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Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Fri Oct 16, 2015 3:49 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
fittersau wrote:
shenmue852 wrote: so i really wonder if Nocon being hired to work on Shenmue III was partly to cancel his fan made HD remake, so they wouldn't have to compete with it if they re released.

One man cannot compete with a studio of staff who have the code source and all materials. While Noconkid making all the beautiful environments is possible, making all the interactivity and logic behind Shenmue 1 would take one person a very long time indeed.

Noconkid got hired because he's already skilled with UE3+UE4. He can make high resolution environments and present them beautifully. He already mentally dedicated himself to make "Shenmue-something", so why not make history and make Shenmue 3. He's the second fan Ys Net have hired.

In addition to those two points...

3) Shenmue 1 & 2 are the responsibility of Sega, and Sega didn't hire him.

4) If you want someone to stop making a game with your IP, you issue a C&D. You don't have to bribe him with a place on your payroll.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:39 pm
by shenmue852
Noconkid releasing anything at all, even an incomplete version, would be seen as potentially interfering with the impact and sales of a re released original. those maps are small, so even maps without interactivity would be enough to worry Sega, who already aren't enthusiastic about re-releasing Shenmue, but are very much aware of their obligation to do so.

not that he wasn't also hired by YsNet because he's talented and amply demonstrated his suitability for the project, but it's certainly possible that it's 2 birds and one stone. Sega and Ys have each other's ear as far as Shenmue is concerned.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 2:41 pm
by punkmanced
shenmue852 wrote: Noconkid releasing anything at all, even an incomplete version, would be seen as potentially interfering with the impact and sales of a re released original. those maps are small, so even maps without interactivity would be enough to worry Sega, who already aren't enthusiastic about re-releasing Shenmue, but are very much aware of their obligation to do so.

not that he wasn't also hired by YsNet because he's talented and amply demonstrated his suitability for the project, but it's certainly possible that it's 2 birds and one stone. Sega and Ys have each other's ear as far as Shenmue is concerned.

Not exactly far-fetched for Nocon to have a clause in his contract preventing him from ___.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 4:05 pm
by Himuro
Nocon kid would be hit with a clause but to think he was hired BECAUSE of that is foolishness.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 9:47 pm
by Anonymous81
Yeah, I sincerely doubt they are going to fork over pay, allow him intimate insight into the development process, and then publicize it, all just to stop him from releasing a (truly beautiful) fan project when they could have (or SEGA could have) simply issued a C&D, flagged his YT for copyright, and been done with it.

Could it maybe be a case of two birds one stone? Possibly. But it seems more likely they felt (given their limited budget and need to be selective with hires) the project would legitimately benefit from his presence. Which is awesome.

So much cynicism despite being a fanbase that literally achieved the impossible on a miraculous level. :/

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 18, 2015 11:21 pm
by punkmanced
Hiring an ultra-dedicated Shenmue fan with abundant Unreal 4 experience, whilst successfully/ legally binding him from releasing anything in the future that could be seen as competition.

Multiple birds with one stone; in other words, a good business deal.
This shouldn’t be hard to understand.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 19, 2015 10:32 am
by shenmue852
yep, also these people that think a non commercial fan project can be easily crushed have no idea what they're talking about and obviously haven't heard of the Streisand effect either.

maybe people with poor reading comprehension skills can't get past their assumption that we're saying it's more to kill his fan project than because he's talented, when really no one is claiming that they would hire him if he weren't talented, if not for his talent none of us would even know who he is.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 12:28 am
by Anonymous81
(Triple post due to 505 error, yay.)

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Tue Oct 20, 2015 11:06 pm
by Anonymous81
To hopefully put to rest the above debate, from the new Dual Shockers interview.

G: I heard that you hired Kid Nocon that created a Shenmue HD Remaster fan project to work on Shenmue III, how did that happen?

YS: Kid Nocon is a big fan of Shenmue. He recreated the image of Shenmue in Unreal Engine 3. Because of that I asked him to work on Shenmue III, since his work on CG was really high quality. Many fans already knew about him.

I met him during a lecture I had in Korea last year. I knew that he was Korean, and I wanted to meet him. He came to my lecture. During the autograph session afterwards, he introduced himself and I invited him to have a coffee together.

Nocon Kid told me he wanted to help with development and that he’d come to Japan as soon as I called him. After the successful Kickstarter I called him, and he came from Korea to come join us.

G: That’s a great story. So now he moved to Japan?

YS: Yes, now he lives here. ... much-more/

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 1:20 pm
by shenmue852
the "debate" exists only in your head, nobody said that Yu Suzuki wouldn't have been a fan of Nocon or wouldn't have sought him out anyway.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 2:19 pm
by Himuro
shenmue852 wrote: the "debate" exists only in your head, nobody said that Yu Suzuki wouldn't have been a fan of Nocon or wouldn't have sought him out anyway.

Actually, you said this.

so i really wonder if Nocon being hired to work on Shenmue III was partly to cancel his fan made HD remake, so they wouldn't have to compete with it if they re released.

Competing with a fan remake.

And there definitely was a debate. It wasn't in his head. We debated this an entire page. You made multiple posts defending your position. That is in effect, a debate.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Wed Oct 21, 2015 7:08 pm
by Anonymous81
Not to mention those of us who doubted that proposition and said they could have simply issued a C&D had they really wanted to were told a few posts up that we, quote, "have no idea what we're talking about." So that seems like a debate to me. And an unnecessarily acrimonious & heated one, at that.

I do not desire such divisiveness, personally. Not why I'm here.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 6:38 pm
by Telekill
So, we're all pretty sure that an HD collection won't happen due to Sega hating its fanbase right?

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Sun Oct 25, 2015 7:41 pm
by GYO6161
The fact that Shenmue 3 is happening, i'm hopeful for anything, i mean Shenmue 1 and 2 are already done games, before SIII was announced, most fans were betting for an HD collection announcement before 3, i still hope it will come.

Re: When Sega inevitably announces the HD remasters...

PostPosted: Mon Oct 26, 2015 6:45 am
by Hanzumon
I don´t think, that Sega will produce the HD-remasters in the next few years. Sega doesn´t believe in the shemue-IP anymore. No support for shenmue 3. Nothing.

Maybe Sony will invest some money for the remasters. Or we will get the first two games in HD after the release of shenmue 3.