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Re: The PS4 Physical Copy Issue & the $10 Million Goal Strug

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 1:14 pm
by Shadow2222
Megauap on NeoGAF stated that he just received a reply to his question (sent on the first day of the Kickstarter) about the PS4 physical copy:

Thank you very much for your message!
We understand there have been many requests; however there are currently no plans to produce a physical reward for the PS4.

As to why there are no current plans for a PS4 version, we are very sorry, but are unable to answer at this time. We know this may not be the answer you had hoped for, but please understand that indeed, your comments have been heard and passed on to Ys Net and Yu Suzuki.
Your feedback is what will make the this Kickstarter really succeed, and we cannot thank you enough. The day is come that we are finally able to enjoy what we have waited so long for with the return of Shenmue and we hope we can count on your continued support to bring back, and make Shenmue 3 the best game it can be.

K. Kitabayashi &
The Shenmue 3 Kickstarter Team