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Dreamcast Shenmue??

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 12:24 am
by n00dl3s
:? :shock: :lol: I need an extra opinion on what I should do. I have an Xbox and Shenmue II for it. I have never really played Shenmue I on Dreamcast and I'm not sure if I should shell out the money just to play Shenmue I on the Dreamcast only. What should I do? Also if I did get a Dreamcast and I wanted to play the Japanese import of Shenmue I and II on it what would I have to do in able to be able to play it on a Dreamcast? :? :shock: :lol: :( :)

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:41 am
by kckool
I've got both shenmue games and playing the 1st one isn't really essential if you know the story but it adds to the whole shenmue experience. As for playing imports you'll be needing a bootdisc, I recommend Utopia Bootdisk v1.2.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 3:48 am
by ChaiOgawa
Most everybody here would have the same opinion for you... PLAY THE FIRST ONE :O!

You've gotta play Shenmue I!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 5:12 pm
by Shodan
Exactly. While the second one is slightly better IMO, you've just gotta experience how this incredible saga began. Shenmue: The Movie is crap and does a worse job of summoning up the story than the digest movie, and you can't know how amazing Shenmue is without actually playing it! There's a ton of cool things which were taken out of Shenmue II, those I miss dearly. So c'mon dude you've really gotta experience the astounding Shenmue I first hand, you won't be dissapointed! :D

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:11 pm
by The Archfiend
I agree, u gotta get the first game.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 9:12 pm
by Cpt. Ultimate K Prime
Nice avatar H-raiser!
Dan Hibiki rules...
But, back on topic, play Shenmue I!

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:28 pm
by etjester
at this point you can get a DC and Shen1 dirt cheap, so you definately should. if you feel bad about buying a DC only for Shenmue, there are tons of other great games you cen get for it that wont cost you too much.

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 10:46 pm
by Shodan
Wise words etjester. Even though Shenmue is reason enough to buy a Dc, there's a huge back catalogue of amazing titles for our beloved little white box. Many of which are actually better than most Ps2/GCN/XBox offerings. Just to name a few... Skies of Arcadia, MSR, Jet Grind Radio, Rez, Soul Calibour, Sonic Adventure 2, Crazy Taxi, Virtua Tennis, F355... the list goes on. Get a Dreamcast dude, its really cheap these days and its one of the greatest consoles of all time(IMO).

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:08 pm
by VulkanNinja
Looking at this amazon link proves how cheap you can get a dreamcast for. With all the great games, there is no excuse

couple more things......

PostPosted: Wed Jul 09, 2003 11:09 pm
by n00dl3s
There's a ton of cool things which were taken out of Shenmue II, those I miss dearly.

What kind of things were taken out of Shenmue II and are those things on the Dreamcast version of it? Just curious. I've been searching on ebay for a package of 1 Dreamcast System, 1 controll, 1 VMU Unit, all A/V and electric cables, and the Shenmue game. If somebody was also selling a boot disc with it that would be cool too. But everybody on there sells like 4 controlls, 5 games, and I don't really need all that. If anybody happens to stumble on an auction that has what I'm looking for please tell me. :D :) :D :o :lol: 8) :D :? :shock: :D :) :( :o :lol: 8) :? :shock:

Re: couple more things......

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 1:16 am
by Shodan
oRiEntaL_n00dl3S wrote:What kind of things were taken out of Shenmue II and are those things on the Dreamcast version of it?

Cool things from Shenmue I which didn't make it for the sequel are stuff like calling people on the phone(you actually get to control the dialling hand), chillin' to tunes on your(Ryo's) stereo(you can buy loads of tapes for it) and playing videogames inside a videogame. :shock: lol -Ryo has a Sega Saturn(beats the hell outta me how he's got one in 1986), and you can get two fantastic classics(Hang On and Space Harrier) to play on it. The amazing thing is that when you load up, Ryo's hand presses the power button, then pushes the open button, puts the game CD in and closes the lid! :lol:

These great things are only found in Shenmue I, so they're not present in either version of Shenmue II. :(

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:09 am
by n00dl3s
:D :D :D :D Hmmmmmmm.......that sounds cool, yeah your right, I like Shenmue IIx, but when I play it I can't help, but feeling that I am getting a little restricted. can play games in Shenmue IIx also...In Shenmue II for Xbox you can play Space Harrier, some racing game, a rapid QTE game, a darts game, and this other game can also see him put the coin don't actually own the games..........BTW also do you buy the Sega Saturn in the first Shenmue or does he already have it....well thanks for the info. :) ;) ;)

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:35 am
by ChaiOgawa
He meant like in the actual game he has a dreamcast or whatever system that is in his living room.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 3:38 am
by kckool
Ryo already owns the Saturn, it's in the cupboard under his TV. And you have to win the two games by doing a raffle draw in tomato convenience store.

PostPosted: Thu Jul 10, 2003 4:07 am
by Gongjue