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Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:20 pm
by Himuro
Pltnm06Ghost wrote: Negative reviews hardly amount to squat these days.

It does for a game like Shenmue.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:21 pm
Let us remember that shenmue has always catered to a very specific audience, the general gamer nowadays is going to have a majority opinion approach when it comes to games they deem acceptable or fun.

Ask how many gta players or cod players play the game for the story, and you will find the majority are doing so for multiplayer, this type of game doesn't cater to them.

It's always been popular to bash shenmue especially in the gaming media, this is nothing new, gamespot has been very hostile towards shenmue from the very beginning including the fan base that they target.

What is important is we financed the game that we want and it will be made. It's pathetic, however there are individuals out there who love the idea of depriving others of the games they enjoy, even if that means humiliating gamers who play shenmue, bashing the game, or sabotaging reviews.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:31 pm
by MiTT3NZ
Am I the only one who's entertained by shit like this?

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:35 pm
MiTT3NZ wrote: Am I the only one who's entertained by shit like this?

I actually find it hilarious, I pity the idiots who are missing out on a great game.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 7:38 pm
by MiTT3NZ
They're not really missing out though, are they? It's not even been released and they can easily buy it when it is.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 8:38 pm
by Anonymous81
Axm wrote: Like Theif was saying, we have now reached relevance in the gaming world again.
The project, Yu Suzuki, the fan community.. we are all open game now for trolls, fanboys and ignorant know-it-alls.

-The game isnt on Xbox and is console exclusive on PS4? = We will have Xbox fanboys try and discredit the worth of the game.
-The game doesn't have teh b3st gr4f1x evar?!1 = Looks like pong.
-They never heard of it before? = Doesn't matter whatever its like, it sucks anyways.
-They don't understand how the funding/development works? = Dr. Evil is controlling everything behind doors.

Eventually one of us are going to have a brain aneurysm fighting against the nay sayers. I will probably be that person eventually. Until then I'm going to save my energy for when the game is out and reviewers start slamming it for whatever dumb reasons.


Except I predict that last bit won't happen. Shenmue 2, despite not being the first game or as revolutionary as its predecessor arguably, and despite requiring the first game to truly understand (despite the inclusion of Shenmue The Movie,) received 8s and higher from major gaming sites and magazines. It still holds an average of 80 on metacritic. Which is amazing when you think about it.

I believe Shenmue 3 will shock everyone and actually get similarly positive reviews, and that will do a lot of the work of changing minds for us. :) But you know me. Mr. optimist.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Sun Jul 19, 2015 9:17 pm
by Kenny
ShenmueForeseen wrote:

'way over hyped and people fell for Sony's scam lol'

'I laughed so hard ... you guys donated how much? I bet they are laughing all the way to the bank!'

'For what ... not buying into the Shenmue III Charity disgrace! If you seriously donated to this I genuinely feel sorry for you .... this is down right disgraceful! What gamer in their right mind would even look at this and go "yes, this is exactly the type of thing I was hoping they would produce" ... seriously this is shite! Even the biggest of Sony fanboys must admit this. Don't defend this crap! Speak out and hopefully they will make it better.'

'I still don't know how they're going to make a Shenmue game with only 5 mil.'

'The best thing about Shenmue 3 is that it still looks like a Dreamcast game.'

As someone who donated, I try not to care, but these comments still somewhat get to me and make me wonder if he new generation of CoD/Madden gamers who are killing the gaming industry are going to ensure shenmue III gets mocked and doesn't sell well. :|

I bet you the entire budget they're misogynistic, self-hating basement dwellers that have waifu pillows and can't wait for the following:

a) COD #454
b) Generic JRPG #325
c) Minecraft Special Edition #23
d) New Team Fortress 2 hats
e) An opportunity to make another unfunny Half-life 3 Confirmed joke
f) All the above

Either that or just plain, good ol' fashioned trollin'.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 12:59 am
by ShenGCH
People criticizing the game because it runs on Unreal Engine boggles my mind, but also mildly amuses me :lol:

Yeah, 'cos critically acclaimed games such as the Arkham series and Gears of War totally suffered because of the aforementioned engine which is not only an extremely robust engine, but also makes development easier :roll:

It won't be long before the YouTube comments start descending into a debate about religion and the Holocaust/Hitler. Mark my words.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 1:56 am
by 0rganiker
To be completely honest, I don't disagree with a lot of the youtube comments. When a friend told me that there was a Shenmue III kickstarter I immediately searched for it, found it, and donated. I didn't research a single thing except confirming that Yu Suzuki was at the helm.

Afterwards I watched the video, and cringed so hard. Between the poor animation, lack of actual information, and other general shittyness, my immediate reaction was "damn, if I had never hear of Shenmue before and THIS was what I had to go off of, I wouldn't be donating." This new video really didn't change that initial reaction.

To be completely frank, I don't think anyone would have pledged to that KS if all they had to go off of was the actual KS. Most pledges had to be from fans and the rest were likely from friends and families of fans who were moved by the fans' excitement over it. I just can't imagine anyone pledging based on the merits of the actual KS.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 2:17 am
by ShenGCH
0rganiker wrote:Afterwards I watched the video, and cringed so hard. Between the poor animation, lack of actual information, and other general shittyness, my immediate reaction was "damn, if I had never hear of Shenmue before and THIS was what I had to go off of, I wouldn't be donating." This new video really didn't change that initial reaction.

To be completely frank, I don't think anyone would have pledged to that KS if all they had to go off of was the actual KS. Most pledges had to be from fans and the rest were likely from friends and families of fans who were moved by the fans' excitement over it. I just can't imagine anyone pledging based on the merits of the actual KS.

Couldn't agree more, man. If I'd never heard of Shenmue and I saw the announcement at E3 or through simply browsing Kickstarter itself, I likely wouldn't have given it a second glance. We have to appreciate the trailer was very much a work-in-progress, though, and it's completely understandable given the fact that if the Kickstarter failed, there wouldn't be a Shenmue III and they'd have wasted time and resources creating a very basic framework for a game to show off in a trailer.

As a passionate fan of Shenmue since I first played it back in 2000, however, the prospect of a third installment of the legendary series after a fourteen-year gap is extremely exciting, and I am over the moon that it's happening.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:23 am
by 0rganiker
It's my hope that none of these worries are going to pan out, of course. It's amazing how much we accomplished given the chance to help our dream of Shenmue III become a reality. I mean, it's really happening! And I'm fairly certain that regardless of whether it ends up appealing to the modern audience, it will be the game that we've all been waiting for. Please don't let anything I say take away from that, I'm just a bit frustrated that opportunities to reach new fans aren't working out as well as hoped.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:28 am
by mrslig100
Its a cult classic!
Your gonna love it or your gonna hate it!

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 3:57 am
by ConanTheKing
It's annoying as hell, we know better but what about someone curious about Shenmue who wants to learn more? The negative minority shout the loudest and therefore it's their voice that is often heard first, putting off new people.

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 5:03 am
by simsatit
Well, do we care?

The game WILL be made!!!

There are so many fans, and we as passionate fans can give an example!
To try and convince the bully crowd on youtube who rather watch pewdepie doesnt make sense.
If we want REAL exposure, IT IS UP TO US.
Make kickass fanart, music, or just show your love any other way, we eventually can silence this crowd by our strength to resonate with people who love our passion!!
Dont forget most people love people with passion and hate bullies, youtube comment section of popular youtubevideos is usually where bullies like to hang out, where do you like to hang out?? :)

will of the ancients

-sona mi areru ec sancitu-

Re: Ouch, the comments on the youtube trailer are harsh...

PostPosted: Mon Jul 20, 2015 6:43 am
by TheThirdComing
I wouldn't be discouraged by Youtube Comments, it's been renowned for having sucha an abusive community. I think Youtube would be a much better site without it in all honesty.