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Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’s at

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 7:21 am
by fittersau

Calling it now. Shenmue 1 & 2 HD-VR remasters! :mrgreen:

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 8:31 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
This is where we start realizing that Jurgen Post can't have a conversation about anything without saying the topic has the company's full attention.

"Tea or coffee, Mr Post?"

"This decision has our full attention, and while it hasn't yet been made, we are committed to investigating a solution to this hot beverage conundrum."

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:19 am
by Kintor
Let's Get Sweaty wrote: This is where we start realizing that Jurgen Post can't have a conversation about anything without saying the topic has the company's full attention.

"Tea or coffee, Mr Post?"

"This decision has our full attention, and while it hasn't yet been made, we are committed to investigating a solution to this hot beverage conundrum."

I know that you're being facetious but at least listen to what Sega has to say here. The potential of VR is truly enormous; this technology represents a paradigm shift that will redefine gaming as a whole. So when someone from Sega says there working on VR I sit up and take notice. I've been waiting for VR all my life, ever since I first learnt that Sega was working on a VR add-on for the Mega Drive in the early 90s. This day has been a long time coming but at last VR is ready to go mainstream and I'm glad that Sega will once again have a part to play in this new age.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:25 am
by BlueMue
Repeating the same "promising" words on multiple matters does make them seem empty.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 11:45 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Kintor wrote:I know that you're being facetious but at least listen to what Sega has to say here.

I'm not being facetious, I'm flat out fooling around. Nothing meant by it.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 12:02 pm
by Kintor
Let's Get Sweaty wrote:
Kintor wrote:I know that you're being facetious but at least listen to what Sega has to say here.

I'm not being facetious, I'm flat out fooling around. Nothing meant by it.

Fair enough. I'm just passionate about VR, I'd rather see this thread being about what games Sega could bring to VR rather than discussing the reliably of a certain turn of phrase.

If nothing else Sega is already making its first steps towards VR. Mostly on PlayStation VR at this point. Which I'm eager to see for myself, once I get my hands on a PlayStation VR headset later this year.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 1:07 pm
by Spaghetti

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Thu Oct 13, 2016 9:23 pm
by Peter
"Shenmue has our attention"

"VR has our attention"
Releases Hatsune Miku Concert: VR future LIVE within hours


Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 7:51 am
by fittersau
Spaghetti wrote: VIRTUA REALITY

Virtua Fighter Shenmue!

I posted the link as tongue in cheek since Sega don't really announce much but found that they are getting pantsu wet with VR..

But run with this thought for a second.. Imagine a VR based Yokosuka or Dobuita.. that'd be pretty cool.

Shenmue 1 & 2 HD before any of the gimmicks though.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 8:05 am
by Kiske
Virtua Shenmue HD! :king:





Image Image Image

It's only a fan dream of course...

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:21 am
by johnvivant
Shenmue is ideal for VR because:

- already has a built-in first person mode for both adventure and fighting modes
- has built in 'focus on object' mode
- there is very little lateral motion, so motion sickness unlikely
- graphics are more basic than modern games which makes it easier for hardware to handle the 3D.
- a high level of detail is already implemented
- walking simulator gameplay ideal for VR, especially Guilin.
- on rails 'follow mode' ideal for VR

Shenmue is a great fit for VR imo.

-driving forklift
-catching leaves
- using ps move to position and drop marbles in lucky hit.
-being inside the shenmue world!

the old textures will probably look horrendous up close though.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Fri Oct 14, 2016 10:45 am
by Kintor
johnvivant wrote: the old textures will probably look horrendous up close though.

Not necessarily, in my experience so far with using VR, textures are important but a sense of immersion is the key. As it turns out people are generally willing to tolerate lower res graphics for the thrill of being in VR, which is fortunate seeing as VR requires a lot of processing power that could otherwise be used on graphics. So, I think that Shenmue would hold-up pretty well in VR, because Shenmue has always been designed as a highly immersive game.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Sat Oct 15, 2016 12:07 am
by Sappharad
johnvivant wrote: Shenmue is ideal for VR because:

- already has a built-in first person mode for both adventure and fighting modes
- has built in 'focus on object' mode
- there is very little lateral motion, so motion sickness unlikely
- graphics are more basic than modern games which makes it easier for hardware to handle the 3D.

VR doesn't need to be first person, and I think if they actually wanted to do VR they could leave it exactly how it is now with a third person view and holding a trigger to go first person. Personally, I'd prefer if it would remain 3rd person in VR, although I can understand why some people would prefer it first person for the exploration standpoint. I think making fighting first person would make it much more difficult to play instead of better, because you'd actually need to look around to see if someone was coming after you from behind.

I've been playing around with Playstation VR the past 2 days, and one of the mini-games that comes with the free "Playroom VR" game is a 3rd-person puzzle platformer where you play as a little robot that controls very similar to Clank from the Ratchet & Clank series. The game is third person where you are basically the camera looking slightly down towards the level, it kind of feels like you're watching a board game or something. As the character moves forward, the camera will follow, but you're free to look all around the level from the point where you (as the camera) are, even behind you. This was one of my favorite surprises when trying out the headset, because I hadn't read about this little game in advance.

I think when it comes to VR, it's important to consider whether the experience (in both gameplay and control) will be easier, the same, or harder than playing without VR. If it won't be the same or better with VR, then it's probably not worth doing. A good example of a game being better with VR is Rez. Rez is so much easier to control in VR because you can turn your head to target enemies that fly offscreen. It also helps significantly for the final boss because you can turn your head to target those drone things that hover around the rings and eventually start firing at you. I found that I was able to defeat the bosses much more easily in VR than when playing on the TV.

On the opposite end of the spectrum, although it's really cool to be able to look around the inside of the car you're sitting in, I think Driveclub is an example of a game that isn't as good in VR as the original. I found the fact that you're sitting in a car with all of this stuff around you (turning steering wheel, screen in front of the dash board with stuff that would normally be on a HUD) to be distracting. Perhaps it's because I lack stereoscopic vision and thus would prefer to see it in 3rd person, but I found it to be more difficult to drive more precisely due to the not being able to see the car from the outside view. I have seen reviews where people say they like being in the car better, so it's clearly not annoying for everyone. At the moment I don't have an example more terrible than that, but I'm sure that something like a first person shooter would probably be worse in VR as well, only because of turning. If you're turning with an analog stick, it's going to cause a lot of motion sickness. But you can't turn physically, because that would get annoying after a while and the camera can't see your controller if you're facing away from it.

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 2:11 am
by fittersau
johnvivant wrote: Shenmue is ideal for VR because:

- already has a built-in first person mode for both adventure and fighting modes
- has built in 'focus on object' mode
- there is very little lateral motion, so motion sickness unlikely
- graphics are more basic than modern games which makes it easier for hardware to handle the 3D.
- a high level of detail is already implemented
- walking simulator gameplay ideal for VR, especially Guilin.
- on rails 'follow mode' ideal for VR

Shenmue is a great fit for VR imo.

-driving forklift
-catching leaves
- using ps move to position and drop marbles in lucky hit.
-being inside the shenmue world!

the old textures will probably look horrendous up close though.

Catching leaves.. haha.. that would be pretty sweet though.

You might as well add combat if you get some sensors or cameras detecting the legs and elbows.. No Shenmue VR would be complete without Elbow Assault Spammage!

Re: Sega Europe President: ‘VR has caught the whole company’

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 10:39 am
by ys
Sappharad wrote:On the opposite end of the spectrum, although it's really cool to be able to look around the inside of the car you're sitting in, I think Driveclub is an example of a game that isn't as good in VR as the original. I found the fact that you're sitting in a car with all of this stuff around you (turning steering wheel, screen in front of the dash board with stuff that would normally be on a HUD) to be distracting. Perhaps it's because I lack stereoscopic vision and thus would prefer to see it in 3rd person, but I found it to be more difficult to drive more precisely due to the not being able to see the car from the outside view. I have seen reviews where people say they like being in the car better, so it's clearly not annoying for everyone. At the moment I don't have an example more terrible than that, but I'm sure that something like a first person shooter would probably be worse in VR as well, only because of turning. If you're turning with an analog stick, it's going to cause a lot of motion sickness. But you can't turn physically, because that would get annoying after a while and the camera can't see your controller if you're facing away from it.

I on the other hand, always play games like Gran Turismo with cockpit view. I like that immersion. It also helps me to feel more how the car behaves near the limit. Driveclub in VR looked weird though when I saw a demo. Something with the head movement looked odd.

Right now, I'm not against VR but I don't care much about it. Not until it's basically holograms without the need for a headset :P Some analysts wonder if it will take off when most people couldn't even be bothered to put on 3D-glasses. Others reported quite negative reactions regarding response and motion sickness which could hurt sales. One problem is that our vision doesn't work the way the headset shows things. Our brain compensates quite a lot for movement to minimize motion sickness.