Shenmue III Ready for Next-Gen!!!

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Postby Sixfortyfive » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:06 pm

Like I said, I'm giving him the benefit of the doubt. I just think he's getting himself carried away with a non-issue. We haven't learned much of anything.

When I hear "OMG GUYS SHENMUE 3," I expect to see more details than "This webmaster I know totally knows some guy at Sega that says Shenmue 3 is actually finished, except it's not actually being coded yet and we don't know what system it's gonna be on. And don't expect to hear anything from Sega about it."

And the PA forums are generally level-headed. It's the only heavy-traffic forum I know of that doesn't get into console war bitchfests or spouts shit like "lolz Kidtendo". I'll admit that I haven't gotten anything more specific than "Adam talks big and plays up gossip," so it's all just he-said she-said to me right now.

EDIT: The relevant thread, for anybody who cares. It's 9 pages of "OMG AWESOME" and then the skepticism kicks in.
Last edited by Sixfortyfive on Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:28 pm, edited 2 times in total.
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Postby SpikyAd » Mon Aug 29, 2005 2:11 pm

landi vs ren wrote:
SpikyAd wrote:Wouldn't it cause him to loose his job if he was lying and making this up?

More like his life.

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Postby Ana » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:09 pm

Well, this sure brightened my day when I read it. I understand it isn't an official announcement from Sega (hence my not jumping for joy and dancing around) but it's still nice to know some information on the current situation with Shenmue III. I also don't see any reason why Adam Doree would want to make this up.

He probaly knows that Shenmue fans are sick of rumours and no word from Sega, and just want to know what's up with Shenmue III. And while the Shenmue games got great reviews, it wasn't really a money maker so it's not like he's trying to make waves all over the internet with this. It's just Shenmue information for Shenmue fans.

I never really visited Kikizo since it's a European based site, but giving it a browse after reading the Shenmue article, it is pretty quality stuff. Now I guess all that's left is to wait and see what happens.
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Postby TEEPO™ » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:33 pm

SHENMUE III spoiler:

Lan Di returns to Japan and burns down the Hazuki residence.


Anyway, this is good news. Thank fuck for that.
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Postby NeoShredder » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:36 pm

I wrote:Well, I mean come on, I could have said Shenmue III was coming and wrote an article about it. But Adam Doree is a respectiable guy who runs a site whose staff fly out to Japan all the time. Just look at their excusive new 30-minute ZELDA: Twillight Princes footage. They are actually talking to Mr. Miyamoto himself during the gameplay, and they have a professiional translater to do it. And then have another 30-min interview with him afterwards as well.

If it was fake, he certainly couldn't keep up this charade (i.e. challenging Gamespot) for as long as he has.

If he WAS trying to fool US, he couldn't have posted it on HIS OWN WEBSITE, would he? Its still on the main page as well
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Postby Lan Di-sama » Mon Aug 29, 2005 3:43 pm

Well, the fact that we might not hear news for a while is a little upsetting, but hearing more word from Adam kind of wipes away any doubt I was starting to have. He warned us that Gamespot would discredit the article anyway.
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Postby WantaShenmue3 » Mon Aug 29, 2005 6:54 pm

I think they will announce it at E3 2006.
All with pictures, trailers etc.
Like a huge show, i hope they release it for all machines.
With the Ps3 they say i think that the Blu-ray disk later could hold 200gb data so Shenmue 3 wont have to be compressed as much meaning better graphics i think.
Imagine that one whole flowing game,
it is way better that way, more enjoyable changing the disks would sort of interupt the mood.
Plus they say Blu-ray costs less to make than Dvd's,
less disks also mean it's cheaper and Ps3 is more popular in Japan and maybe will be overall more popular everywhere.
plus isn't Ps3 more powerfull.
I am going to buy all 3 so i hope it comes to Ps3 because of the amount of space the disk can hold and it will play High Definition movies,
so if they also include Shenmue the movie it will be better in High Definition.
Hopefully it will be for all machines it should make more money and might be advertised more if on all 3.
Last edited by WantaShenmue3 on Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:15 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Muzz » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:01 pm

dont get ahead of urself there WantaShenmue3 cos nothing was certain only the game was basically finsihed no definate system and backing, theres still a long way to go but its a step in the right direction and thats what im happy about.
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Postby Kenny » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:13 pm

As always, if it really happens, i'll be looking forward to two huge adventure titles.

I still prefer an official confimation from THE source (SEGA themselves), but anything else is good enough for me. And if it ends up being 100% true, that's a good slap to the face to anyone who denied the continuity of the series, gave up, and mocked other members who were still looking forward to it.

Patience is a Virtue after all.
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Postby Henry Spencer » Mon Aug 29, 2005 7:45 pm

^ That is EXACTLY what I was trying to say, I agree totally, wait for the official confirmation THEN party!
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Postby LanDC » Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:02 pm

Funkmistress wrote:Penny Arcade and UKR. He's not reviled or anything, he just apparently has a reputation for big talk. I can't vouch for their credibility, this being the internets, but the demographic split seems to be about 95% "don't know who he is, but it's great if true" and 5% "I know the guy, take this with a ton a salt". Food for thought.

Adam says that the badmouthing he receives on the UKR forum is more of a "joke." Here's what he had to say about the UKR and Penny Arcade situation: (Oh, and incase you're wondering who Matt is, that's me. ;))

Adam Doree wrote:Also Matt, can I just point out that Funkmistress, who is questioning my credibility on page 50 of your "megathread", he should know that when I am bashed on UKR's forum it's sort of as a *joke*! In case he didn't notice, every single user gets hammered, all the users call each other "cunts", it's just a fun thing that has formed over time. Hell, I slag myself off on that board more than anyone else, just for a laugh. And whenever I drink with the dude who runs the main UKR site I ask him when he'll start slagging me off on UKR again like the old days. See the broad picture?! As for Penny Arcade, I haven't checked their forum out, but whatever... in fact, considering that the sheer volume of traffic their front page brought to us completely overshadowed the thousands of other different referring sites - combined! - over this last week, they have my blessing to say whatever they like about us! I seriously had no idea that site was so huge. But anyway - I'm not exactly worried about it, and I think 90% of the feedback to this thing has recognised Kikizo as trustworthy and credible, for the reasons you have cited a number of times, so frankly, the remainder can think what they like, for whatever reasons they have from seven years ago or whatever."
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Postby Axm » Mon Aug 29, 2005 9:05 pm

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Postby Underdog » Mon Aug 29, 2005 10:45 pm

WOWOWOWOW! Shenmue 3 is coming! I am happy! This must mean Sega has plenty of money to finish it all. Cool beans!
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Postby GamesMaster » Tue Aug 30, 2005 7:32 am

There is a letter on today's GameCentral teletext page (UK Channel 4 P379) asking about Shenmue III and although it offers nothing new I thought some people might want a read, perhaps someone form the Dojo wrote the letter:

Capture from the teletext veiwer on my PC:

That's supposed to say Inbox but it's borked. :lol:
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Postby JoeMDesign » Tue Aug 30, 2005 12:01 pm

GamesMaster wrote:There is a letter on today's GameCentral teletext page (UK Channel 4 P379) asking about Shenmue III and although it offers nothing new I thought some people might want a read, perhaps someone form the Dojo wrote the letter:

Capture from the teletext veiwer on my PC:

That's supposed to say Inbox but it's borked. :lol:

I'm sure they're joking. I read that too and I think they're just letting everyone know that they DON'T know.

(former Digitiser contributer talking... Well... I did one of their weekend features... but it was just a fan thing... Not PAID for it or anything...)
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