend to be very passionate at times on this forum), but I see no reason to think I am lesser or superior to anyone on here. I find that as long as I am a human being of the same genus and species, what difference does it make?

There are obvious gender disparities based on biological and physiological factors and so forth, but that is an entirely different topic altogether. But I will make a point in saying that I do not take offense when I am truly aware of my personal limitations in all aspects of life, career, and physicality. I have dabbled in various trades, some of which may have been deemed "unsuitable" for a women such as architecture or technology, but it does not discourage me to go to work and support my loved ones.

For instance, I do not fault men for helping me to pick up a slab of basswood if I cannot place it on a lumber cart. I am physically small and I am fully aware of my limitations. The same goes for soldering leads or programming servers. I have found through dealing with the general public and numerous corporations that what truly matters are ability, skill, experience, and sometimes education (depending on whether or not you have established yourself through vocational means). I actually find it quite disgusting for women to manipulate men by claiming harassment, abuse, or behave coquettishly for political or financial advancement. Those ploys I do not endorse.

Whether you are man or woman, your success depends entirely on your diligence, endurance, and determination. As far as feminism is concerned for troubled nations, the case is the complete inverse. Some spiritual sects or governmental belief systems do employ these harmful tactics. There are women in foreign countries that are being burned alive, maimed, disparaged, sold, and proselytized as "martyrs" for some Draconian cause. These issues unfortunately, are proliferated throughout differing societies and are considered norms. There is not much to be done except to provide aid, education, and yes-- employ military means of severance to disperse these harsh environments. But as a citizen of a first world country, I consider myself fortunate to be here and appreciate the camaraderie of my male associates.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 4:53 pm
by Chaos
Mr. Frozen wrote: Almost all feminists today are not feminists at all, they just want a matriarchal society that ignores the rights of men.


Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 5:29 pm
by Henry Spencer
When did this feminism thing take off anyway? I'm honestly curious, I try to just stay away from these sorts of things people get outraged at nowadays, but was it when Twitter was first created and people think they could "change" things? Is it social media's fault people complain about everything nowadays? (Hint: it is). People sure seem angrier now about everything. Is there something put into people's food to make their testosterone levels higher? Can't we just get along?

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:01 pm
by YUmakemygame
Well to answer your question Henry... it's pretty bad here in America. Particularly in places like California or my city: New York.

Pardon me, but this is going to come out particularly harsh considering I'm talking about other women. I personally think feminists are the reason why there is so much separatism among the sexes. I usually find that most of the feminists I've have come across are women who absolutely refuse to groom themselves, respect potential suitors, or who are morbidly obese and blame men for not being attracted to them. They claim to be independent yet lean on the men to do everything, yet never take personal responsibility for anything they do. Some are very narcissistic and high maintenance and others look like Shane MacGowan. They never want to sacrifice anything in a relationship and wonder why no one will date them or marry them. And then they cry when they can't acquire a Diesel model who "sells his body to the masses" and who is possibly more attractive than they are. It just kills them that someone is somewhat in a higher station in life because they are utter failures and will do nothing about it.

And God forbid if you have 17% body fat versus 16%! Don't have a 12-pack? Oh, well aren't you a tubby little turd. Have a 12-pack? You're "manorexic". It's just the fact that these horrible degenerates are so undesirable that they create this nonsense cause to ease their loneliness while blaming the "man". This fight for equal wages here in NYC is very well misunderstood, especially since it has nothing to do with sex but a matter of insurance. Women tend to purchase more prophylactics and contraceptives versus males. Our bodies are designed differently, and have higher risks of certain diseases. And there is the matter of pregnancy. Some companies pay you for maternity leave and some don't. And they are well within their right to deny you such wages because you are in absentia; you're not generating revenue for the said business or company you are working for. This leftist ideology is weak and embarrassing to say in the least. Therefore I say: "Don't give me that. She don't make enough money she can quit."

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:10 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Genuinely can't wait to see Yukupo and Mue's response.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:24 pm
by Riku Rose
YUmakemygame wrote:I personally think feminists are the reason why there is so much separatism among the sexes.


Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:26 pm
by Kenny
I had to google Shane MacGowan.

Good god.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:36 pm
by Thief
Kenny wrote: I had to google Shane MacGowan.

Good god.

Brilliant song writer though.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 6:41 pm
by Kenny
But, good god.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:06 pm
by Rakim
Thief wrote:
Kenny wrote: I had to google Shane MacGowan.

Good god.

Brilliant song writer though.

Any song recommendations? I only know one Pogues song but I could use more.

It's this one by the way.

phpBB [video]

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 7:12 pm
by ys
I really should stay out of this thread. I tried to ignore it but... Well ok.
Here in Sweden "original" feminists from the 60'ies and 70'ies can't stand behind this modern version. They found that it had nothing to do with a necessary fight but rather hatred towards men.

We also had a few male bloggers who wrote about equality, not feminism. Because of that they got ridiculed, received (death) threats and were accused of hating women.

One guy got into trouble at work because he talked to a neighbour and went to the bathroom during a conference speech by a woman. He got a warning for that "oppressive display of hidden patriarchal power structures".

A female journalist investigated a Swedish organization of women's shelters. When she confronted the (female) Minister for Equality regarding feminism she was thrown out. Right before she left someone yelled that she wasn't welcome in any shelter in Sweden anymore. Ironically, these same people accused men of power abuse while female rulers would be fair.

Personally, I have only seen total equality where I worked (in Belgium). Same job and age = exact same pay. Actually, the majority of my bosses were female. Even above them there were still lots of women.

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sat Jun 27, 2015 11:07 pm
by Peter
Rakim wrote:
Thief wrote:
Kenny wrote: I had to google Shane MacGowan.

Good god.

Brilliant song writer though.

Any song recommendations? I only know one Pogues song but I could use more.

It's this one by the way.

phpBB [video]

Errrr, dude
phpBB [video]

Re: Feminism

PostPosted: Sun Jun 28, 2015 2:29 am
by YUmakemygame
Thank you for all the accolades gentlemen. As per your response Mr. Frozen, I appreciate the critical lens into the biological necessity of our species. Let me remind you guys however, that I am well past the minority in how I voice my opinions. I do not speak for a lot of women because my point of view is very atypical and can even be seen as offensive. But I do stay true to my word in a rather blunt fashion. I think everyone is responsible for their lifestyle and morale. Perhaps I am not the right person to vocalize my dismay towards "feminism" because I think it's contrived and I do have some level of bias.

Mr. Frozen wrote:
"I wouldn't put the blame on feminism regarding the separate attitudes between the sexes, but rather our basic human nature. In most species, the male competes with other males to mate with a female. Females are almost always the ones that are always guaranteed a mate and as a result, they just hang back and let the males do their thing. If a male proves to be "better" than the other males, the female still usually has the ability to choose if she wants that male to mate with her or not. With of my favorite creatures, the cuttlefish, the females have an ability to make with many males and choose which sperm can impregnate her. The wonderful thing is that she usually picks the male who outsmarts the other males over the males who fight each other... more on how that relates to humans later. There are a few species out there where the females compete for males (hyenas being one)..."

I genuinely enjoyed reading that, as I am quite partial to emperor penguins myself. I admire how they work together to raise their offspring, taking turns to fish, and skipping each other in queues/lines to take showers under ice-cold runoff. Remarkably selfish and comical little creatures. But romantic too, as they do maintain loving, nurturing, and monogamous relationships throughout their entire lives. It would be foolish to think that all of civilization should live like this, but none of us are responsible for the lifestyle choices people make or desire.

Mr. Frozen wrote: "Considering males are physically stronger than females, the bonobo approach is more likely for humans. Because of well, you know, rape. The bonobo-type matriarchy is actually seen in human matriarchal societies, such as the Mosuo. Women keep the family land, and have rights over land, etc but many of them do not know who the father of their child is. However, that carries no stigma for them as men literally have no responsibilities and pretty much conserve most of their energy for having sex.."

In Fyodor Dostoevsky's Brother's Karamazov, in one of his most notoriously argued phrases (depending on whether or not you've gotten a bad translation) "Without God, everything is permissible." That is not to say that I frown upon the fringes of society or covet the most upstanding of all citizens, but it literally means exactly this. Society will always do as it very well pleases, crime will always be the scourge of civilization, evil will always juxtapose the sanctified. Man or woman, I still won't detract from my viewpoint.

Now as much as I am a statistical anomaly in my career path, I do maintain traditional values in some ways, but I do not go out of my way to tell a friend or colleague that she is a prostitute if she beds some anonymous bar patron. The same applies for my male friends. People will do what they want to do no matter what you say, how many STDs they obtain, or how much you advise them to bend to your will. It is ultimately up to them, and that's the issue with feminism. They use it as a ploy to say that it is your responsibility as a man to appease their cause and pay for their child support, their new handbag, or to pay the rent. And if they are marginally successful and you are unemployed, you are viewed as some scraggly derelict with no future. Sad but true.

As far as natural selection is concerned, I agree yet again. It would be quite dishonest to say that I do not attribute attraction as both a mental and physical concept. As much as I admire the beloved Joseph Carey Merrick (or John Merrick), I highly doubt it plausible for any woman to have a bountiful sexual relationship with this man, despite his wonderful talent and compassionate soul. I say this not to be cruel, but to create an understanding of how attraction and sexuality works-- whether it is to satiate a lustful whim or carry on our species. Even Hitler at one time had something to offer to this world that could have been beautiful; but his abhorrent, vile philosophies defeated all of which he aspired to be.