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How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 4:30 am
by SMDzero
In Shenmue 2 Shenhua basically follows you or you follow her. In Shenmue 3 will you basically get to Bailu and tell Shenhua to wait at the inn whilst you explore solo?

Or will Shenhua perpetually follow you? I'm wondering about this.

Re: How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 6:38 am
by johnvivant
will be interesting to see whether her willingness to follow you depends on the quality of your relationship with her (rapport system)

i'm also imagining that if you take her around with you she can give you some kind of magic defensive buffs during battle.
damn, i can't wait to meet all the people in bailu village. shenhua will have a lot of introductions to do.

Re: How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sat Jul 25, 2015 10:21 am
by shenmue852
SMDzero wrote: In Shenmue 2 Shenhua basically follows you or you follow her. In Shenmue 3 will you basically get to Bailu and tell Shenhua to wait at the inn whilst you explore solo?

Or will Shenhua perpetually follow you? I'm wondering about this.

Not much different from when you briefly walk around with Ren in Kowloon, i imagine. Or numerous other games with a companion character like the parts of The Last of Us when you're walking around and not fighting.

There will probably be times when you aren't accompanied by her, i.e she'd wait somewhere or follow her own schedule.

What i'm curious about is how it's going to be once Ren gets there, then there'll be 3 characters- aside from when you actually play as him, I mean.

Re: How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:22 am
by Taren Fox
Hopefully her AI will be better than Sheva's in Resident Evil 5.

Re: How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 6:24 am
by Three Blades
You have to carry her on top of your head, similar to Ruto in the 3rd level of Zelda OOT.

Re: How will Ryo and Shenhua be together?

PostPosted: Sun Jul 26, 2015 7:01 am
by SMDzero
Or he could keep Shenhua in his green backpack and she could pop out from time to time like in Banjo Kazooie!