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How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:34 am
by zach
I'm in love with disc 4 of Shenmue II, I consider it one of the most beautiful segments in gaming history.
I hope they will just reuse that segment for the start of shenmue III ( in updated graphs of course).

What do you guys think? How will Shenmue III start?

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:38 am
by MiTT3NZ
Should be with them leaving the cave, Ryo turning to Shenhua and saying "Is it me, or did it take a lot longer getting out than it did coming in?"

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:41 am
by Jackie Fhan
Only wish it was with walking around Ryu's home, cut's and fashbacksthat are quick to different gameplay segments in parts of sh 1 and 2

Walk around Yu's home and explore in the new engine. Do a bit of sparring and fighting.

Maybe 5 or 6 of the more important segments through sh 1 and 2 re done in the new engine . These will be the tutorial levels and the parts to help new player come up. Then the final one will end with the roof fight, after you finish I, ryo will wake u sweating to begin sh 3. It's the ony way I want it tp start ,so I can see my favorite parts in the new engine. As well as introducing Di and his new mode early on.

I don't think it's a good idea to start SH 3 so slow like Sh1 was.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 04, 2015 9:53 am
by zach
I'm just hoping it will be a FULL shenmue experience instead of a PSN Indie game.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:35 am
by Dragon St.
I was just thinking about this myself. Wouldn't it be better to remake the Guilin chapter!? It's only a short one and after all these years I think it's better to start the game with Ryo arriving in Guilin and meeting Shenhua. Especially for newcomers to the series with no HD remasters guaranteed.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 7:47 am
by The_Intruder
Disc 4 of Shenmue II is my favorite part of the series so far I think I finished this part a thousand times in the past 14 years. Yu Suzuki has said in interviews that he would like Shenmue III to start in ShenHua house.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:33 am
by Peter
I asked this a few days ago for the Twitter Q&A tonight. Hoping Yu can answer it.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 8:47 am
by Dragon St.
Good! Would love an answer on this. Hoping for some really good questions and answers about the game itself.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:08 am
by James Brown
I'd personally like the game to just start where it left off. That 4th disc of Shenmue 2 has already happened in the story, if someone goes from playing Shenmue 2 for the first time and then plays Shenmue 3 and they have to repeat everything over again but with updated graphics, seems a bit out of place to me.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 9:53 am
by ash55
I think it would be a good idea to redo the end of Shenmue II as a tutorial. Albeit truncated so it doesn't take forever to get back to where we left the story.

Not only so we have a point of reference to see all of the lovely graphical and gameplay improvements over the original, but as a starting point for newcomers.

If I could decide how to start the game, I'd go with...
...the very first cutscene of Shenmue I, redone in UE4 to get every newcomer up to speed on Ryo's motivations and send nostalgic chills down the spines of old fans. Then Ryo would wake up from his flashback/nightmare in the first cave to Shenhua singing.

They'd then head off to her house, briefly talking about why Ryo needs to go to Bailu on the way. Introduce basic gameplay like walking/climbing in this 1st interactive segment. At the house, reveal the Shenmue tree via cutscene. Reveal the importance of the Phoenix mirror again via Shenhua's father's drawing (2nd interactive segment, exploring rooms), and they'd make their way to the cave with some tutorial QTEs on the way (3rd interactive segment).

Then, after the cliffhanger ending, it will fade to black and say, again, "The story goes on...". And then personally I'd love to (as someone pointed out above) have it fade back in to Japan, at Ryo's house when Ryo is a kid or something. Nice, peaceful music plays after the dramatic music in the cave. He gets a life lesson from Iwao that's relevant to what's going on in the cave. You get a brief chance to explore Ryo's house again in UE4. And then it returns to China with Ryo and Shenhua on their way to the village (maybe inside the entrance to the cave so you get that satifaction of walking out of it, with the light being ridiculously bright as you walk toward it).

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:07 am
by Peter
That's what I was thinking to an extent. Of the budget was there, redo the entirety of Guilin.

Even as a marketing ploy, release it as pre release DLC as a teaser into the full game.

But it's a Kickstarter, so when push comes to shove, it would be a waste of resources so I am happy with Shenmue 3 beginning with exiting from the cave and going back to Shenhuas home. Fuck, what an opening that's gonna be (if it's it!)

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:10 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
I want to start right where we left off! ... 91200?s=09

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:11 am
by shredingskin
Is 14 years later and Ryo is telling the story to his sons about how he saved the world.

- Yeah dad, you beat up 70 guys, Sure, a flying sword, whatever. Cool story.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:16 am
by Kobe
Given the oppurtunities, I believe that they can start the game right from Disc 4's section but in my mind I doubt they will since it may seem as a unnecessary action because they need to fit all the rest of the game in properly such as finishing of the chapters and not including the chapters from Shenmue 2.

Re: How will Shenmue III start?

PostPosted: Fri Jul 10, 2015 10:29 am
by tonks
ash55's suggestion is excellent. When looking at the "new to Shenmue" thread, it occurred to me that everything that happened before Guilin can be summed up quite simply (Ryo Hazuki has travelled to China to find Lan Di, a member of the Chi You Men who killed Ryo's father and took the Dragon Mirror). Yes, we're expecting characters like Ren to show up, but knowing the backstory of a character like Ren and his relationship with Ryo isn't essential, imo.

But dropping newcomers who have never played the previous games right into the middle of the Shenhua/Ryo story would be too confusing. Plus the leisurely, relaxed nature of the long walk is ideal for a tutorial and is a good way to work in exposition regarding Ryo's backstory.

I definitely don't think it should be an essential, unskippable part of the game, though. I feel that would turn too many people off right there.