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Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:52 pm
by SMDzero
About that day in late December 2017 when you find the UPS package on your doorstep that contains Shenmue 3 on PS4?

About putting it into your system.. turning down the lights, cracking open a soda and "getting READY" for the video game experience of your LIFE?!?!?!?!?

The day seems so far away now.... but one day...

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:14 am
by iyapol
To be honest, I've not really thought about the final product. I'm actually really looking forward to the game's development, watching Shenmue III come to life in the form of concept drawings, early screenshots and the scheduled demo.

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 9:37 am
by shenmue852
I've been thinking about what the beginning would be like.

I'm picturing a cold opening- a brief narrated prologue, just summarizing that Ryo has traveled from Japan to Hong Kong and China and now is in Guilin, has met Shenhua and then gameplay starts at her house the morning after walking through the mountain woods. It starts with the walk from the house to the cave, a recreation of the cave sequence serves as a basic gameplay controls tutorial, and once the mirrors are revealed the Shenhua orchestral theme starts booming and it cuts to an opening title sequence showing panoramic in-engine views of the villages and surrounding country side as the title and lead credits are displayed.

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 10:03 am
by ShenGCH
I've thought about what life will be life over two years from now, but no, I really haven't fantasised about release day, to be honest. It's too far away at present, hence why The Phantom Pain is occupying 90% of my anticipation and thoughts :)

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:46 pm
by rome
shenmue852 wrote: I've been thinking about what the beginning would be like.

I'm picturing a cold opening- a brief narrated prologue, just summarizing that Ryo has traveled from Japan to Hong Kong and China and now is in Guilin, has met Shenhua and then gameplay starts at her house the morning after walking through the mountain woods. It starts with the walk from the house to the cave, a recreation of the cave sequence serves as a basic gameplay controls tutorial, and once the mirrors are revealed the Shenhua orchestral theme starts booming and it cuts to an opening title sequence showing panoramic in-engine views of the villages and surrounding country side as the title and lead credits are displayed.

This thought gave me chills. Finally seeing "Shenmue III" up on my screen will make for one helluva day.

All the waiting will finally pay off and I hope you all have an amazing experience when you first play as well. I've wondered where I'll be 2+ years from now, and where I'll be sitting down and continuing this epic story.

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 2:31 pm
by kuwakodono
I've actually thought about tracking down a phone in the game so I can call Nozomi and Fuku-san. 8)

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:25 am
by Shibiryo
I can't stop thinking about the day.

Goddamn Shenmue 3...

Re: Do you fantasize about the day?

PostPosted: Thu Aug 20, 2015 11:33 am
by Sh3ppy
2017 can't come soon enough! TBH, just the fact that the game being made is a reality is enough to tide me over. well, at the moment it sure seems that way anyway...