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The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:10 am
by Technophilz
After watching the very short (39 seconds) 720/30p trailer, I had this question in mind : is this even close to Shenmue standards?

phpBB [video]

and I think the answer to that questions is: NO, not even close.

Yes, I know it's a very early build of Shenmue 3, everything is still in pre-alpha stage and in-development, but even at this very very ... very early stage, this trailer is unacceptable.

Where do I begin? This demo is obviously done in Unreal Engine 4, and there are many examples to demonstrate what this very powerful engine can do in terms of graphics and animations. I've seen some amazing UE4 demos done by amateurs that look way more impressive than this demo. Watching the trailer made me feel really disappointed, because those who worked on it are supposed to be professionals, right?

Why did they use the old characters models instead of the newer (improved but still bad) ones?


Why did they use such awkward camera angles ?


Why are the lighting,reflections and shadows totally wrong?


There's no 1080/60p version of the trailer, and I don't think they even bothered to render one at that resolution/frame rate, or even proof-read the one line they had in English "All game scenes under development" , maybe they meant to say :"All game scenes are underdeveloped"!!, and btw why are they keep using stock music? Couldn't they create some short original tunes for a 39-seconds clip ????

In today's standards, this UE4 trailer is unimpressive in every way, I don't understand why do they keep showing such things ... they're not doing the Kickstarter and Shenmue 3 any good.
As fans, we have been doing our best to #SaveShenmue, and those who are making such immature work need to do theirs well ... I am really sad because the Kickstarter could've been way way better than it is now.

Shenmue has had a great legacy, please stop damaging it any further ...

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:28 am
by johnvivant
editing out the butt zoom would improve the trailer x100. strange decision that one.

also if they added a slightly better animation to shenhua hands as she lifted them it would improve things a lot - like finger movement or something, because the motion of that particular action looks too stiff.

but i overall like this trailer.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:30 am
by ConanTheKing
Yeah but, they havn't even got the funds to start developing properly. They are probably more in the design/planning stages.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:35 am
by Yokosuka
Apart some pessimistic fans and trolls, who cares ?

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:37 am
by NeoShredder
The only thing that really irks me is the clipping on Ryo's jacket when he turns his head. Other than that, I enjoyed this trailer and had no problem with it for what it is.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:40 am
by Reprise
Blah blah blah blah.

I liked it. Sue me.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:41 am
by Sonoshee
ConanTheKing wrote: Yeah but, they havn't even got the funds to start developing properly. They are probably more in the design/planning stages.


And the fact they are using the older Shenhua model is probably because this trailer was started around the same time as that model was created/being used.

Proper development hasn't even started. Anything we get right now is not going to be insanely brilliant.
I imagine this trailer wasn't even produced by any single member of the team that will be behind Shenmue 3. YSNet/Neilo are still in the recruiting stages.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:42 am
by James Brown
Surprised, I thought it looked gorgeous. Considering they've had a couple of weeks and still not received our funding.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:49 am
by Otacon_ahs
Yes, it's bad. I'm not worried about the trailer being an indicative of the final version, i can see Yu Suzuki doing interviews and other development staff doing other things and not focusing too much on the trailer. But, really, for new backers is really bad. "Oh let's look what Shenmue is and what it has to show... Oh shit... I'm not backing this crap".

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:58 am
by Yokosuka
Otacon_ahs wrote: Yes, it's bad. I'm not worried about the trailer being an indicative of the final version, i can see Yu Suzuki doing interviews and other development staff doing other things and not focusing too much on the trailer. But, really, for new backers is really bad. "Oh let's look what Shenmue is and what it has to show... Oh shit... I'm not backing this crap".

You overestimate the number of people with tiny brain.

From shit, they did practically a miracle.

Re: The new trailer is a bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 7:59 am
by RiGoRmOrTiS
They haven't even hired staff yet, this was probably one guy quickly animating by hand and slapping light sources in to get a video out.. It's perfectly fine for now, if it looks like that 12 months into development then we can complain.

If that's what they can do in unreal 4 with no staff I think we should be very excited

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:01 am
by Upstairsmuffin
Yeah, I think we would have been better off without this trailer.
It just gives a bad impression to people new to the series.

That zoom into the ass though. what.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:04 am
by Otacon_ahs
Yokosuka wrote:
From shit, they did practically a miracle.

I know, but really, i CAN'T pledge more, so i'm not talking about us or our consideration about the project. Plus a majority of fans already pledged. I'm saying that for new people, it looks really bad, because those new people doesn't care about the "they did a miracle", but will think "this look worse than a one person indie game".

I'm exaggerating, but you see what i mean.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:18 am
by Lan Di-sama

The game isn't even in development yet.

How can you say that this looks bad to those new to the series? Are you new to the series?

Judging by the boost in funding since last night, Id hardly say this teaser had a negative impact.

I cannot wait for this campaign to end and for the game to go quietly into production so everyone can quit hyper-analyzing (aka bitching about) everything.

Re: The new trailer is bad ...

PostPosted: Wed Jul 15, 2015 8:33 am
by mrandyk
Yu said that gameplay footage won't be out until 2017. That should tell you what they are working with right now. They have nothing at all and quickly threw something together just to give people an image of Ryo and Shenhua created with modern software.