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Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Mon Sep 05, 2016 7:38 am
by Yokosuka
Very Shenmuish videos.

I believe this is the first HD footage in history:

phpBB [video]

phpBB [video]

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 7:13 am
by Kiske
New Shenmue "merchandising" at TGS2016.

Image ... 06_001135/

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:10 am
by japalp
The Shenmue button/pin is the largest......Shenmue HD confirmed for TGS 2016!

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:29 am
by chrisjfinlay
japalp wrote: The Shenmue button/pin is the largest......Shenmue HD confirmed for TGS 2016!

If that was indeed happening I think I would literally crap myself with joy.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:58 am
by Kiske
japalp wrote: The Shenmue button/pin is the largest......Shenmue HD confirmed for TGS 2016!


Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 2:20 pm
by Giorgio

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 4:08 pm
by south carmain
Shenmue's release was closer to the year it was set in than to today.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:26 pm
by Sappharad
south carmain wrote: Shenmue's release was closer to the year it was set in than to today.

Today is the 15th anniversary of Shenmue II's release.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 9:40 pm
by shredingskin
Giorgio wrote: :rotflmao:

Is this real ? At what point you get this conversation ?

And now I see that the chef at manpukuken ramen is named yamamoto.

The world-building in shenmue is crazy stupid.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Tue Sep 06, 2016 11:47 pm
by ShenGCH
shredingskin wrote:
Giorgio wrote: :rotflmao:

Is this real ? At what point you get this conversation ?

And now I see that the chef at manpukuken ramen is named yamamoto.

The world-building in shenmue is crazy stupid.

I've never encountered this particular conversation before, but you can speak with these two dudes while you're trying to find out about the Three Blades; after conversing with the woman from Manpukuken Ramen, to be precise, at which point she'll point you in their direction. If you try to converse with either of them at any other point in the game, without first speaking to the woman, they'll just tell you they're busy or whatever.

If I remember correctly, they're tailors.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 1:16 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
ShenGCH wrote:If I remember correctly, they're tailors.

Oh man, some older character with bad hearing should send Ryo their way when he's looking for the lost kitten.

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 3:53 am
by Radar
Giorgio wrote: :rotflmao:

Yeah, I remember. It was then when I learned that this facial mole is called Beauty mark and it supposed to be attractive.. I don't know about that :-k

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Wed Sep 07, 2016 5:18 am
by Kiske
Radar wrote:
Yokosuka wrote: Giant Bomb is doing an endurance run : ... 300-11534/

Not bad.There's some completely unnecessary stretched jokes I think, but they are actually paying attention to story.
much better than this

I've watched the 3rd episode and bits of the first two.

Well, overall this ER does not do justice to what Shenmue really is.

The video capture is bad to say the least. They are rushing the game, missing so many aspects of its capacity to get you immersed into its World full of richness. They seem unable to read a map (In 2016 gaming!) or even listen to the dialogues until the end. They focus on the idiosyncrasies of the gameplay and NPC interactions forgetting how revolutionary it was when released. They speak to NPC merely to make fun of the voice acting (which, I accept this point, is unintentionally singular) missing the uniqueness of each of them.

The comments on the dedicated NEOGAF thread are harsh overall.
It makes me sad that they are running this playthrough with the intent of making fun of the game, like some kind of twisted clickbait, because the game deserves better than that.

In conclusion, this "Endurance Run" for masses shows how important a few aspects of remasters would be in order to avoid being trashed by the mainstream medias and gamers: Better controls and better voice acting, for the english version at least.

Update: Episode 4 was a little bit better to be fair... even if they think Ine-San is Ryo's mother. #-o

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 2:47 pm
by Arjak
So, I was showing Shenmue to my dad the other day, and I showed him the Sega Saturn in Ryo's house, when I realized something...

How does Ryo have a Sega Saturn!? It's 1986! He would have a Master System/Mark III at best! #-o

Re: Random Shenmue Thoughts

PostPosted: Sun Sep 18, 2016 3:45 pm
by BlueMue
I'm just gonna quote myself this time.

BlueMue wrote:Iwao is voiced by Hiroshi Fujioka. In other words, Ryo's father is none other than Segata Sanshiro.
If there's one guy that's able to have a Saturn in 86, it's gotta be him. I keep bringing this up, do I?