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December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:33 am
by Team Yu

This Thursday the #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon seeks to campaign for re-releases of Shenmue 1 & 2 while raising awareness of the final month of Shenmue 3 crowdfunding via PayPal.

It's also the last day to make your Winning Can Raffle entries eligible for the first set of prize drawings, to include a Shenmue vinyl soundtrack album signed by voice actor Corey Marshall.

Read on for more details.

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 8:34 am
by Team Yu

This Thursday, December 3rd, the #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon has two goals.

Firstly, to maintain the pressure on Sega to re-release the original two games in time for Shenmue III. Both Yu Suzuki and his co-producer Cédric Biscay have stated the importance of this action from Sega, as it will not only allow existing fans to revisit their favorite games on modern platforms but will also open the door for new players to discover the series from the beginning, boosting Shenmue III's potential sales and increasing the likelihood of a Shenmue IV.

Secondly, this will be the last opportunity for the monthly Tweetathon to promote the Shenmue III Slacker Backer campaign, expanding the budget and range of features by pre-ordering the game and other goodies via PayPal for a limited time only.

For more details on the Tweetathon and the final phase of crowdfunding, please see

Thursday also marks the first of two deadlines in the Winning Can Raffle, so to be in with a chance to win a soundtrack LP signed by Corey Marshall (voice of Ryo Hazuki), an official Shenmue T-shirt from this September's Tokyo Game Show, and a set of rare stickers from all the way back at the Shenmue Premiere in the late Nineties, see and get your entries in without delay.

All tickets will remain eligible for the second set of prizes to be drawn in January, including a brand new Exclusive Lan Di statue from First 4 Figures. Orders for this Exclusive model have sold out, so the Winning Can Raffle is your last chance to receive one of these when they ship in the second quarter of 2016. You can however still pre-order the Regular version for $209.99 at while stocks last.

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Tue Dec 01, 2015 11:07 pm
by Tsubasa
Hopefully we will reach at least $6 500 000 at the end of the Slacker Backer campaign. It's not a lot but in regard of how slow this second campaign has been supported by gamers, it would be at least one more stretch goal. :cry:

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Wed Dec 02, 2015 2:27 am
by Axm
Ill be putting down another $120

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 5:04 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Today, folks! See the live feed and participate. :)

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 8:35 am
by Sonoshee
I've been tweeting and retweeting over the past 5 hours and I even got a friend to donate a third pledge of $60 :)

Sega's twitter pages will be flooded by now (going by the live feed), with tweets that are honest and passionate about how much the HD releases are wanted.

I couldn't be more proud of the Shenmue community! =D>

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Thu Dec 03, 2015 9:03 am
by arwinjohn
It's a great time to be alive just to experience all this great Shenmue News and happenings. Really hope to see Shenmue 1 and 2 HD release. Im very excited. The future looks brights.

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Fri Dec 04, 2015 11:44 am
by Team Yu

Going into yesterday's #SaveShenmueHD Tweetathon we noted that it would be the last opportunity for this monthly event to influence the Slacker Backer campaign, in which the budget for Shenmue III continues to be raised through PayPal until December 31st.

More than just raising awareness of the cause however, the fans descending upon Twitter found an additional way to steer the fate of this final round of crowdfunding. Ys Net themselves launched a poll seeking the blessing of their supporters to add backer rewards to the PayPal campaign that had previously been available only through Kickstarter.

With the Slacker Backer option being introduced later in response to fan demand, Ys Net had listed certain rewards as "Kickstarter exclusives" rather than "crowdfunding exclusives", inadvertently binding themselves to these semantics when preparing the list of rewards for PayPal backers. Of course it makes the most sense to treat all backers equally regardless of the platform they donated on, but this poll was required in case Kickstarter participants felt strongly in favor of clinging to the literal definition, rather than the spirit, of the initial reward descriptions and depriving their PayPal counterparts of the same rewards.

Overwhelmingly the fan base voted in the most Shenmue way possible, in selfless support of the community and the greater good of the game. Thanks to the actions of these fans on the 3rd, the PayPal campaign will be strengthened on this final stretch towards the deadline, heightening the chances of reaching one more stretch goal before Shenmue III crowdfunding is laid to rest.

Congratulations and thank you to all who voted and took part in yesterday's Tweetathon. This Saturday the results of the first set of prize draws in the Winning Can Raffle will be announced, but you can still get your tickets for the remaining four prizes at - the ultimate deadline is December 31st, when the Slacker Backer campaign comes to an end. Results of those final draws will be announced during the next Tweetathon, which of course will be January 3rd.

Unless Sega decides to announce Shenmue 1 & 2 HD in the meantime...

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:49 pm
by Yokosuka : "The Relentless Twitter Campaign to Save Shenmue Continues" ... continues/

When Twitter launched in 2006, most gamers assumed that the Shenmue series was dead in the water. The last game in the series, Shenmue II, had released back in 2001, shortly after Sega exited the console market. The big-budget franchise had earned rave reviews, but it also cost Sega a small fortune to develop. Between Sega’s financial woes and the years of radio silence, a third game seemed all but impossible.

But like Ryo Hazuki, the protagonist of the Shenmue series, fans were incredibly persistent. They used Twitter as a rallying point, banding together to share their love of the series. On the third day of every months, hundreds, then thousands of users would tweet alongside the hashtag #SaveShenmue. It didn’t matter how hopeless things seemed; they were determined to see Ryo’s journey through to the end.

shenmue iii announcement

On June 15th, 2015, the impossible happened. Shenmue creator Yu Suzuki took the stage at Sony’s E3 press conference and announced a Kickstarter campaign for Shenmue III. Within 8 hours of the announcement, the game had been fully funded. When the campaign ended in July, it had raised over 6 million dollars. Fans had never given up on Shenmue, and at long last, their faith had been rewarded.

Now, Shenmue devotees hope to harness the power of Twitter once more. Fans are using a brand new hashtag, #SaveShenmueHD, to ask for HD versions of the first two Shenmue games. Unlike their last Twitter campaign, this seems like a fairly simple request. HD remakes are commonplace, and skyrocketing Dreamcast sales prove that the demand for these games is high. However, making this dream come true might be harder than it seems.

Back in 2012, IGN reported that Shenmue HD was headed to both XBLA and PSN. According to their source, the games had been finished for “well over a year.” Sega was simply waiting for the right release window.

shenmue soccer ball

But in spite of early reports, Shenmue HD was never released. At the 2014 Sony Playstation Experience event, Sony Corporation of America director Gio Corsi said that Shenmue HD was his “number 1” request, but that there were a number of issues restricting the game’s release.

While there are no public statements regarding Shenmue HD‘s difficulties, there are a number of fan theories. Many of them revolve around an old post made on the NeoGAF message board, in which a user claims that there are copyright issues involving the game’s engine.

neogaf shenmue post

Although there’s no way to confirm (or debunk) the information in this post, it’s clear that there are complications surrounding the release of Shenmue HD. Re-issuing the first two games may seem like a license to print money, but if doing so will cause legal headaches for Sony, they might not think it’s worth the hassle.

That makes it all the more important for Shenmue lovers to show their support with the #SaveShenmueHD hashtag. If fans show Sony how important this is to them, they’ll be more willing to jump through whatever hurdles necessary to bring them to modern consoles.

Shenmue HD may be a longshot, but that doesn’t mean it’s beyond the bounds of possibility. And even if it is impossible, the Twitter campaign is still worth a shot. As Shenmue III has shown, impossible things can happen every day. ... continues/

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:45 am
by scarless landi
Enjoyed the article :]

Re: December 3rd Tweetathon

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:13 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
Good find, Yokosuka. Great article. :)