So what do you think of Suzukis projects post Shenmue II?

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So what do you think of Suzukis projects post Shenmue II?

Postby freakycritter » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:25 pm

Copy paste from Wikipedia:

After his departure from AM2, Yu Suzuki was involved in three ill fated projects as a director. PsyPhi was a touchscreen fighting arcade game, that initially had concepts of curved screens which never got past the concept stage. The game was however successfully completed with standard touchscreens but was never shipped as it performed poorly at location testing.[38] The biggest problem with the game was that the developers couldn't get around was that players' fingers heated up too much from the friction of moving over the screen, and the game just became painful to play.[39] Another problem was the viability of the machine in a modern arcade enviorment due to arcade operators preferring cheaper cabinets with more standard inputs.[40] Shenmue Online was part of Sega's initiative to penetrate the rising Asian MMO RPG markets.[41] With the withrawal of Sega's online division in China,[42] development of Shenmue Online was quietly cancelled[43] The development of Shenmue Online cost Sega and JCEntertainment almost $26 Million dollars [44][45] Another MMO called "Pure Breed" never got past the concept stage. It involved a western surrealist art style, and revolved around pet and human relationships.[46]

Tbh I have played Psy-Phi but wasn't that impressed. However the concepts of curved srceens were cool. I also never liked the look of Shenmue Online. However the other MMO could have been interresting.
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Re: So what do you think of Suzukis projects post Shenmue II

Postby Riku Rose » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:42 pm

I find it amazing that he was being paid and going into work each day with nothing to show for it. I really would love a breakdown of all of Yu's roles and what he was working on from 2001 to 2013. If I went a month at my job with nothing too show for it I would be talked to about it in some way.
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Re: So what do you think of Suzukis projects post Shenmue II

Postby Henry Spencer » Fri Jul 24, 2015 5:47 pm

^No different from the team within Square Enix working on Versus XIII (now FFXV) and Fumito Ueda with The Last Guardian, tbh. Suzuki's projects (as director/designer) kept getting cancelled. He still worked as producer on games like OutRun 2, Virtua Cop 3 and SEGA Race TV, though. Shenmue 3 was no doubt being worked on at some point too before also being canned. After he "left" SEGA he still worked with them as an advisor in some sort of capacity. Sometimes developers get uncredited for their work, you know (and get "Special Thanks" credits). He no doubt kept a close eye on things at the arcade division within SEGA.
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