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Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:50 am
by GrimMeNaCe
johnvivant wrote: Kogami, would you be able to give your version of the undub to the people behind Revive DC, so they can work their magic and get the undub to play and burn really smoothly, just like smiths undub does.

maybe contact smith to organise it?

DId you reburn it with RAW DAO and see if it works for you now? It gave me a few issues in the start but I think it was just maybe the speed I was burning with in Alcohol 120 or something. IMGburn seems to do a better job for me.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 5:51 am
by GrimMeNaCe
kogami wrote: You could put in touch me with his people?
Can they come here?

I`m going to try burning on a lower speed, the game works fine really, It did give me a few probs in the start but I think that could just be the speed I used in Alcohol 120 or maybe Alcohol 120 isn`t really that good. Is there no way a CDI could be made? Also why didn`t you fill the 2nd CD all the way? Or maybe use a dummy file in it to fill it up? Unless you already did or there is no need for it. Don`t know if ReviveDC will really make a big difference, I think your game works fine just maybe needs to be burned in a better way or maybe at a slower speed in Alcohol. Are things going good with the 3rd CD?

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:02 pm
by johnvivant
GrimMeNaCe wrote:
DId you reburn it with RAW DAO and see if it works for you now? It gave me a few issues in the start but I think it was just maybe the speed I was burning with in Alcohol 120 or something. IMGburn seems to do a better job for me.

just tried to burn with 'RAW DAO' option but disc still won't play.

the dreamcast recognises that there is data on the disc since it loads it up as an audio cd in the menu, but it won't boot as a game.

it just churns away (very unhealthy sounding) for about 30 seconds then goes to the audio cd player.

(just using regular pal dreamcast. plays everything i throw it usually)

kogami - i'm afraid that i have no contact with the Revive DC team so i can't put them in contact with you.
i surprised smith himself hasn't shown up on the forum yet. when he does i'm sure he'll know who to contact.

the user who posts all the revive dc games over at is called 'comradesnarky'

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:52 pm
by GrimMeNaCe
If you have a different burner try using that instead because Ive had issues in the past where certain burners didnt work well for certain images, also try cleaning your laser with a qu-tip dipped in isopropyl alcohol. It cant really be the game problem, cause it works fine for me, had to use RAW DAO though. But that is kinda weird. I think the MDS image can be hard for people to burn. It did give me the churn away sound a few times though but it loads every time now, I feel like maybe it was the speed I burned the disc at.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 3:59 pm
by kogami
For the creation of the file, I optimized all which was possible
-IP.BIN (Free zone region)
-sort sorttxt.txt (File on the disk in the same order as the original GD-Rom, reduces the loading in the game)
-duplicates-once (Optimize storage by encoding duplicate files once)

I did not need to put a dummy, because I use more than 90% of CD-R 80.

The original size of Shenmue Pal unmodified:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 684mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 625mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 697mb

Shenmue Pal with voice japanese:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 796mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 843mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 910mb

I have studied all the files of the game to be able to reduce has a size for a CD-R 80.

Shenmue CD 3 is well advanced,
-Cutscene dialogue "100% finish"
-NPC dialogue "70% finalized"
-Marks of drinks in the distributors by real mark "finish"
-Track CDDA passing motorcycle "included CD-R 99"
-Image creation CD-R 99 "finish"
-Image creation CD-R 80 "not started"

I have just made a version for the .cdi, The inconvenience it is because I could not put the CDDA track with format .cdi

I make just the CD 1 for the moment.
Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (CD-R 80) for imgburn test

I await your test to see if it works on your console.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 4:02 pm
by GrimMeNaCe
kogami wrote: For the creation of the file, I optimized all which was possible
-IP.BIN (Free zone region)
-sort sorttxt.txt (File on the disk in the same order as the original GD-Rom, reduces the loading in the game)
-duplicates-once (Optimize storage by encoding duplicate files once)

I did not need to put a dummy, because I use more than 90% of CD-R 80.

The original size of Shenmue Pal unmodified:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 684mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 625mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 697mb

Shenmue Pal with voice japanese:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 796mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 843mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 910mb

I have studied all the files of the game to be able to reduce has a size for a CD-R 80.

Shenmue CD 3 is well advanced,
-Cutscene dialogue "100% finish"
-NPC dialogue "70% finalized"
-Marks of drinks in the distributors by real mark "finish"
-Track CDDA passing motorcycle "included CD-R 99"
-Image creation CD-R 99 "finish"
-Image creation CD-R 80 "not started"

I have just made a version for the .cdi, The inconvenience it is because I could not put the CDDA track with format .cdi

I make just the CD 1 for the moment.
Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (CD-R 80) for imgburn test

I await your test to see if it works on your console.

Great information Kogami!

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Fri Feb 21, 2014 7:04 pm
by GrimMeNaCe
kogami wrote: For the creation of the file, I optimized all which was possible
-IP.BIN (Free zone region)
-sort sorttxt.txt (File on the disk in the same order as the original GD-Rom, reduces the loading in the game)
-duplicates-once (Optimize storage by encoding duplicate files once)

I did not need to put a dummy, because I use more than 90% of CD-R 80.

The original size of Shenmue Pal unmodified:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 684mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 625mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 697mb

Shenmue Pal with voice japanese:
Shenmue GD-R 1 => 796mb
Shenmue GD-R 2 => 843mb
Shenmue GD-R 3 => 910mb

I have studied all the files of the game to be able to reduce has a size for a CD-R 80.

Shenmue CD 3 is well advanced,
-Cutscene dialogue "100% finish"
-NPC dialogue "70% finalized"
-Marks of drinks in the distributors by real mark "finish"
-Track CDDA passing motorcycle "included CD-R 99"
-Image creation CD-R 99 "finish"
-Image creation CD-R 80 "not started"

I have just made a version for the .cdi, The inconvenience it is because I could not put the CDDA track with format .cdi

I make just the CD 1 for the moment.
Shenmue Undub Disc 1 (CD-R 80) for imgburn test

I await your test to see if it works on your console.

Wait does that mean your CDI version doesn`t include the CDDA is not as good as the MDS version?

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 1:05 am
by GrimMeNaCe
I burned this again on a different disc with Alcohol 120 with a lower speed and the thing is its not as fast as Revive DCs Undub version, the DC struggles harder to load the game and kinda makes me afraid to use it. Sometimes the disc would keep churning and then end up going to the Music menu instead. Also i didnt try the CDI you provived since you said it was missing the CDDA but before this I did convert your image to CDI and it plays worse than your original image. Maybe you should give this to ReviveDC and let them help you out, make it faster and better than their version.

I messaged Atreyu187 for you, maybe he can help you out.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 2:41 am
by GrimMeNaCe
If ReviveDC can`t help maybe you can try making a different image instead of CDI or MDS? CDI is great but you said its missing the CDDA files right? The one I converted and tried didn`t work good but that could just be the way I converted it. Also you can always try messaging Smith and see what he says.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:04 am
by kogami
Bootable image for Dreamcast can be made only in .cdi or .mdf/mds.

I suggest you look at how a Dreamcast GD-Rom works

This format .mdf/mds allows multi session.

The file size on Windows is not correct for .cdi or .mdf/mds,
789mb is equal to 684mb.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:18 am
by GrimMeNaCe
Hmmm but how is it that Revive DCs Undub uses CDI with no problems? I`ll try burning your CDI and see if it works better for me. Also your CDI is not missing anything right? Has everything like your MDS? I know MDS is better for multi-session but does your CDI have everything including CDDA? Or did you have to leave something out for it become CDI? Sorry im trying my best to understand and im reading what you gave me.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 11:48 am
by brad86
No offence but this thread is getting slightly ruined by constant posts about burning problems.
It works fine for the majority of people here, constant asking of different image formats being made just to suit one person is a bit silly. I don't mean to sound like a prick but it's a bit annoying now.

I do hope you get it working but maybe start up another thread for people to help you.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 4:11 pm
by GrimMeNaCe
Use Smiths and Atreyu187`s advice Kogami, hopefully it will help you out brother. You should also maybe try using Smiths sort order instead. Also sorry if anything got taken the wrong way, just doing my best to point out a problem, as I believe its more than just a burning thing. I appreciate your great release and sorry for all the posts but a problem needs to be pointed out regardless of how great the new release is.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:38 pm
by GrimMeNaCe
Alright Atreyu187 from ReviveDC messaged me back again. I told him all the issues I had with your game. He says he knows what your problem is Kogami. This is what he said:

``Ahhh I know what his problem is already. He is using an app that automates the process and he isn't using a proper sortxt all the files are being accessed alphabetically instead of how the game needs them. ``

I might get more information from him later on. This man knows what hes talking, the best there is in the DC scene. So you should message him as well, see if you can get some more understanding. Giving him your files will be the best thing to do if you can`t fix it yourself. You will need to end up fixing this as this more then just a burning issue.

Re: Shenmue Undub [Japanese Speech Mod] [CD-R 80/99]

PostPosted: Sat Feb 22, 2014 6:49 pm
by sm1th
This thread is starting to get a bit crazy.
Kogami should not have to deal with the endless drama that always seems to happen when releasing dreamcast selfboots.
The undub mod that Kogami created is what so many shenmue fans have always wanted.
I think Kogami did an amazing job on the project.

Maybe helpful info??:

Create an iso with the added CDDA. Open the created iso image in a virtual drive, next look at where the starting sector is for the second session (using isobuster). next use darkfalz cdda patcher on .bins to this second session lba. it will add +150 lba. then use a proper sort.txt from the .gdi. If a dummy file needs to be added, the dummy file should be the highest LBA in the sort.txt.

I might be wrong on the dummy file part...I seem to reverse that somehow?
If you are using any dc tools like bootdreams the sort order is going to be alphabetical for the 2nd session data, You want to use the sort from the .gdi and not an alphabetical one. If you want to use the sort from my version feel free.

Also I dont recommend that -duplicates once option on shenmue1..I may be wrong but the Heartbeats Bar glitch seemed to be related to not having CDDA or using -duplicates once or both?? But, to be safe I would add the cdda and not use -duplicates once.
Remember on cd3 to only use 2 cdda tracks unless you want the chime before the motorcycle sequence.