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Shenmue Discord

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:25 am
by Robfozz
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Some of you guys may remember an older Shenmue Discord that was somewhat popular. Unfortunately the owner of that server got tired of it and just deleted everything unannounced.

So me and an old buddy from the previous place have revived it and so far its been doing well! We have over 40 members, tons of Shenmue themed emotes and channels for everything you'd need. We have a lot of members from the Shenmue subreddit and just other fans looking to connect with a common interest, so I would love for the Dojo to join in.

We only have one rule and its to be a human being, meaning: Use common sense, dont spam, have a heart and dont be a jerk.

Thanks for your time and I hope to see a few of you there!

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Re: Shenmue Discord

PostPosted: Fri Jul 13, 2018 12:33 am
by Jibby
You've been active for barely a week since the last time you posted this. Please contribute more to the boards before advertising your Discord server. 2 months of inactivity and then less than a week of contributing isn't going to do it.