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Re: So does Shenmue III ride the coattails for E3?

PostPosted: Fri Apr 20, 2018 4:45 pm
by Reprise
I have this feeling, just this small feeling, that the team have been working really hard and waiting for the right time to reveal Shenmue 3 to the world. I think their secrecy is not because they have nothing to show, but because timing is everything.

I'm not sure how confident I am that the game will come out in 2018 (especially as Shenmue I & II are being re-released this year (it would surely make sense if their releases were at least 4 months apart, so both have their own 'breathing' space for marketing etc), but I think we are nearing the end of development and Suzuki is waiting for the right stage to show off something special.

I imagine we will get some sort of trailer and a little bit of gameplay. I think we might even get a release date, but maybe it'll just be a release window (e.g. Q1 2019). I do think it'll be released in 2019 now (although I'll be pleasantly surprised and ecstatic if it is still coming in 2018) and my money is by March 2019, but we will see.

Re: So does Shenmue III ride the coattails for E3?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 21, 2018 11:16 am
by Benwah
As March 11th is my birthday that would be perfect for me, but it is a Monday, so I guess I will accept March 12th as the release date. Plus it will be the start of the summer holidays here in Thailand, so it will be doubly perfect.