Shenmue III Dreams

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Shenmue III Dreams

Postby Golf Wang » Fri Aug 17, 2012 5:48 am

I know this may sound strange to certain members, but I've actually had dreams about Shenmue III before. It's usually the same thing, Ryo and Lan Di are like in a desert somewhere (similar to the desert in Xiuying/Ziming flashbacks), and they are standing on like some old bridge and are about to engage in the long awaited epic battle that we've been waiting for since the first Shenmue, and then it usually ends right there and I wake up very disappointed realizing it was only a dream. Anyways, I'm just curious to see if any of you have had Shenmue III related dreams.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby Axm » Sun Aug 19, 2012 9:14 pm

Cool story bro. No I havent, but I tried. Ended up dreaming of other.. things.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby shengoro86 » Mon Aug 20, 2012 10:12 am

YES, I have! Oh man they kicked ass.

I had one a couple weeks ago during my Shenmue 2 play-through.

I remember it pretty well. First I was walking to a game store (hopefully not Game$top) and went inside and found Shenmue 3 for Dreamcast. I flipped out, stole it and ran home (haha i dont know, in real life I would have payed for it), booted it in my HKT-01 and hacked the GD-Rom files (I specifically remember looking at the 1st_Read.bin in some hex editor probably HxD since I use it alot) and then I got pulled into my HKT-01 and got transported to Guilin 1986. I became Ryo and went on an adventure in that cave and went to Languishan. For some reason, I would meet Shenhua's father and he would always be a dark shadow ( goddamn shenmue secrets) but he would always feel like some type of powerful figure. The dreams would end the same way too, with me as Ryo defeating some ultimate enemy, who was also a shadow.

Its amazing what physics can do in your mind.

It was soo real it almost felt like I was living Shenmue in some alternate reality after pondering the series for over a decade.

You know, in theoretical physics, which I do work on in Princeton NJ, we have a theory that all things thought up actually create different worlds that exist outside of our plane of reality.

Maybe shenmue is out there somewhere.

You could rationalize the idea when you think about hyper-physics involving quantum entanglement.

Its very complex but fascinating.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby desheikh » Fri Jan 23, 2015 7:42 am

they are standing on like some old bridge and are about to engage in the long awaited epic battle....
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby elfshadowreaper » Fri Jan 23, 2015 11:57 am

I've had a few dreams where they announce Shenmue 3 will be released, but I don't remember ever having one where I'm in the Shenmue universe.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby Chaikilla » Fri Jan 23, 2015 8:39 pm

I don't really remember my dreams that well but I know I've dreamt a lot about Chai. He still haunts me to this day. I think I had a dream about Chai attacking Ryo and Shenhua in the cave after the whole floating sword fiasco. Scary stuff.

Those bulging eyes and that voice get me every time.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby _StreetSonic_ » Sat Jan 24, 2015 11:14 pm

I don't think I've ever had a Shenmue 3 dream. My Shenmue dreams are usually close to nightmarish, but yet interesting, so I do and I don't like dreaming about Shenmue. I can say the funniest dream of Shenmue that I had was that Ryo was an astronaut and he came back to Earth. He was in a white bulky space suit and his hair was in a bun on the back of his head. He didn't have a helmet and he was fighting like he does on the games.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby BlueMue » Sun Jan 25, 2015 7:28 am

Even though I think about Shenmue just about every day it never enters my dreams.
I recall only one Shenmue dream that I had just the day before the post mortem event. It wasn't about the game itself but rather it's announcement with a trailer where Ryo was trying to catch a train on a very crowded station.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby YAZUKI PS4 » Tue Jan 27, 2015 9:18 am

My drems of shenmue 3 its dead its sega yu suzuki fault i hate them :twisted: :agrue:
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby _StreetSonic_ » Mon Feb 02, 2015 4:55 pm

Finally had one today! It was about Shenhua's adopted father being a spirit in the cave, he tells Ryo something important, and Ryo leaves the cave to search for something.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby T'Pei » Tue Apr 14, 2015 12:34 pm

Yes, not recently. I haven't played Shenmue in about 10 years now. It happens infrequently still, though. One can only dream...and all that jazz.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby KiBa » Thu May 21, 2015 11:50 am

I used to have vivid Da Yuan Apartment 207 dreams.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby raheelmushtaq » Mon Jun 01, 2015 9:52 am

I used to have dreams involving that fighting pit in Shenmue 2 but not what happens after that.
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Re: Shenmue III Dreams

Postby sand4fish » Mon Jun 01, 2015 1:43 pm

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