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KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:49 am
by ConanTheKing ... ts/1292219

Happy to see Nozomi won in a way, we know Ryo will be in the game and Ren was somewhat confirmed in the Twitch Q&A so the cameo appearence hopefully should be going to Nozomi. \:D/

Hello Everyone!

Poll results from your favorite character and mini-game are in, with an outstanding 14,751 people replying! Some questions were not answered by all of the respondents, but it is pretty easy to see where loyalties lay!


The winner for favorite character, by an overwhelming margin is, of course, our main man Ryo! Ren and Nozomi came in a respectable second and third. Sorry guys, better luck next time! That means Ryo will get an extra special scene (or something, depending on Mr. Suzuki!) to give him that little bit of extra attention.

And the winner for the most popular mini-game is the Lucky Hit!


QTE Battle and Duck Racing stayed in there, but Lucky Hit took it away big in the end. If you are Lucky Hit fan, The “Be a Technique Scroll Lucky Hit Game Board” could be the reward for you! After Mr. Suzuki saw how popular it the Lucky Hit was, he wanted to make sure it would be the first one you could win the special prizes from. Get rewarded more for straying off the path!

All New for Shenmue 3

What will Ryo be taking up in Shenmue 3? We think this next reward will give just the smallest of hints:


SHENMUE BAIT & TACKLE - $1,800 Get to name a fishing rod or lure. When your item is purchased, it will get a close-up and reaction from Ryo. + Receive the in-game item you named. Let’s get... fishy! Includes the $600 Reward.

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:52 am
by mjq jazz bar
I predict no one will pay $1800 for that honor.

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:53 am
by BlueMue
They really outdid themselves with that reward. What a joke...

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:57 am
by Yokosuka
Ren best secondary character, I'm glad Shenmue fans have good taste.

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 7:59 am
by mjq jazz bar
BlueMue wrote: They really outdid themselves with that reward. What a joke...

I don't get the mentality behind adding rewards that cost the same as other rewards. This clearly won't hurt anything, but it seems completely useless. It's certainly not going to push us to $5 million.

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:00 am
by Peter
Interesting idea for Shenmue 3. Sitting with Ryo fishing, and enjoying the music and scenery of China. That sounds awesome!

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:00 am
by ConanTheKing
BlueMue wrote: They really outdid themselves with that reward. What a joke...

As much as I like that red shirt guy, I think Awesome Japan might be getting carried away a bit with the awards, I started to think this last week with two new tier rewards for having your name somewhere.


Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:04 am
by Miles Prower
As long as the fishing is more Zelda than Sonic Adventure, I'm ok with this :P

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:07 am
by johnvivant
it should have been 'Who is your favorite character other than Ryo?' it was pretty obvious that ryo would win.
Ryo is already the main character with lots of screen time, does he really need more special scenes?

but then again, maybe i'm just mad that Xiuying was so low down... :roll:

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:07 am
by joka
Aww man as if Ryo won! We'll see enough of him as it is so was a good opportunity for someone else to get a look in.... I don't think the people who voted necessarily considered it was going to lead to additional content.

Ah well- hopefully a cool flashback scene for Ryo!

And I really like the sound of a fishing mini game :)

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:08 am
by SaM_4000
I always thought with the original Shenmue on the Dreamcast it would've been cool to be able to use the fishing rod controller...

I can't be the only one that liked Sega Bass Fishing, right?

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:10 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
A named fishing rod? *sigh*

That 5 million milestone is floating further and further away..

I do like the idea of going fishing in game though!

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:15 am
by Riku Rose
As far as I'm aware no one who paid for the Lucky Hit board is going through my suggestion of sending Paul Rudd's face so I suggest whoever buys this names it Paul Rodd.

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:17 am
by mjq jazz bar
RiGoRmOrTiS wrote: A named fishing rod? *sigh*

That 5 million milestone is floating further and further away..

I do like the idea of going fishing in game though!
same with that new video. I mean, 4 days left. Is there even a point?

Re: KS Update #34 - Poll Results & Fishing Poles

PostPosted: Mon Jul 13, 2015 8:18 am
by shredingskin
Incredible how little votes Xiuying had.

Also great to be able to go fishing. Reminds me of deadly premonition (great game). Hopefully it'll be something similar to Bass Fishing.

The tiers keep getting more lol worthy as time approaches. Put your name in a dog that you can call ingame !! (that would be kinda cool though).

BTW they did also a poll for what rewards you would like but they didn't post the results... Does that mean they're working on it or that they're not gonna do them ?