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Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:15 pm
by shenmue852
oh you mean the guys that fired their editor because the developers of KANE AND LYNCH tried to buy a good review and he gave a shitty game a 7/10?

If Awesome Japan of YsNet sent them a check or promised to buy the the most expensive tier of advertising that they plaster all over their shitty site, I guarantee they'll act like bigger Shenmue fanboys than any of us.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:33 pm
by mjq jazz bar
I'll never forget 6.8.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 2:41 pm
by shenmue852
does anyone still read gamespot? In the mid 2000's they were competing with IGN, mainly because IGN gave extremely lenient reviews. Once they fired their editor because he didn't sell a good review score in exchange for advertising, they lost all credibility- but of course it's been long enough that people forgot about that, BUT, by the time people forgot, there was a lot going on with YouTube and Gametrailers expanding and the rise of smaller sites like Kotaku- leaving a site like Gamespot irrelevant. IGN persists because of their seemingly infinite budget.

who even cares about Gamespot anymore?

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 3:09 pm
by Aimless Gamer
I dont get it people always bitch about how games are all the same but this one is new and they cant play for more then 10 min...

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 4:42 pm
by itapck
*"Is Shenmue a Good Game?"*

They didn't even bother to include the second game in their impressions which is far superior in every way... That's like giving your impressions of the first Witcher game in anticipation of Witcher 4 instead of using Witcher 2 or 3 instead. If you're going to do something Gamespot, then do it right!

They dont know a thing about shenmue and the japanese culture. He said this game is weird wtf, the first shenmue was good but shenmue 2 its way better shenmue 1 ... GameSpot : Dont talk about a game you never played before and yes the dub version is bad. I play shenmue 2 with japanese voices with english subtitles, there is a new version made by a group of people = shenmue 1 undub

Don't understand how they can just throw around these opinions about a game they haven't even properly played. I mean fuk me, it's been out for 14 years, and they've played a combined total of about an hour between all 3 of them. Of course they don't "get it".

I think Shenmue is amazing I played Shenmue 2 years ago and I have to say that those guys don't get what this game is really about. The game starts slow and it doesn't really hold your hand so its easy to get bored quickly especially when you compare it to games from today. But the magic happens when you finally start to realize that the game is more open than you think. But you don't have to be afraid to do random stuff like opening every drawer in a certain room.

These fucking guys sitting there taking the piss
makes me sick, this game was epic back in the day and still is. Lets see you make anything half as good, fuck them.

" Sony is getting NO MONEY FROM THIS GAME "

How DELUSIONAL can a game journalist FANBOY be? Were you there to see what Sony and the developer negotiated? Shenmue will come FIRST on the ps4. Isn't that already some kind of financial advantage? And I am not even talking about the option to market this game for the ps4 timed exclusive. Sony just helps the developers FREE of charge, without financial benefits. Just for the gamers. WHAT A DELUSIONAL PS4 FANBOY working for Gamespot!

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 5:28 pm
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
shenmue852 wrote: does anyone still read gamespot? In the mid 2000's they were competing with IGN, mainly because IGN gave extremely lenient reviews. Once they fired their editor because he didn't sell a good review score in exchange for advertising, they lost all credibility- but of course it's been long enough that people forgot about that, BUT, by the time people forgot, there was a lot going on with YouTube and Gametrailers expanding and the rise of smaller sites like Kotaku- leaving a site like Gamespot irrelevant. IGN persists because of their seemingly infinite budget.

who even cares about Gamespot anymore?

Sorry to disappoint you but Gamespot isn't alone on this. Expecting a gamejourno in 2015 to enjoy a open world game without a mini map and a giant "GO HERE to advance plot!" X is simply wishful thinking.

The whole concept of a living town meticulously developed to represent 80s Japan not only in design but also in culture, flies between their ears at the speed of light and crashes into a pile of mediocrity they praise as state of the art gaming.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:07 pm
by Wude-Tang Clan
shenmue852 wrote: does anyone still read gamespot? In the mid 2000's they were competing with IGN, mainly because IGN gave extremely lenient reviews. Once they fired their editor because he didn't sell a good review score in exchange for advertising, they lost all credibility- but of course it's been long enough that people forgot about that, BUT, by the time people forgot, there was a lot going on with YouTube and Gametrailers expanding and the rise of smaller sites like Kotaku- leaving a site like Gamespot irrelevant. IGN persists because of their seemingly infinite budget.

who even cares about Gamespot anymore?

After the Kane & Lynch fiasco, I stopped paying any attention.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 6:50 pm
by ash55
Laughed at the comment at 11.47... "No-one really wants to play this game".

- Caused Kickstarter's servers to go down when the campaign launched.
- Hit 1 million in under two hours.
- Most backed / most funded video game on Kickstarter, beating Megaman and SotN successors.

Not bad for a niche dreamcast game, but I guess he's right nobody wants to play Shenmue.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:04 pm
by AnimeGamer183
What trolls... these guys have absolutely no idea what they are talking about. You didnt even play it all the way through? And even talk about it like you really dont know what the game is about? Come back when you have counter elbow assaulted Chai into the Yokosuka Bay, and whooped 70 goons asses in a row. THEN I will say you have some sort of opinion on this game.

The whole video is so mis-informed, they wanna sit there and laugh and make fun of the game which they havent even beaten all the way through? Well we are getting plenty of laughs over here from this pathetic display of a video that is full of incomplete information and they act like they dont even really know what they are talking about, and the way the guy says shenmoooooooo at the beginning and end. I'm just kept in stitches by the whole display here.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 8:40 pm
by Anonymous81
Debating the subjective merits of any work of art (which I do include video games in, especially games like Shenmue) is always a futile effort. There are going to be people who hate Shenmue legitimately. It would have been nice if he had actually learned all the controls and played the game in its entirety, yes. But even if he had, he still might have loathed the game. It happens. There are people who fondly remember Superman 64 as a great game. There are people who think Ocarina of Time blew.

Best policy imho: accept it, and remain positive about the games YOU love.

What isn't debatable though is how ahead of its time and revolutionary Shenmue was in 1999, and even in 2001. People could easily write entire dissertations on what was amazing about Shenmue for its time, and why. Whether they like the game or not. And some deference to that fact is what's missing from this "retrospective" (I hesitate to even call it that,) and that DOES make me a little sad.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:20 pm
by SMDzero
Telekill wrote: It's Gamespot. They've proven numerous times to be dude-bro gamers that only seem to care about the next hot competitive FPS game. They're opinion on Shenmue is void of any care from me and I won't bother to watch the video and give them traffic.

Duuuuude.... brooooo... Shenmue sucks yooooo.. you just look for sailors and open a bunch of drawers man..... oh snap bro GTA 3 was way better cos u could kill hookers man. yooo duuuuuude Shenmue 3 sucks we should play some Call of Duty 6 man you get guns and can like totally shoot shit up oh yeaaaah.

Btw how about that dumbass Jeff Gertsman?.... the guy who said that Shenmue was just a dumb forklift simulator for assholes.... he should seriously apologize for acting like a complete tool.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 10:26 pm
by shenmue852
well they fired him so karma? fuck him and gamespot though.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:33 pm
by benayun88
god dam, fuck gamespot to hell. This video pissed the shit out of me. What a bunch of fuckheads.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:46 pm
by SMDzero
I don't meant to sound elitist but people who hate Shenmue..... generally.... lack the sophistication and cultural awareness to appreciate and comprehend the finer things in life.

Re: Gamespot : Is Shenmue a Good Game? - The Lobby

PostPosted: Thu Jul 23, 2015 11:54 pm
by Thief
SMDzero wrote: I don't meant to sound elitist but people who hate Shenmue..... generally.... lack the sophistication and cultural awareness to appreciate and comprehend the finer things in life.

Being elitist isn't a bad thing -- it is a result of your ability to choose. If anyone desires to be a quality critic then they need to strive to be elitist in some sense. Don't be ashamed to believe certain things are better than others.