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ShenmueDB closing

PostPosted: Tue Jul 03, 2018 2:54 am
by TheTimeRanger
What started as a project to create a dynamic header for a website which changed depending on what time of day and weather it was, morphed to a learning exercise in designing and developing my own Wordpress themes, kind of got out of control and became a database for Shenmue related content, is closing. It will still stay live for posterity.

The ShenmueDB was a way for me to express my yearning to create something Shenmue related, to contribute to the community in some way. I worked my ass off on it, learned more than I thought I could and enjoyed it all the way.

The site being a one man show was never going to work, hence why I never tried to spread the word about it. I have decided to stop all work on the site going forward… And here’s why:

Three months ago, Peter asked if I wanted to help him out with the re-launch of the old lady her self, more specifically graphical elements. Three months later it has turned in to full on web design and development of the site. Even though we are all working our collective asses off to make this an amazing new era for the Dojo, with the launch of Shenmue III and Shenmue I & II HD, I’m enjoying the work. It’s a joy, a challenge and a pleasure to be contributing to the best community there is.

So thank you Peter for giving me the opportunity to serve the community I love so much. And for you who for some reason stumbled over the DB at some point, thank you for checking it out.

Now, back to work.