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Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sun Aug 16, 2015 11:56 pm
by SMDzero
If anyone dreams about Shenmue 3 please share in this thread.

I recently had a dream I was "in" the Shenmue 3 game (with Dreamcast era graphics).

There was an old woman-- a cross between the Russiya China sop women and the old lady who taught you the 4th Wudu--- and she was selling her wares in the Guilin countryside.

After I bought whatever she said "Welcome to Choubu" and I saw Choubu village right behind her.

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 1:16 am
by Yokosuka
lol I was going to do the same thread some days ago until I forgot the idea.

It was the day when Shenmue 3 released. That was one week before the official release but as I was a backer, I obtained the Holy Grail from my letter box.

My home was weird and different. I guess it's the kind of house I plan to get in the future. It had a nice cinema lounge, probably because I already prepared myself IRL to discover Shenmue III in the best conditions as possible (my subconscious got a good idea here, I must admit).

The typical lightning put forward a flat TV, a low table with Shenmue III box above and two seats from the darkness. Two seats because I was in fact with my brother, we had the habit to play Shenmue together IRL.

A cinematic ran in loop on the flat TV. That were Ryo and Shenhua walking and talking each other through Guilin forest in slightly improved Shenmue II graphics. I thought it was the Shenmue I+II cinema shorts earned through the stretch goals.

My excitement was getting higher and higher as I finally decided to unbox the dvd. I thought about all the things, all the epic adventure that would come just from this box. Shenmue III was in my hands !!! All these two years to wait since the kickstarter annoucement finally rewarded !!! We were going to play !!!

Then my dream became more and more unclear and completely different. I woke up after some minutes and was completely disgusted.

As usual, my subconscious decided to ruin my geek dreams just at the crucial moment. I never was be able to play a video game in my dreams. And that was the first time I dreamed about Shenmue. I miss my chance ](*,)

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Mon Aug 17, 2015 3:44 am
by Three Blades
I had a shenmue3 dream, but that was back when I first finished Shenmue 2. In it, there was a little town with wooden houses built on platforms over the Guilin river. (I also had a Shenmue 2 dream on the day I finished Shenmue1)

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 7:29 pm
by BlueMue
Pulling this thread up because I had a "proper" Shenmue III dream this night.

It was short and rather strange but it had gameplay and I had thoughts in the dream while I "played" the game.
The scenes were set in Guilin, with Ryo and Shenhua in a very thick and green forest. They had to cross a river and Ryo decided to use Joy's motorcycle to jump over it. So out of nowhere he sits on the red bike, pulls of a wheelie and jumps into the water. He keeps driving underwater and jumps out on the other side of the river in slowmotion, every litte water drop visible and glistening in the light that found it's way through the trees. Right then in my dream I applauded the game for this badass cutscene.

Then it cut to some gameplay where I had to control Ryo while he was swimming down the river on his own.
I had to steer him in order to grab little round and blue "whale icons" that were supposed to be important for a later scene. I have no damn clue why the hell there was something going on or coming up with a whale but that's what the game, or rather Shenhua's voice told me. They are whale icons and I should grab as many as I can...

Unfortunately it already ended right then. Wish there was more of it. Even though it was a bit crazy it was definately the most game-ish Shenmue dream I ever had.

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Fri Feb 05, 2016 10:16 pm
by KidMarine
A few weeks before Shenmue 3 was announced I had a dream where I was in Shenmue 3, travelling through a cave. I remember something was falling from the ceiling

I woke up with a terrible yearning for Shenmue 3. I realised then how wounded I was by not knowing what happened next in the saga, how much it had effected me on an emotional level. I was convinced that Shenmue 3 would never happen and it hurt.

Then 3 was announced. That was nice.

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sat Feb 06, 2016 10:55 am
by murdiaries
Don't wake me up.

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:05 am
by 4thMG
Just noticed this neat thread. I like reading about other peoples dreams. Over the last six years, I think I had, like, maybe a total of 3 dreams about Shenmue 3 (whoa) or they were at least Shenmue related from what I remember -- all before S3 was confirmed (The dark ages). Ummmm, I'll try to describe two of them, both were in the "in game" perspective:

1st one: It was all from my point of view and was hyper realistic, basically like real life. I guess I was supposed to be Ryo, and I'm wandering around this huge crowded 3rd world market place in a desert climate with tons of tents, shacks, and oriental rugs, haha, and I'm looking around for clues while avoiding bad guys with guns. That's all I really remember. It looked like it was supposed to be in India or some middle eastern/ west African country which would be kinda cool and weird. Doesn't sound very Shenmue, does it? well, In my dream I guess I convinced myself that it was in the Shenmue universe, so I guess it qualifies as such.

2nd one: More straightforward with quasi-dreamcast graphics (dreamcast graphics in a dream? So meta) So this one was in the 3rd person perspective where I'm controlling Ryo within the game. It was definitely supposed to be S3 and the environment looked like Dobuita from S1, and Aberdeen and Golden Qr. from S2 but more ethereal with lots of water and Chinese imperial architecture. The best way I can describe it is that it was like a mix between Shenmue and the last level of the game Fear Effect 2. Anyway, in this dream I was running around in typical Ryo fashion on what looked like a long curved indoor walkway with a fountain that ran along side of it and neon lights (kind of like a futuristic arcade) and I was asking people for directions. Then at one point I was walking around on a street in the day time and walked up a couple of steps that led to a small shrine on the side but couldn't go any further because it turns out that it was all just a demo and I reached the end of it. At that point I became aware in my dream that S3 didn't even exist, but for some reason I thought I could enter a code that could turn the demo into the full game (super weird and pathetic, I know). Then I woke up and was slightly depressed, but probably felt better after eating some pizza or something.

Haha I know it's just a game, but I think we can all agree that it is one of the most engrossing game series' ever made and having dreams about it makes it that much more endearing. That's ok, pretty soon we won't have to have depressing dreams about it anymore. Way to go guys! d(★_★)b

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 2:23 am
by GYO6161
I swear i dont think im awake since june 15, maybe i died or something. I also happened to faint in the 15th so..... maybe im in a coma in a dream world were shenmue 3 is a thing?!!?!? 8-[

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 4:05 am
by SMDzero
It would suck if you woke up and it was June 15th and you realized the last 8 months were just a dream and there IS NO SHENMUE 3.... :cry: :cry: :cry:

I would basically be like Cypher from the Matrix and demand to go back into the dream even knowing the dream world with Shenmue 3 wasn't technically real.

Re: Shenmue 3 dreams

PostPosted: Sun Feb 07, 2016 9:38 am
by Spaghetti
Funnily enough, I had a Shenmue 3 dream just last night. It was fairly ordinary, Cedric released two teaser images. One was of the cave from Shenmue II, and the other was a lotus floating on the pond we've seen in Bailu Village.

For a dream it was remarkably sensible.