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Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 12:57 pm
by mue 26
. Yes, Bayonetta 2 is a pretty core, traditional experience and it will most likely just have some tacked on touch screen prompts, touch screen inventory, waggle attack activation, etc. But that just goes to prove that Bayonetta 2 would potentially be a *better* experience on PS4/Xbox 720 (heck, even PS3/360) as a more straightforward, no-nonsense skll-based action-adventurer, like it's always been.

We don't know to what extent (if at all) Nintendo will pressure Platinum to include these things into the core gameplay though. Personally, I think Nintendo will have enough sense not to force Platinum into shoehorning gimmicks into the game in a way that would genuinely hamper it and make it a lesser experience. They are funding the game because they want to appeal to core gamers, not receive the ire of core gamers. If it's included in a throwaway/ optional manner, it won't impact the quality of the core experience. Even Sony and Microsoft have their own gimmick machines now too (Move and Kinnect, or PS4's touchscreen controller), so it's almost exactly the same scenario regardless of platform. Look at Bioshock Infinite, it has Move functionality, but it's totally optional and so doesn't hamper the experience at all. And lets also not lose sight of the fact that sometimes these gimmicks can be put to good use too. I'm not as sure as you are that touch screen functionality can't actually improve the experience of Shenmue 3 in some small way.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Wed Apr 03, 2013 1:56 pm
by Wanderin'
You are as it were, more than correct. I personally continue to respect, honour, and believe in Mr. Suzuki as an immensely talented veteran game designer. As such, if Shenmue 3 did come to fruition on WiiU, I have no doubt that he would be able to incorporate the console's main touch screen tablet controls in a meaningful and appreciated manner for the game.

However, I still want to make the distinction. Whereas touch screen tablet control and motion control are very clearly made evident as the main functionality of the WiiU (ie. I personally like the WiiU and continue to be a passionate veteran Nintendo enthusiast - but it's evident to see that when more than 50% of the WiiU's tablet controller is preoccupied with its touch screen, that there is a certain expectation on both the company/developers side and the gaming audience's side to have a WiiU game necessarily, integrally, and meaningfully involve such related funtionality), a console like the PS4 with its new controller (I cannot mention the new Xbox yet for it would all be conjecture, considering none of us have seen a reveal for it yet), while sporting integrated Move and touch screen funtionality, is designed in such a way (as a traditional dual shock controller) as to suggest that core, traditional cord and controller functionality is still the *main focus* and that surely any Move/touch screen compatibility is purely optional.

Besides, as gaming enthusiasts we should not necessarily be so lenient about developers including 'throw-away' or inconsequential and frivolous motion/touch screen control just because Nintendo seemingly wanted to curry the favour of a core, traditional game developer in Platinum Games to make such a title for their console. After all, as much of a real Nintendo fan as I am, I always cannot help but feel as if Nintendo and their Wii/WiiU has fell short in some way when a particular game on the console plays just as well - if not entirely better - with *just* the conventional no motion control, no touch screen, no nonsense Classic Controller/Pro.

But, I digress. This discussion is purely academic as I would so very dearly easily want to see S3 on WiiU if that could truly be a possibility. As most of us know, there *can be NO console partisanship* when it comes to our hopes for Shenmue 3. That, would surely only be detrimental to our efforts.

Besides, being the eccentric optimist that I claim to be, I just cannot help but think that Mr. Mark Cerny would truly want to extend some kind of opportunity - if one EVER comes - from within his position at Sony to Suzuki if possible, just because of how much he (at least compared to any other industry related celebrity at the moment) seems to be knowledgeable of Suzuki's plight and appreciative of what Shenmue was and is. Cheers.

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sat Apr 06, 2013 9:13 pm
by ShenSun
Of March 31, 2013 UPDATE: Cedric Biscay (Director General Shibuya International) held a precision let us on our Facebook page, there are:

"Dear Shenmue Master, it there's too fake buzz about Yu Suzuki on Shenmue International scene these days. The only real things are the reflection around only a portion of funding via Kickstarter and willingness to Yu Suzuki solutions and credible partners to exit the game and convince SEGA. sent the picture on Twitter with Mark Cerny is a mere publicity stunt for the GDC".

Re: GDC manager tweet rumors Shenmue 3 for PS4.

PostPosted: Sun Apr 07, 2013 1:57 am
by Let's Get Sweaty
I liked the way he went on to say that news about Yu Suzuki is more likely to come out of France than the USA.