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Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 3:07 pm
by mue 26
There is only one known Shenmue fan (Kiyuu) left in the whole country though isn't there? Well, there's Kenshin too, but he doesn't count because he's a white devil ;P

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 4:52 pm
by Aimless Gamer
Just a thought, what if microsoft just started with HDing Shenmue 1 and 2? Test the water first.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 5:16 pm
by Wude-Tang Clan
I want Shenmue 3 on PC.

I'm indifferent as to which console the game could appear on; I'll buy whichever one to play it.

Shenmue HD will probably be announced this calendar year, I feel pretty confident in that. Hopefully it won't be a quick cash grab and whoever spearheads the task is given the time to update the textures in the two games; this could probably be outsourced relatively cheaply.

Personally, I think re-releasing the first game instead of the 2nd, first, could be a mistake.

Shenmue 2 is a better game, to me, and would probably appeal to a wider audience as the action is introduced much earlier. Having a digest video of the first game as an un-skipable introduction would suffice until Shenmue 1 is released at a later date.

johnvivant wrote:i also just read that this guy phil spencer is now head of xbox division which means that he's in an even better position to make a decision.

Spencer does not hold the purse strings. He sounded like he was pandering, anyway, trying to roll over the, 'gamers' odometer.

Honestly, I don't even think any internal discussions have commenced at MS or Sony, serious ones at least. Nor has there been a tug of war over who could potentially secure the license.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 6:03 pm
by mue 26
At the very least release both at the same time, but not Shenmue 2 first without S1. I can't imagine many newcomers would want to enter into the series with the second installment, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to appreciate it in the same way.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:21 pm
by urbanveteran
lavrentis wrote: Lets face it Shenmue 3 would be the only reason to buy an XBOX One.


Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 7:41 pm
by urbanveteran
Given the Yakuza series made by sega was released exclusively for the playstation 3. Cerny's involvement with yu suzuki I'd say it's a safe bet that if Shenmue hd or shenmue 3 were to head anywhere it would be in Sony's hands and on their system. Look at how Microsoft wanted to shaft gamers with their 24 hour login, preowned games monopoly, ect ect.

Then what did sony do? The smart thing! Listened to the people. The people who are the reason their companies are in this console market. They came out and said in public that they're not going to give us all these restrictions. Then what does microsoft do. Oh we will lose lots of money now, let's not shaft our beloved fans, i know! let's give them what they want now.

What a joke that was.

Back on topic, in all fairness the game is up for grabs for anyone with the balls, money and time to take it on.

Sony seem to listen to it's customers, the people. So maybe with these facts. Maybe just maybe Sony are going to make this dream finally come true.

Let's hope Sony can do it again. If Microsoft do, great it'll boost their street cred and make them look like they listen to gamers. It's a win-win. But they really do need to start showing the game to the public first. You can't just put it in the store on psn or xbl and expect ppl to download it. it needs some kind of exposure. people who have never played it need a reason to.

Fingers crossed anyway.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Tue Apr 01, 2014 8:25 pm
by Axm
This is some great news. I hope he's serious about it and makes something happen.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 12:48 am
by *Kenshin Himura*
Like I said before.... If Xboxone wants to succeed here in Japan.. They need to bring more JRPGs and Shenmue III. Phantom Dust would be plausible too, but I don't see that happening if they are focusing on their 1P games.

Btw. that Phil Spencer interview is everywhere around gaming blogs.. He could be serious... Who knows?

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 2:33 am
by Who Really Cares?
PD is happening.

Phil Spencer has all but confirmed it in recent months.

phpBB [video]

After the PS4 video this comes off a little butthurt.

Yes he laughed when he first mentioned the Shenmue contingency but he wasn't laughing when he said it was the most requested game.

But yeah it comes off as if it comes to XBox One I'm going to look silly.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 4:22 am
by Dicimania
At the moment I am not much interested in Xbox one or Ps4, but whoever brings Shenmue to their console I will buy it.
I would like to have PS4 a bit more, as I think it offers more for the money, but if MS brings Shenmue to XboxOne I just have to buy it =)

Lets hope also for HD releases, I think that would be great as the costs wouldnt be too much with todays engines and so and also it would be great to test the market.

But if MS would bring Shenmue to their console, what about the Japanese market? We all know MS just will not succeed there, or maybe that would be the opurtunity to open the Japanese market for them? I just dont know but lets hope for the best :mrgreen:

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 1:59 pm
by badamn
Glad to say i still haven't chosen sides,I might buy a 3dsxl....just wish it would plug into a tv

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Wed Apr 02, 2014 10:27 pm
by Superrayman3
mue 26 wrote: At the very least release both at the same time, but not Shenmue 2 first without S1. I can't imagine many newcomers would want to enter into the series with the second installment, and even if they did, they wouldn't be able to appreciate it in the same way.
This right here sums up one of the biggest issues that plagued the XBOX version of Shenmue II, not including the original game with the XBOX version was a terrible move, while SEGA did give us Shenmue the Movie with the XBOX version as a way to bring newcomers up to date with the plot, compared to actually playing the game the movie was a waste of time, it was boring as hell, had numerous important plot elements removed and overall felt like it was an addition that was thrown in at the last minute to help entice people to buy it (which for all intents and purposes failed miserably I might add).

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 2:21 am
by Who Really Cares?
Yep not having both was a cock up not just for newcomers but current fans as well.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 4:50 am
by AdamKoralik
Who Really Cares? wrote: PD is happening.

Phil Spencer has all but confirmed it in recent months.

phpBB [video]

After the PS4 video this comes off a little butthurt.

Yes he laughed when he first mentioned the Shenmue contingency but he wasn't laughing when he said it was the most requested game.

But yeah it comes off as if it comes to XBox One I'm going to look silly.

I had a cold when I shot the video.

And are you kidding? I'd LOVE to be wrong.

I've always preferred the XBox brand over the Playstation brand.

That aside, it would actually mean the game was here.

Though, I still don't think that's going to happen.

Re: Phil Spencer - The Biggest Request is to Bring Back Shen

PostPosted: Thu Apr 03, 2014 5:56 am
by Giorgio