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Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:06 pm
by ash55
It's all good. Hopefully you don't feel attacked for being an Xbox fan. I also absolutely loved the original Xbox. I got one after trying Halo at a friend's house (same friend who lent me his Dreamcast because he knew I had to try Shenmue).

It was so cool to buy a lot of SEGA games like Shenmue 2, Jet Set Radio Future and Crazy Taxi 3 on the console. Sadly, over the years, Xbox is no longer what it used to be (to me)... When 360 launched, things looked bright and promising, especially with Sony's disastrous "Five-hundred-and-ninety-nine-US-dollars" moment. Then Red Ring of Death hit and after year after year of absolutely awful, awful management, the brand has not only declined, it's now nosedived. The launch of Xbone was just the final straw, and everyone I play with jumped from Xbox Live to PSN. Fortunately, Xbox is making a slow recovery now and we'll see what happens in future. I'd love to see a new Xbox console some day that returns to form (the damage is done on Xbone IMO).

But enough about Xbox... If you have no reason to back the Kickstarter, that's fine. But if you think you may own a PC or PS4 in future, then definitely consider it. Or hell, you could probably sell your copy when the game launches if you still haven't bought a PS4 by then. Even if you can't play it, you can still do whatever you want with your copy. Random thought... if you got the $80 version, you'd have both the Backer-only case sleeve and the Telecom item which won't be available to people buying the game on launch. So who knows? You may make your money back, or even sell for higher if there are people looking to buy the limited Kickstarter edition.

If you have a collector mindset, simply owning the Kickstarter edition is a pretty nice proposition IMO too... Before physical PS4 was announced, I backed physical PC even though I had no intention of playing it on PC. I was going to keep it wrapped up and locked away, and instead download the game on PS4.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:20 pm
by Axm
In the future dont take gaming bloggers seriously who are not specifically fans of something who which will generally have less information because they generally dont do the proper research.
Alot of people out there on YouTube want to stir up speculation as if its fact so they can sound cool and "in the know" while getting more clicks/subscribers but they have no fucking clue what they are talking about and should be trusted the least of anyone out there.

Also stop being an Xbox fanboy and start being a Shenmue fanboy.

Welcome to the Dojo. All your sins are forgiven.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:27 pm
by darkratchet
I own an xbox one, wii u and a ps4. I have no problems with the xbox one other than the interface is cluttered.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Sat Jul 11, 2015 8:51 pm
Domosuke wrote: I want to first of all apologize to the Shenmue fandom. I might end up changing my mind on contributing to the project. I unfortunately just went on youtube (as that's not a good source for the collective) and saw many gaming bloggers show lots of negative comments about this whole situation so I guess didn't see it from the other point of view.

Going back to the beginning, I kinda found out about Shenmue in a strange way.

And yes you caught me, I'm an Xbox fanboy. But I guess I'm just going to have to get over it. I would prefer for Shenmue 3 to be on Xbox, but playstation is fine.

And also I just now found out about the kickstarter

I first heard about the game when I got an Original Xbox back in 2002 for christmas as I already had a ps2 at the time and I was about ten years old. The sample disc which came for free in every console, had Jet Set Radio as a launch title, had a teaser trailer two minute video for Shenmue 2. I got intrigued.

So I went to my local gamestop and asked if they had it, and the clerk suggested that I play the first one. My older brother had a dreamcast so I bought the first Shenmue and fell in love with it. I love all modernized diverse and westernized characters, as well as a feudal japan theme to it surrounding the Chinese/Japanese mafia.

So after I completed Shenmue 1, I then bought Shenmue 2 and the rest is history.

At this point being that Shenmue 2 is still compatible on an Xbox 360, I just find it sad that it's never going to be on the next version on the xbox. But again, that's the way the cookie crumbles.

Thank you for your comments. :)

No worries and thank you for apologizing, it's very difficult for many people to do especially on the internet.

As for being a fanboy, I have no issues with fanboys, just more so when politics is involved and a lot of people are still upset to this day that Shenmue II never came to the Dreamcast in the US, and vice versa that Shenmue never came to the Xbox in PAL format in Europe so it created much division when this should have been for the fans and not for all intent purposes of being exclusive and harming players that were originally anticipated for the game.

I also had my first experience playing Shenmue II for the Xbox, I knew about the game well in advance going back to 2001, I didn't have a Dreamcast at the time but had ended up borrowing someone my Xbox (I had a launch Xbox at the time) for their Dreamcast and I was playing Phantasy Star Online, while playing the game, I had a school friend (I was in highschool at the time) in my tech lab who was obsessed with the game and had told me about the game that you could play in arcades, walk around a town and fight in large battles. At the time, I had done research but couldn't afford the game. Around 2002 since I already had a Xbox, I saw some information about Shenmue 2 coming to the Xbox and played the demo that came with the Xbox magazine and ended up renting the game at blockbuster on launch and then got it for Christmas that same year, it was the first time I had ever played Shenmue II until I bought a dreamcast sometime in 2004 and ended up playing the first game and bought the second for Dreamcast. So like you, I would have considered my self a fanboy at that time (though I'm more of a PC gamer and prefer games for their quality regardless of system).

My issues with Microsoft and Xbox has little to do with the console and games it's self, it's more my experience over the years having been a loyal fan of the Xbox, issues that happened with my XBL gamertag (long story regarding a security compromise), and piss poor business and marketing decisions but has little to do with how I view Xbox fans in general. Anyways that's going off topic.

Anyways, going back far enough, Shenmue was one of those games that people either really loved or hated, and unfortunately that continues to be the case today, it was seen as a cult following type of game that unfortunately had a lot of bad luck due to it's history and timing on consoles and people really not giving it the love and respect that it could have had if people were willing to give the game a try. I defended my interests in the game against COD fanboys and against those who had "heard' of the game but had no interest or wouldn't even bat an eyelash to the game, most of them have the attention span of a fruitfly and rather than look at a interesting story would prefer massive body counts in some deathmatch on a FPS game.

Over the years, we've anticipated and have been disappointed just waiting for some sort of announcement, we'd wait every year to hear some news about Yu going off to AM2 or Sega Europe saying "Never say never" or "Shenmue is not presently in development" or Yu Suzuki going silent whenever someone would bring up the question wondering what was going on with the game if we'd ever see it. A few years ago I think it was around 2013 when there was some news about interest in Yu Suzuki doing a kickstarter, it renewed some interest but it was talk and no conclusive evidence at that time it would be something that would happen in the near future, so for many of us who have been waiting this many years, a lot of us have lives, work, school etc. and somewhat had moved on and personally for me to hear after practically a decade and replaying the games over the years, to me I will take this and i'm sure many other fans including the 50,000 some contributors on kickstarter will too.

In regards to others talking bad about the game or the negative reviews, it's the internet and they are simply trying to validate their opinion by playing the skeptic and the pseudo intellectual as if they have ever done anything positive themselves. They would be complaining that Shenmue hadn't been made and it was time for us to move on as much as they would be complaining that the game is being made, there is no way to satisfy those type of people and therefore their opinion is irrelevant to me.

If you wish to see the game on Xbox, then it all depends on the success of the game, if there's a market, there's nothing theoretically restricting Shenmue from coming to Xbox. I don't have any consoles anymore except my Dreamcast and i'm buying the PC version, i'm sure requirements won't be high as UE4 is pretty well optimized. Best way to look at this is from a positive angle, I will be contributing what I can while staying realistic about my bills because I want this game to be made.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Sun Jul 12, 2015 1:38 am
by TwiceFriedRice
Being an Xbox fanboy and being misinformed is one thing, but your OP lacked basic common sense. Did you stop to think for even two seconds before you wrote that?

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 4:49 am
by Domosuke
First of all no disrespect you , but what do you mean common sense?

What common sense? If it were common sense I would have never started this thread to clear up things in which nobody has real answers to, just speculation, hence why I titled this thread that. I already explained I'm new to hearing this news, because I did not pay attention to E3 this year, in addition to the fact that Shenmue is a video game franchise which average gamers who play Call of Duty and other FPS 24/7, might not even care about, so outside of E3, I probably would have never heard of it. I just stumbled upon gaming youtube channels searching for something unrelated and I see Shenmue 3 E3 discussion, and I thought it was a joke at first. I'm a little late to the party, but I still have knowledge of the setup.

All we know is that Shenmue 3 was announced at E3 which is a convention for upcoming video game titles, and video game services, and it was at the Playstation/Sony panel, and it will be a console exclusive for right now, and possibly for the foreseeable future. Also Sega and Microsoft, who I believed currently held the rights to Shenmue 1 and 2, will not be apart of this.

In addition, Sony is just merely providing advertising and publishing, the developing is up to us fans and other parties who are willing to contribute to the kickstarter. Whatever funds are earned from the kickstarter, will determine the status of the game.

I saw youtube videos, which can be six one way, half a dozen another to whether or not it's a credible source, of people mentioning the things I mentioned and also have bittersweet feelings towards the whole crowd funding idea.

I just had some questions, that I would have asked earlier and probably would have been on the same page and level as everyone else, had I payed attention to E3. There really isn't any excuse, I feel a fool because I live in Los Angeles and usually I pay attention to it. Of all the years not to. :rotflmao:

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 6:01 am
by Hyo Razuki
PILMAN wrote:As for being a fanboy, I have no issues with fanboys, just more so when politics is involved and a lot of people are still upset to this day that Shenmue II never came to the Dreamcast in the US, and vice versa that Shenmue never came to the Xbox in PAL format in Europe so it created much division when this should have been for the fans and not for all intent purposes of being exclusive and harming players that were originally anticipated for the game.

Hope I don't sound like a complete smart-ass now, but to be fair to Microsoft, Shenmue 2 did come to the PAL regions on Xbox. I own a copy of it and it even came with a PAL DVD of the Movie. The only ones who got fucked over were North American Dreamcast owners because they had to import the PAL version if they wanted it on DC and maybe Japanese Xbox owners, but since only 3 or 4 Xboxes were ever sold in Japan, I guess that didn't matter. :D

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:03 am
by Domosuke
Hyo Razuki wrote:
PILMAN wrote:As for being a fanboy, I have no issues with fanboys, just more so when politics is involved and a lot of people are still upset to this day that Shenmue II never came to the Dreamcast in the US, and vice versa that Shenmue never came to the Xbox in PAL format in Europe so it created much division when this should have been for the fans and not for all intent purposes of being exclusive and harming players that were originally anticipated for the game.

Hope I don't sound like a complete smart-ass now, but to be fair to Microsoft, Shenmue 2 did come to the PAL regions on Xbox. I own a copy of it and it even came with a PAL DVD of the Movie. The only ones who got fucked over were North American Dreamcast owners because they had to import the PAL version if they wanted it on DC and maybe Japanese Xbox owners, but since only 3 or 4 Xboxes were ever sold in Japan, I guess that didn't matter. :D

As someone who both had a dreamcast and an xbox in their household, I consider the xbox a sequel to the dreamcast, and people can disagree and I really don't care. Again, I'm an obscure gamer and I know about things you don't.

I never did get why people got upset over Shenmue 2 not being on the dreamcast. Shenmue 2 on the xbox original had way better graphics and everything. And was cheaper to buy.

Why couldn't people just buy Shenmue 2 for the Xbox?

I don't know about Japan, but as far as the United States is concerned, I'm sorry but the original Xbox blew the ps2 out of the water. I mean what gamer didn't have an original xbox the time Shenmue 2 came out.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:12 am
by Hyo Razuki
Don't wanna start an argument about this one but I personally liked the DC version of S2 better than the Xbox version. The Xbox version has its merits such as the Photo Mode and the shadows look great too. But on DC the whole game just looks... I don't know how to put it... crispier? I just prefer the DC look. Also you could use an S1 save state and the Xbox version has a lot of little graphical mistakes which the DC version doesn't. See here: ... mcast.html

That said, I love the Xbox version too. I don't know Japanese, so it's great not having to read the English subtitle like in the (European) DC version.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:27 am
by Domosuke
Also, does anyone know how long the kickstarter incentives will last for?

I can't donate the amount I want to until another couple weeks or so, I'm not rich like the rest of you :P. I can donate the thirty dollars now, but I want to give more, yet I won't be able to if they are closing it in a few days like I heard.

Re: PS4/Sony exclusive (No Sega involvement) speculation

PostPosted: Tue Jul 14, 2015 8:29 am
by Hyo Razuki
Guess there will be some slacker backer option, or maybe some sort of Paypal option, but there is no official statement as of right now. Guess they don't wanna take any momentum out of the KS.