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31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 4:51 am
by drunkensailor
this is not looking good at all. might not even break 5 million. it is now doing a lot worse on daily average than bloodstained did at the time. I can't believe how poorly yu suzuki is running his "dream" on kickstarter :(

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:00 am
by ratrace

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:02 am
by Hyo Razuki
The 31,000 is for June 23 alone.

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:04 am
by murdiaries
Regardless of the final result (which I'm confident going over 5M), Aweswome Japan needs to step in with more initiative, and fully cooperate with Dojo.
If they don't, then what is the point of running something a group of fans would better handle?

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:14 am
by drunkensailor
murdiaries wrote: Regardless of the final result (which I'm confident going over 5M), Aweswome Japan needs to step in with more initiative, and fully cooperate with Dojo.
If they don't, then what is the point of running something a group of fans would better handle?

exactly. this is our dream but shouldn't it be yu's and other people's(who worked there) dreams more

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:17 am
by KidMarine
It made $130,000 the last three days ... hart-daily

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:25 am
by Hyo Razuki
$57,244 on June 21; $44,669 on June 22; $31,074 on June 23.

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:54 am
by Luke_09
Hyo Razuki wrote: $57,244 on June 21; $44,669 on June 22; $31,074 on June 23.

Thanks for those values! It's handy to keep track of stuff like that.

I'm just wondering, is there anyway we can find out how Shenmue III is doing at this point compared to Bloodstained was?
Is it making more money per day that Bloodstained does anyone know?

The main reason I ask is so we can accurately predict whether Shenmue III will surpass the $5 million mark or not.

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 5:57 am
by Hyo Razuki
I actually just copied it from this link. It's all there. ... hart-daily

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:05 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
yeah its doing around half of what bloodstained did now. Personally I think the kick starter is being handled very badly.

hitting 10 million on a kickstarter for game is pretty unrealistic to begin within, but with the way the kickstarter is being handled we will be lucky to breach 4 million by kickstarters end

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:06 am
by Luke_09
Posted 25 minutes ago: ... forms.html

What do people think of this??

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:14 am
by spinksy
I'm disappointed it's started to stall alittle but this was always going to happen a little at some point.

If they handle the whole kickstarter better I reckon it will bring in more so hopefully as Yu says they are working on it.

I also think we should be a little more thankful (I know thats easier said than done with everything happening) BUT we're getting Shenmue 3 which is something I honestly NEVER thought would happen.

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:18 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
Luke_09 wrote: Posted 25 minutes ago: ... forms.html

What do people think of this??

xbox isnt going to happen unless sony pulls out of helping with marketing and PS4 port, as such the only additional thing they could add would be a physical PS4 release, which would probably give the kick starter 1-2 day pledge boost and then it'll be back to being stalled.

Whoever is doing the kick starter needs to add more tiers, they need to put up an official feedback forum where you get access by pledging, get badges and other virtual "trinkets" depending on your pledge amount, just to keep the pledges coming in.

They need to keep changing things up, not just sitting releasing a few short interviews and stagnating..

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:27 am
by LucBu
Luke_09 wrote:Posted 25 minutes ago: ... forms.html

What do people think of this??

It's obvious the bad press has injured the Kickstarter. Accusations of greed on the part of Sony and YSNet, a lack of transparency, etc. etc. is really hurting the campaign. Not that I think the transparency is warranted - since what other game ever told the public their finances? That Shenmue III got singled out for that is black kettling.

We really need more positive articles and media. The masses and unintiated are never going to spend the time researching these things, they'll just take the first thing they read as the truth and think themselves well researched.

I'm not ready to let Shenmue III slip away yet though. I'm going to keep reaching out to journalists and YouTubers to make a difference and swing this campaign back around. With the surge at the end we'll probably make at least $5 Million, but making 6 or 7 would be great. 6 or 7 might be enough, I think, to attract more investors for Yu. And PayPal post-donations.

We need to get more positive media: That, for me, and not the Kickstarter page, is the most severe weakness of the campaign at this point. The net is full of articles barely edited after a copy and paste job from other clickbait sites. Kuchera's a complete sack of clueless, talentless shit and always was.

I wish Cedric or Yu would do another interview to give them a new definitive quote to pass around. One which asserted the importance of the campaign, being thankful of Sony's support but not overemphasizing with it whilst also affirming Sony's support being public from the beginning but misconstrued by bad journalism. It might blunt the negativity going around. Would also enjoy some articles on the topic of bad and poorly reserached journalism in general, and how it's poisonous for creators and the industry alike. Though that may wake the GamerGate dragon.

Re: 31.000 in 3 days....

PostPosted: Wed Jun 24, 2015 6:29 am
by BayStone
I dunno... I sort of expected this, both because of the game and because of the kickstarter itself. Hopefully a little boost, outside of the community's efforts will happen, if and when (god I hope when) the devs start actually showing something, which I still consider the worst thing about all of they presented the announcement, the kickstarter, etc.