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Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:25 pm
Well? Are you? Are you one of those guys that commands a room's attention or do you shirk about in the background, mumbling to the person next to you because you don't have the confidence to deliver your opinions whether they be on point or not? I'm not saying that I'm right all of the time, nobody is perfect, but 99.99% of the time I own dat shit and it's nice to be able to have belief in yourself. Being alpha fucking rocks.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:43 pm
by Sailors?
Not on here but in real life, yes.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:44 pm
by MiTT3NZ

Bow down, bitch.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 2:50 pm
Imagine being a beta amongst your friends! Or even worse, not having friends to even be a beta around. There are people out there just like that, and I feel like we should reach out and lend these deprived souls a helping hand. My heart bleeds. :sad:

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:13 pm
by ShenmueTree
I'm quiet, yes but that's mostly because I think that approximately 90% of people around me at any given time are not worth talking to.

See the thing is, there is a lot of stupid out in the world and I simply do not wish to engage it.

I also don't think things are dry cut as alpha/beta when it comes to the societal of humanity.

I think mostly though, I'm just a bit of an ass. I like kind of psychologically creep someone out with making them wonder why I'm always so quiet.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:26 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Everybody's a dick and everybody's worth talking to. People aren't just copy/pasted sheep that a lot of people on the internet typecast them as (see the irony btw?) Everybody has done something, everybody has an opinion, a memory, a story to tell, hell you'd become friends with the most unlikely of people. I notice plenty of peeps reluctant to engage in conversation because of their skepticism towards having a mutual interest to talk about. You'll never know unless you interact with them, and even if you don't have similar interests, it doesn't mean you won't hit it off or owt.

All you're doing is placing yourself in the "lot of stupid in the world". Take yourself out of it and you'll realise that the peeps you thought woulda been have never been in it to begin with.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:27 pm
ShenmueTree wrote: I'm quiet, yes but that's mostly because I think that approximately 90% of people around me at any given time are not worth talking to.

Now ya see those people you choose not to converse with need to be told how inept they are. Don't worry about whether you hurt their "feelings" or whatever. How are people expected to change, learn or grow without being provided with honest critique? Just flat out say; "you're an idiot".

ShenmueTree wrote: See the thing is, there is a lot of stupid out in the world and I simply do not wish to engage it.

Stupidity is a necessary evil. It's there to remind clever people of how awesome they are. I've learnt to deal with it.

ShenmueTree wrote: I also don't think things are dry cut as alpha/beta when it comes to the societal of humanity.

Spoken like a true beta.

ShenmueTree wrote: I think mostly though, I'm just a bit of an ass. I like kind of psychologically creep someone out with making them wonder why I'm always so quiet.

I don't understand the creeping people out "trolling IRL" thing. People don't find it endearing, so how can you expect to gain friendships by acting weird? Remember... Real life > Internet

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:29 pm
by ShenmueTree
I think it weird that you think that I'd expect friendship from those who I wish not to socialize with in the first place.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:33 pm
ShenmueTree wrote: I think it weird that you think that I'd expect friendship from those who I wish not to socialize with in the first place.

You'd be surprised how the initially nonsensical can be quite charming in their own lovably little retarded way.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 3:42 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Right, okay then, let's use an example here...

Six years ago (feels depressing typing that) I started working behind a bar. Skinny kid, City fan, comic book reader, video game player, Hip-Hop listener, atheist. Didn't have any interest in anything there other than gettin paid. Along comes this loud mouth nob ed. Old fat bastard, munich, shouted over you, out n out racist, christian, looked down on me. Obviously I didn't like the look of him, defo didn't like hearin him.

Thing is, I'm a sociable guy. One day on my break I sit down with a pint, he comes round the corner from playing snooker n sits down next to me (his seat was there and I didn't clock) Spoke to him about the football. Tried givin it out coz I was a Blue. I gave it back. Argued like fuck for ages til I got told I was ten minutes over on my break. He'd constantly try shootin down any opinion I had on the basis of "shut up", "you're a nob ed", "the fuck do you know?", etc., etc. And I made him cry on a couple of occasions by making an absolute fool out of him (actually tricked him into believing that the word "no" wasn't in the dictionary and he couldn't find it as he's too stupid to realise that every sequential letter after the first of the word also follows alphabetical order) He offered me out on plenty of occasions too (that means he tried fighting me to non-UKers)

Guess what?

One of the best mates I ever made.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:25 pm
by mue 26
QWERTY™ wrote: Well? Are you? Are you one of those guys that commands a room's attention or do you shirk about in the background, mumbling to the person next to you because you don't have the confidence to deliver your opinions whether they be on point or not? I'm not saying that I'm right all of the time, nobody is perfect, but 99.99% of the time I own dat shit and it's nice to be able to have belief in yourself. Being alpha fucking rocks.

But Qwerty, your not an Alpha. A true Alpha would never even be on an internet forum, let alone a Shenmue internet forum that he's been a member of since he was a teenager. Word up.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:38 pm
by beedle
yes i am an alpha and any cunt who disagrees is getting glassed

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:43 pm
mue 26 wrote:
QWERTY™ wrote: Well? Are you? Are you one of those guys that commands a room's attention or do you shirk about in the background, mumbling to the person next to you because you don't have the confidence to deliver your opinions whether they be on point or not? I'm not saying that I'm right all of the time, nobody is perfect, but 99.99% of the time I own dat shit and it's nice to be able to have belief in yourself. Being alpha fucking rocks.

But Qwerty, your not an Alpha. A true Alpha would never even be on an internet forum, let alone a Shenmue internet forum that he's been a member of since he was a teenager. Word up.

Stop trying to hide behind the facade of your supposed disdain for me. I know you think I'm the sex.

I didn't join here when I was a teenager. I come here for shits and giggles sometimes to while away the time when I'm bored, at work or hungover. I have little interest in Shenmue nowadays, but I continue to come here because I genuinely think some of you guys are interesting and I enjoy some of the banter that comes with it. I won't go as far to say I enjoy anything you post though because every post reeks of banality and are all just overtly beige. You're pretty dull mate. Sorry.

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:50 pm
by mue 26
I won't go as far to say I enjoy anything you post though because every post reeks of banality

Genuine lol :lol:

Re: Are you an alpha male?

PostPosted: Fri Mar 29, 2013 4:57 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
Anyone who'd make a point of proclaiming themselves an "alpha male" on an Internet forum clearly has a complex of some kind. It's your protestations to the contrary that convince me you're the furthest thing in real life from an alpha male that my imagination can possibly conjur, and the only thing wrong with that is the sad sense of self-loathing that must cause you to roleplay in this manner. I'm just not sure whose approval you're seeking with this charade - that of strangers or, more tragically, your own. :-s