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To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:04 am
by hh1488
Ummm mm. I forgot what I was going to say... ](*,)

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:06 am
by Kenny

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:26 am
by Sonikku
It ain't easy being white in America these days. :sad:

phpBB [video]

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 12:40 am
by hh1488
No no honestly I did forget!!! :sad:

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 2:30 am
by Perfect_Chaos
im white and assuming ALL black people (or whatever minority) hate me is just foolish. sure some might or maybe most? (doubtful considering my boyish good looks and charming personality and penis size) but i just dont give a fuck. defend them/me or "hate" "them"... i just do not have the time or desire to take part in such things. im 1/16 native american, irish, and probably a little jew considering my facial features(burn me) but i just dont care. i feel extremely neutral (can one really feel EXTREMELY neutral? isnt neutral just...neutral?) but whatever. if it floats your boat or burns your jews have at it! i gotta get these bills paid, raise my 2 daughters, and get school done. dont have the time or desire to concern my self with someones skin color and the stereotypes that go with it whether the stereo types are true or not i just dont care.
EDIT: im a right winger by the way. thought id add that ;-)

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 3:22 am
by Master Kyodai
Hmmm, so if i followed correctly then Muslims ain't white, Mexicans ain't white, Jews ain't white, Asians ain't white. I guess the simple minded people just find it easy to put everything in a drawer "Good" or "Bad" - and because judging people about their action takes a brain, just get that down to judge them by their race or religion, makes stuff much easier. What really puzzles me is that you didn't play the sexual card, i totally couldn't find any bashing on homosexuals here. Otherwise perfect Nazi Troll spam post, so gratz?

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 8:45 am
by mue 26
Hey man,if white people are so cool, why do they do moronic stuff like this:

I just bought the PAL version of Shenmue 2 on Ebay. I dont have a Dreamcast and I dont have Shenmue 1. I bought it because I knew it would give me the incentive to go ahead and order the Dreamcast and Shenmue 1. If i didnt buy Shenmue 2 first I would have probably just gotten Shenmue 1 and quit, so i did this to make sure I play the whole thing, even though it will cost me money i really dont have. (jobless 19 year old)

:lol: :lol: You are such a shit troll m8. And get a job ya bum!

MK why did you not delete this shit and ban this fool?

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 9:08 am
by Oppy

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:10 am
by Peter

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 4:15 pm
by OL
Ha, I'd almost forgotten how fun the ban hammer can be.

I would delete the post too, but thought I'd leave it just so people have a hilarious reminder of how pathetic human beings can be. No objections if anyone else wants to delete it though.

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:24 pm
by Axm

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 6:53 pm
by AnimeGamer183

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Wed Jun 18, 2014 10:02 pm
by Mr. Frozen
A day never passes when I don't think of the oppression of white people in America.

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:42 am
by shengoro86
To all the racist people out there:

Two things:
If you knew anything about science, you would know that the human race started as black skinned humanoids.


If you call a black person colored, then you are f*cktard dumb.

If you knew anything about the spectrum of radiation, you would know that the combination of all colors is white, and black is the absence of colors.

So, white people are colored and black people are not.

Racist people are dumb and used misplaced hate to cover their own stupidity.

Racist people need to STFU and go learn something.


BTW Im white.

Re: To all the White people out there.

PostPosted: Thu Jun 19, 2014 12:48 am
by Perfect_Chaos
shengoro86 wrote:

BTW Im white.

Really? i always thought that was a video game character in your avatar! interesting..