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Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

PostPosted: Thu Sep 08, 2016 7:33 pm
by Raithos
Peter wrote: Being completely up front, I've spoken with 2 relatively new members recently who said they were put off being active here. One was put off by its reputation, and the other did join and post, but had a heated debate with a couple of members and basically didn't want to post here anymore.

People can get hurt when they start looking for sailors.

Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 1:16 pm
by Yama
It's pretty ironic, when I first took over I was almost beheaded for making the site more Shenmue-centric in hopes these days would come, now we want even more Shenmue. It's a good thing. :)

As far as the site, I'd consider redoing it from scratch but run my own business, so it really isn't in the cards without some serious help due to time constraints, something I'm sure could be arranged with fellow members however. I never redid the actual site, just the design of the front page, the old content and all of it's layout is simply thrown into the new frame. Even then, standards have changed so much nowadays, it'd be done completely differently. Responsive, mobile first design would be my choice like some of my other sites (not game related).

On the good side however, the forums/news are literally as one and due to apps like Tapatalk and such, they work well still in the modern day. That is after all the most important part. Also, I'd be more than open to adding some sub forums if they are utilized. Simply agree upon some topics and let's make a thread with a poll. If the need is there, it'll be handled. Whatever everyone wants.

Social media is on the rise, we've got a few extra hands helping out with all of that now. Though again, all anyone has to do is show some serious passion and contact me, I'd gladly get others more involved. The more trustworthy hands working towards the same goal the better.

As for the donors, if you followed the directions of applying for the group I'll go ahead and approve you now. I used to get email notifications about that, not sure why they stopped. Sorry if I missed out on adding you, will do now. If you still aren't added PM me, it'll push to my phone and I'll reply.

Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

PostPosted: Wed Sep 28, 2016 11:35 pm
by ShenGCH
Much love, man :)

Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

PostPosted: Thu Oct 06, 2016 10:08 am
by The_Fuzileiro
It's great to know you have the interest on improving the forum, Yama! Sometimes we think things could be changed in a snap, forgetting all the effort and money needed to do so.
Well, I don't know how I could help, once I have no knowledge of programming... web design, etc... all I could do is donate some dolars, and discuss the changes in order to make an even better dojo.
If this takes form, please count on me!

Re: Don't you think the time of growth for the Dojo has come

PostPosted: Tue Oct 18, 2016 9:33 pm
by mceja
sounds great, I would love to chat with people in spanish.