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Project Shenmue in Minecraft

PostPosted: Tue Jan 20, 2015 9:10 pm
by daza19
Just new so not sure if this is the relevant area but since its about Shenmue im guessing that it is. Started about a year and a half ago to build my favourite game ever in Minecraft, I knew it wasnt gona be easy but always looked forward to a challenge. Here are some links to the videos. ... wK5No3Q41Q and

I have done up to the harbour area and done most of the Old Warehouse District also, but that was on version 1.6.4 of minecraft and I decided to upgrade to version 1.7.10 since it ran better etc. So recently I have been working on re-doing parts of the map and upgrading them to make them look better. So far I have done the Hazuki Dojo and Yamanose, seen in this video. ... wK5No3Q41Q

If you compare an old video to the newest one you can see quite a massive overhaul so far done to those areas and wanted to show other people who also love this game progress so far. Currently doing Sakuragaoka atm and will then work towards Dobuita where the You Arcade is and then work all the way round Dobuita main street before doing the actual city where the bike part was in the game, then through the tunnel and onto the harbour. Once this map is complete I plan to start building Shenmue 2 far off in the distance on the same map if possible, but focus is on Shenmue 1 just now. Hope you all enjoy.

Re: Project Shenmue in Minecraft

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 4:08 am
by Himuro
Fantastic work, especially on the Hazuki house and dojo. Amazing! One thing though - no sakura tree?

Re: Project Shenmue in Minecraft

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 10:20 am
by Fenix
I've seen these videos. They're awesome and makes me want to play Minecraft haha.

Re: Project Shenmue in Minecraft

PostPosted: Thu Jan 22, 2015 9:50 pm
by Chaos
awesome work. I was just showing a friend this the other day. Glad to see you're still working on it. :-o

Do you plan to release it when you're done?