Isn't it stupid?

(Chapter 7 and beyond)

Do you think VF quest is a complete dissapointment? (Total votes: 36)

Yes! It is a discust!
Eh, it's ok.

Postby Only Child » Tue Dec 02, 2003 3:58 pm

I couldn't care less either way, I don't really understand why you lot are going so apeshit over this game.
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Postby Henry Spencer » Tue Dec 02, 2003 4:29 pm

chaos wrote:Look who's back.... me.... thanks to how horrible this game looks :evil: well it's now official... a hamster in a wheel is now running Sega... look at the news chronologically (or whatever order I posted it in)

-All Phantasy Star games will be online from now on ( bad depending on who you talk to

-No future sequels to Nights

-Shenmue 3 will be made

-Shenmue 3 won't be made

-Yes it will damnit!

-Ok we were lying

-Makes Virtua Fighter 4 Evolution

-Uh yeah Shenmue 3 is up in the air now

-Makes Billy Hatcher.... WTF!

-Sonic Heroes.... look Sonic really is a hero because he's got the only good game coming....

-Vectorman : He's been stripped of his manhood.... his balls... lol

-A new Shinobi game... hey why make this when Otogi is essentially the same game... with destructable stuff and prettier graphics? Age-Tech does a better Shinobi

-Shining Force sequels remakes and any other RPG for that matter are limited to GBA because of the new Sega presidents cheap nature

-Aero Dancing 4.... remains in Japan.... what do we get in America... AM2s Aero Elite Combat Acedemy! A sucky flight game where you err learn to fly instead of actually having combat you train.... (think about Outtrigger without the multiplayer.... ugh...)

-Outrun 2 is released to Japanese Arcade... then Sega says they won't release a home version of it for Xbox... which is odd because the Chihiro board IS an Xbox damnit...

-Virtua Cop III - "We're too lazy to release a light gun so we're not gonna release it at all.. enjoy it at the arcade bastards!

and countless other stupid decisions made by Crapega as I now know them.... someone needs to throw a brick at the current president of the company... and make sure they hit him in the head... then maybe he'll gain some common sense.

Apparently they're trying to pull a Square-Enix look at the facts :

Square-Enix :
Final Fantasy : Crystal Chronicles
A good game? Who knows... does it have anything to do with the main series besides possible cameos? Hell no

Sega :
VF Cyber Generation :
A good game? Who knows... does it have anything to do with the main series besides possible cameos? Hell no

Same difference. Sega is attempting to milk it's popular franchises... much like many other companies.... look forward to 52 Sonic games next year and 32 VF spin offs....

Its so true. I agree with all of that and what a pile of shite Virtua Fighter is. Think about it people its stolen our chance for Shenmue 3. After AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAALLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLLL this waiting. Man I'm angry, I'll just start punching myself in anger.
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Postby waser2 » Tue Dec 02, 2003 7:06 pm

I am convinced that the whole AM2 staff got in a bus crash and lived, but are now retarted
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Postby Contristo » Tue Dec 02, 2003 10:39 pm

Just watch Yu's new game be Virtua Fighter Evolution 103421 or something... it always happens.

I just wish the VF franchise did not exist.
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Postby OL » Tue Dec 02, 2003 11:05 pm

Miles Prower wrote:But it should be Virtua Fighter. Why do you think we're disappointed, when it has Virtua Fignter in the title?

I understand that, being disappointed because it's not what you were expecting. But what I'm saying is that just because it has Virtua Fighter in the name but isn't necessarily Virtua Fighter, people are already saying it's going to be shit, which is just unfair. A game should be judged by what it is, not what people were hoping it would be.
And, come on, be honest, the game does look kinda cool (which from me is high praise, since I usually hate just about anything that comes out on the GC).
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Postby Henry Spencer » Wed Dec 03, 2003 4:55 pm

Micahely sorry but its way too kiddish. (People what were you expecting if its coming out on Gaypube the kid's console?)
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Postby My Best Day is Gone » Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:21 am

JinSuzuki wrote:Just watch Yu's new game be Virtua Fighter Evolution 103421 or something... it always happens.

I just wish the VF franchise did not exist.

If Virtua Fighter didn't exist do you think Suzuki would have still made Shenmue? I mean most of the revenue of AM2 came from past VF games so I doubt that they'd have 70 million to make Shenmue lying around off of no efforts what so ever. Sure there is Outrun and those flight games but those weren't nearly as successful as VF....
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Postby LanDC » Sun Dec 07, 2003 3:42 am

Both Jin's are right. lol, I wish it didnt exist too.. Or I wish it would just not be as popular as it is.. But if it didnt exist, Shenmue wouldnt exist most likely. Yu really needs to wake up though, and realise his true franchise.
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Postby shenmuaholic » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:24 am

i've not actually seen it yet. could someone paste a link or something so i could see some screen shots or something?
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Postby Garbaman » Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:44 am

Doesn't look that bad to me.

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Postby b_ren » Sun Dec 07, 2003 11:59 am

shenmuaholic wrote:i've not actually seen it yet. could someone paste a link or something so i could see some screen shots or something?

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Postby Daemos » Sun Dec 07, 2003 5:27 pm

MAybe it's my mind playing tricks on me, but in the third screen it looks like Akira, and the 5th one reminds me of the harbor in S1.
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Postby LanDC » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:50 pm

The cycber crap is one thing I don't like. Now AM2 have become followers just like everyone else.. Nothing can be realistic anymore. Gotta have cyber! WAWKAWAKAK! tisc. And the most annoying thing about this, people thought we would be controlling vf characters. Like Akira.. Yet, we are playing some sora/chris from sonic the hedgehog mix.
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Postby Jeff » Sun Dec 07, 2003 7:52 pm

It looks like AM2's version of Jet Set Radio Future.
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Postby B-Man » Mon Dec 08, 2003 2:26 am

My biggest problem with this game is that they have absoutely no right to put the VF name on it. It does not look like my type of game, but if they were just releasing a game like this called Cyber Generation, I would not really be angry at all. It's the fact that they are trying to pass it off as a Virtua Fighter game. What goddamn bullshit.

Why are the main characters not Virtua Fighter characters? Where's the realistic martial arts and fighting action? What's with all this shooting/explosions/Cyber Generation nonsense? Why does it not look anything even remotely like Virtua Fighter?

It is quite obvious that they made the game first, and then tacked on the VF license to increase sales and popularity. For a longtime VF and Shenmue fan, it is quite sickening. I said this in another thread and I'll say it again: Shenmue is the only true "Virtua Fighter RPG." Although it changed the characters and story to something light years better, it retained all that was great about VF -- the realistic fighting styles and the focus on realistic martial arts.

It is kind of dumb to say you wish VF never existed though. Even if you don't like VF, Shenmue never would have existed without it. Didn't Yu come up with the idea for Shenmue while doing research for VF in China? And Shenmue began its life as a Virtua Fighter RPG. Its influence on the final product is obvious, with moves and fighting styles lifted directly from it. So Shenmue, at least the one we know today, would never have existed if not for VF. But this Cyber Generation crap is a travesty!
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