Isn't it stupid?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Do you think VF quest is a complete dissapointment? (Total votes: 36)

Yes! It is a discust!
Eh, it's ok.

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:13 pm

so this is what Yu Suzuki has been spending OUR SHENMUE 3 TIME on!?!?
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Postby Lan Di-sama » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:13 pm

Well, I'd rather have them working on Shenmue, but I really don't think you can judge a game by screenshots. I dont know about anything 'matrix' style, i'll have to look at the screens again, but there's nothing wrong with the graphics. I like graphics like that, and there's nothing KIDDIE about them. KIDDIE is the stupidest word I ever heard of.

Maybe if it didn't have the name VIRTUA FIGHTER in it, people wouldn't have been so mad? People expected something more like Shenmue, and why would that be good? We have Shenmue, we don't need a mimic. And who knows, maybe it DOES play like Shenmue? Screenshots do not do a game justice. I don't know if anyone got any translations to what the game is really about, so if there is any information, forgive me because I dont know about it.

But I think that we still have to hear more about the game before we make any judgements on it.
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Postby Brothaman » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:30 pm

This disappointment makes me sink! :-&

Only if I can puke on the AM2 excutives! :throwup:
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:31 pm

Look who's back.... me.... thanks to how horrible this game looks :evil: well it's now official... a hamster in a wheel is now running Sega... look at the news chronologically (or whatever order I posted it in)

-All Phantasy Star games will be online from now on ( bad depending on who you talk to

-No future sequels to Nights

-Shenmue 3 will be made

-Shenmue 3 won't be made

-Yes it will damnit!

-Ok we were lying

-Makes Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution

-Uh yeah Shenmue 3 is up in the air now

-Makes Billy Hatcher.... WTF!

-Sonic Heroes.... look Sonic really is a hero because he's got the only good game coming....

-Vectorman : He's been stripped of his manhood.... his balls... lol

-A new Shinobi game... hey why make this when Otogi is essentially the same game... with destructable stuff and prettier graphics? Age-Tech does a better Shinobi

-Shining Force sequels remakes and any other RPG for that matter are limited to GBA because of the new Sega presidents cheap nature

-Aero Dancing 4.... remains in Japan.... what do we get in America... AM2s Aero Elite Combat Acedemy! A sucky flight game where you err learn to fly instead of actually having combat you train.... (think about Outtrigger without the multiplayer.... ugh...)

-Outrun 2 is released to Japanese Arcade... then Sega says they won't release a home version of it for Xbox... which is odd because the Chihiro board IS an Xbox damnit...

-Virtua Cop III - "We're too lazy to release a light gun so we're not gonna release it at all.. enjoy it at the arcade bastards!

and countless other stupid decisions made by Crapega as I now know them.... someone needs to throw a brick at the current president of the company... and make sure they hit him in the head... then maybe he'll gain some common sense.

Apparently they're trying to pull a Square-Enix look at the facts :

Square-Enix :
Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicles
A good game? Who knows... does it have anything to do with the main series besides possible cameos? Hell no

Sega :
VF Cyber Generation :
A good game? Who knows... does it have anything to do with the main series besides possible cameos? Hell no

Same difference. Sega is attempting to milk it's popular franchises... much like many other companies.... look forward to 52 Sonic games next year and 32 VF spin offs....
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Postby code l name » Mon Dec 01, 2003 10:58 pm

My intial impression was dissapointment, however after reading IGN's preview and looking at a video of Cyber Generation, my thoughts changed. We all hoped it would be in the vain of Shenmue, but thinking about it logically, that was the most unlikley case. Futher, as someone has said would we really want a copycast, downgraded version of Shenmue? Because frankly I would love to see Sega pour all the ideas and efforts in the genre in Shenmue III, not some spin-off game.

I implore all those bashing the game to view the video, it changed my mind and while it may not be Shenmue III, it looks to be a fun, original game in it's own right.
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Postby Sir JC Denton » Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:07 pm

It looks way too much like Dragon Ball Z.
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Postby The_Intruder » Mon Dec 01, 2003 11:07 pm

code l name wrote:My intial impression was dissapointment, however after reading IGN's preview and looking at a video of Cyber Generation, my thoughts changed. We all hoped it would be in the vain of Shenmue, but thinking about it logically, that was the most unlikley case. Futher, as someone has said would we really want a copycast, downgraded version of Shenmue? Because frankly I would love to see Sega pour all the ideas and efforts in the genre in Shenmue III, not some spin-off game.

I implore all those bashing the game to view the video, it changed my mind and while it may not be Shenmue III, it looks to be a fun, original game in it's own right.

Hey Code I Name Your vocabulary is excellent. You write in a very intelligently way. How were you able to improve your writing skills like that? Is very impressive. :D
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Postby Miles Prower » Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:32 am

Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally totally unrelated to VF, and then the name was later tacked on.
I mean for fuck's sake, why the heck aren't say, Akira, or Kage the two player characters? Madness...
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Postby LanDC » Tue Dec 02, 2003 5:01 am

Miles Prower wrote:Ya know, I wouldn't be surprised if it was originally totally unrelated to VF, and then the name was later tacked on.
I mean for fuck's sake, why the heck aren't say, Akira, or Kage the two player characters? Madness...

Yes, pure crazy madness.. Or, could It possibly have something to do with the fact Yu Suzuki has left am2? Since the characters are his creations. And further vf games will be with Digital Rex. Could this have something to do with it?
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Postby Miles Prower » Tue Dec 02, 2003 6:30 am

You might just have a point there Lan. I hope DR do a good job with VF5, VF4 was a very good game, but it just didn't have the "feel" of the previous games. Felt a bit too...enclosed...
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Postby OL » Tue Dec 02, 2003 12:34 pm

Lan Di-sama wrote:Well, I'd rather have them working on Shenmue, but I really don't think you can judge a game by screenshots. I dont know about anything 'matrix' style, i'll have to look at the screens again, but there's nothing wrong with the graphics. I like graphics like that, and there's nothing KIDDIE about them. KIDDIE is the stupidest word I ever heard of.

Maybe if it didn't have the name VIRTUA FIGHTER in it, people wouldn't have been so mad? People expected something more like Shenmue, and why would that be good? We have Shenmue, we don't need a mimic. And who knows, maybe it DOES play like Shenmue? Screenshots do not do a game justice. I don't know if anyone got any translations to what the game is really about, so if there is any information, forgive me because I dont know about it.

But I think that we still have to hear more about the game before we make any judgements on it.

See, that's right. Everyone is disappointed because it's called Virtua Fighter, but it isn't Virtua Fighter at all. It definitely doesn't look like the crap people are making it out to be. Not in the least. They're just disappointed because it's not the realistic-looking Virtua Fighter they've already come to know and love. Which is sad that they're so disappointed, because it could turn out to be a really great game but everyone here would keep bitching about the fact that it's not Shenmue.
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Postby Miles Prower » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:08 pm

But it should be Virtua Fighter. Why do you think we're disappointed, when it has Virtua Fignter in the title?
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Postby b_ren » Tue Dec 02, 2003 1:15 pm

To be honest I hope it sells like mad but their are not aloud to make another so they make shenmue he he ;)
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Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:36 pm

I think this game looks awesome but I like these kinds of graphics as well I will say that no it doesnt look like VF or AM2 "style"... what gamers need to realize is that they are trying to take a different approach than usual and they are trying a different target market I mean it may not be what we are used to seeing... but hey Wind Waker took a different approach toawards the series and that game is fucking awesome dont just blow it off cause its different from what were used to seeing. In regards to shenmue yeah I would rather see S3 than this
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Postby Beck » Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:46 pm

I'm kinda on the boarder line here. The graphics aren't what i expected them to be, but i NEVER judge a game by it's graphics. However, you cannot judge a game by some early screenshots. I'm going to wait till i see some actual movies or play the game before i judge it...
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