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Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:12 pm
by Spaghetti
Technophilz wrote:
killthesagabeforeitkillsu wrote:
The game isn't presentable on a big stage yet, rather wait until next year if that means releasing something that will look awesome.

I think Sony wouldn't have minded giving Shenmue 3 some stage time to show a few stills from the 2015 prototype, the short video renders shown in the chinese event, or anything that could increase the public awareness that Shenmue 3 exists and being developed, especially that Shenmue 3 will be console exclusive on PS4.

The horrible marketing/public communication performance of the Kickstarter campaign continues ...

Come on. While the stuff from China was good considering the stage of development the game is at, it would have been laughed out of the room presented at something like PSX.

"Here's a spinning camera in a work in progress interior, and here are a few screenshots using placeholder materials. SHENMUE 3 EVERYBODY!"

Shenmue 3 isn't ready to show like that, and there's nobody to blame for that. Give it time.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:37 pm
by VukBZ2005
I think Sony wouldn't have minded giving Shenmue 3 some stage time to show a few stills from the 2015 prototype, the short video renders shown in the chinese event, or anything that could increase the public awareness that Shenmue 3 exists and being developed, especially that Shenmue 3 will be console exclusive on PS4.

The horrible marketing/public communication performance of the Kickstarter campaign continues ...

Come on. While the stuff from China was good considering the stage of development the game is at, it would have been laughed out of the room presented at something like PSX.

"Here's a spinning camera in a work in progress interior, and here are a few screenshots using placeholder materials. SHENMUE 3 EVERYBODY!"

Shenmue 3 isn't ready to show like that, and there's nobody to blame for that. Give it time.

I am in absolute agreement with what you wrote, Spaghetti.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 6:42 pm
by Hanzumon
I dont think that sony will show anything of shenmue III untill the next e3. Suzuki must do a great trailer of the Game for the next e3.

The only hope was for HD-Remakes of the old two shenmue-games. It was not realistic, but it could have happen ...

Personally, I did not like this event very much. Uncharted 4, Final Fantasy VII Remake and Ni no Kuni 2: Revenant Kingdom are looking great. But the rest was not very good. And Paragon - the MMO at the end - looks like nothing special. ](*,)

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 8:57 pm
by Sh3ppy
Even though I was hoping we would see some kind of mention, realistically it's really not surprising that we didn't. Like the posters above me, I totally agree that if the material we've seen had been presented during the keynote today, you can bet a fair few 'journalists' would absolutely jump on it as another reason to slate the developers. Would rather be patient and see something more solid in Feb. Don't think it should cause any concern to be honest.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 10:39 pm
by Axm
I'm glad nothing was shown. Its far from presentable next to the likes of FF7 Remake and Uncharted 4.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sat Dec 05, 2015 11:25 pm
by Peter
Yep, not that disappointed, but after E3 it can be forgiving going into this with the bar held so high. But what people have to remember is that what Sony did at E3 was kinda unprecedented. It was a wondershow, with a lot of people hailing it as possibly the best gaming confrence ever. It's gonna be a very long time before its topped. But what it also did, was raise our expectations and also enhance our awareness that the impossible can happen, so try not to get too bummed about Shenmue 3 not being shown. Anyone who's hung around here in the past 14 years is well tuned into watching a gaming confrence and counting the years going by where Shenmue 3 didn't exist. To moan about Shenmue 3 not being shown, yet it's in development, makes me laugh a little.

Oh well, roll on Monaco Magic! Before you all know it, Christmas will have come and gone, and 2016 will be in full flow. January will be a hard month, but the hype will slowly grow, and come February it will reach fever pitch.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:34 am
by fittersau
Moreover who would have thought Shenmue would also standup like it did amongst those other highly anticipated games of The Last Guardian and Final Fantasy 7. These are all amazing games including Shenmue. E3 2015 will always be special.

I am not sure what people are expecting after only 6 months or so and most of it ensuring planning was right.

Re: PlayStation Experience: LIVE DISCUSSION 10:00am PT / 6pm

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 12:58 am
by shredingskin
People should just chill a little, it's not like every month we'll see new footage, specially for a game that hasn't even begun production (literally).

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:42 pm
by Anonymous81
I for one didn't expect or want to see anything new. All I wanted was 1) a mention of the PayPal (desperately needs the exposure) given the tongue in cheek and casual feeling of some parts of the keynote, and 2) maybe, possibly, the E3 reveal footage shown for a split second in the sizzle reel. I mean they showed some of those games for milliseconds, literally. Would have at least sent the signal that, "Yes, we haven't forgotten about Shenmue."

To me, Sony not so much as breathing a solitary word or frame about it, is disappointing. And a little bit annoying, frankly. It essentially guarantees the PayPal will get no additional support before the end.

Oh well.

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 5:48 pm
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
If they had some kickass trailer ready and talked to Sony, I doubt they would be denied time in a event filled with indie stuff.

We just have nothing to show at this point. Maybe at the beginning of 2016 something will be ready.

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:15 pm
by Spaghetti
Anonymous81 wrote:To me, Sony not so much as breathing a solitary word or frame about it, is disappointing. And a little bit annoying, frankly. It essentially guarantees the PayPal will get no additional support before the end.

I wouldn't really blame Sony for this. The PayPal has been on since September, and it made over $100,000, which is usually what these slacker backer drives make anyway, but there's been no real drive outside the community to get new people interested, involved, or aware the funding drive is still ongoing.

Either way, Awesome Japan kind of half-assed it, saving the rewards poll to the last month, and as of right now not having the PC version as purchasable and not explaining clearly why. Honestly, it doesn't seem like ever expected megabucks out of this thing anyway, which was smart. I just wish there was a bigger drive to get new people in on this.

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:18 pm
by Yokosuka
Anonymous81 wrote:maybe, possibly, the E3 reveal footage shown for a split second in the sizzle reel.

That was indeed a bit surprising.

But with all the underserved negativity around, I can pretty easily understand their choice. I didn't translate this part from his last interview but Cédric laid emphasis again on the fact that Shibuya was the real partner of YSnet and minimized the Sony's role. The upcoming promotion of Shenmue III is not going to be pretty exceptional.

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Sun Dec 06, 2015 6:41 pm
by Let's Get Sweaty
We all know exactly what the headlines would have been if Sony had urged people to donate to the Slacker Backer.

Some websites probably had the articles all written up and ready to publish. Picture the disappointment on their faces.

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 10:06 am
by Spaghetti
Yokosuka wrote:The upcoming promotion of Shenmue III is not going to be pretty exceptional.

I don't know about that. When the game is fully formed and in a better state to show (E3 2016/7), I think Sony are going to go all in with the "LOOK WE HELPED MAKE THIS HAPPEN, LOOK AT US, WE LOVE YOU GAMERS".

Re: PlayStation Experience & Shenmue

PostPosted: Mon Dec 07, 2015 1:03 pm
by Amir

Fingers crossed for PlayStation Experience 2016...