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Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 2:59 pm
by Realillusion
I know, I'm on the late train.

I was an avid poster to the Dojo between the years of 2003-2009. Some may remember me from creating the parody stories of Shenmue called ShenmueIrony in the old Creative Writing Forums.

Anyways, I stopped posting and, in all honesty, stopped visiting the Dojo around 2009. So my Shenmue news was kinda shut off. I mean, I didn't give up on Shenmue, but I figured the odds of another game were slim. I still checked the internet here and there just to see if Shenmue 3 might of been announced.

So it was just last night, randomly browsing through the internet, and I came across a link about E3 2015. Clicked on it, read about the event, and found out about Shenmue 3!!!...... one year later. And guys, I was a big Shenmue Fan. I should of been one of the firsts to find out.

So hell yeah!!! Shenmue 3!!!! I'm exicited!!!

Anyone else on the late train and just found out recently? Do you think Shenmue 3 will now bring back old members who left the Dojo?

I have a feeling the announcement of Shenmue 3 will bring back a lot of members who left.

I was thinking, if I'm just finding out and I was a fan, imagine how many people don't know about Shenmue 3 yet.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:13 pm
by SheepheadCG
Haha! Awesome! So glad you managed to find out eventually! You should have seen the Dojo the night of the announcement, it was crazy. You are kind of lucky in a way. The rest of us were glued to the Kickstarter page for the whole month, worrying about if the game would earn enough money/hit some of the extra stretch goals etc. :P

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:20 pm
by Realillusion
In all honesty, I kind of wish I did find out when everyone else found out. Or at least around that time. Because now I'm having to catch up lol. I'm being thrown into a world that I didn't even know existed. Still trying to learn everything about the funding for the game, I believe we have to contribute a certain amount of money for events to be created in the game? Dojo Members are attending meetings with Yu Suzuki, Dojo members are meeting and taking pics with Yu Suzuki. Just trying to get caught up without getting overwhelmed.

Right now, I'm seriously going down the Shenmue 3 Forum Page and reading all the forum posts to get caught up

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 3:30 pm
by Telekill
Welcome to the best news of 2015.

The great part is that you can still donate to Shenmue 3 via Paypal.
My jaw hit the floor when the announcement happened. I couldn't believe it and immediately after Sony's press conference, I donated at the $100 mark on Kickstarter to get my name in the credits and a copy of the game.

I can't wait. :)

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 8:15 pm
by SMDzero

It must have been a huge surprise indeed. Good thing you missed the days when it seemed the funding had stalled @ 3.2 million or so.. for a while it seemed we'd be getting a story focused Shenmue.

Fortunately we're now at pretty close to 7 million.. way way past 5 million that really was the goalpost for a filled out game content wise.

You should reserve your copy via paypal!

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:26 pm
by Mr357
SMDzero wrote: I was excited as hell about Shenmue 3.. THEN I found out about the second World War ... I just never learned about it or even knew that WWII ever even occurred until June 2015... it made me depressed and sad and ruined my enjoyment of Shenmue 3 :(


Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 9:30 pm
by Peter
SMDzero wrote: I was excited as hell about Shenmue 3.. THEN I found out about the second World War ... I just never learned about it or even knew that WWII ever even occurred until June 2015... it made me depressed and sad and ruined my enjoyment of Shenmue 3 :(

You are so close to being banned just for being an out n out fartknocker it's unreal.

Realillusion wrote: I know, I'm on the late train.

I was an avid poster to the Dojo between the years of 2003-2009. Some may remember me from creating the parody stories of Shenmue called ShenmueIrony in the old Creative Writing Forums.

Anyways, I stopped posting and, in all honesty, stopped visiting the Dojo around 2009. So my Shenmue news was kinda shut off. I mean, I didn't give up on Shenmue, but I figured the odds of another game were slim. I still checked the internet here and there just to see if Shenmue 3 might of been announced.

So it was just last night, randomly browsing through the internet, and I came across a link about E3 2015. Clicked on it, read about the event, and found out about Shenmue 3!!!...... one year later. And guys, I was a big Shenmue Fan. I should of been one of the firsts to find out.

So hell yeah!!! Shenmue 3!!!! I'm exicited!!!

Anyone else on the late train and just found out recently? Do you think Shenmue 3 will now bring back old members who left the Dojo?

I have a feeling the announcement of Shenmue 3 will bring back a lot of members who left.

I was thinking, if I'm just finding out and I was a fan, imagine how many people don't know about Shenmue 3 yet.

Welcome back bud. I remember you well!! The main one is buried about 5 pages back, just look for the topic with 20 or 30 pages worth of good stuff. It's mostly all live reactions. Also, there's a topic buried somewhere in General Discussion dedicated to all the old veterans who came back when the bell tolled. The forums could do with a few tweaks to make them easier to find, but as of yet there's nothing planned. Also look up the Shenmue topics on Neogaf, they are sensational in their own right also. I have 4 links saved on my work PC, but Spaghetti should be able to hook you up.

But please, stick around! The Shenmue Community has been the biggest it has been, and the next couple of years are going to be like nothing we have experienced here in the past 14 years. You should check out the Youtube Channel, Team Yu, NeoGaf, ShenmueMaster (if you can speak French) and the Shennue 500k Facebook page.

But for now, if you haven't already seen it, this is the ultimate Shenmue 3 video, which many of us have watched a lot in the past year. Enjoy :nice!:

phpBB [video]

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:38 pm
by Realillusion
I remmeber you as well Peter :) I was wondering where all the old members were at, especially OL. I'm seeing everyone from 2012 and on now but thats not a bad thing at all. Great to see the Dojo getting new members :)

And I'm excited for everything. I've never been on this forum with a Shenmue game coming out, always the other way around lol. So it's definately something new.

I'll take a look at the forum five pages back and read the first one once Shenmue 3 was announced. I'm sure it's pretty epic. I've gotten caught up on a lot of things lately.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Thu Apr 28, 2016 11:46 pm
by Ziming
Be sure to check the Shenmue 3 news archive topic. Everything is there.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 3:53 am
by dbzruler88
I also remember you. If I'm not mistaken we had some fun with one sentence stories in the creative writing thread.

Oh yeah, I'm back too, just as of about 10 minutes ago.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:17 am
by Shenhua-Nani?
Oh man, i can't decide if you should consider yourself blessed for skipping that crazy month of the kickstarter campaign, or unlucky..... it was a memorable time, for both good and bad things. :)

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 11:04 am
by Realillusion
I remember that dbzruler. I was posting on that forum all the time. Welcome back to the forums!

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Fri Apr 29, 2016 6:04 pm
by dbzruler88
Good to be back. I think.

But yeah I remember I found out the night that it was announced. I worked 3rd shift at the time so I was sleeping during the conference. I woke up to the news and was ecstatic. I also remember going to tell my wife and she didn't give a shit. She was watching the Blackhawks win.

I also somehow convinced her to allow me to shell out 100 bucks to the kickstarter.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Sat Apr 30, 2016 10:26 pm
by Anonymous81
Yeah definitely look up all the reactions to the announcement. Sincerely, legitimately moving and reassuring on a profound level they were lol.

Re: Just found out about Shenmue 3

PostPosted: Wed May 04, 2016 11:01 pm
by SegaMon
I think that there are a lot of people who really enjoyed Shenmue that do not yet know about Shenmue III. The reason being is that many people who played the games back in 2000 and 2001 are not involved in gaming anymore. Because the gaming media is the only place to hear about gaming news, those who are not into gaming today will not hear about it. Cable and network news may report on news stories related to the movie industry but will not cover hardly anything in the gaming industry. It really puzzles me that the popular media doesn't cover gaming news much because the size of the gaming industry is just as large as the movie industry.

I think it is great that you have now found out about Shenmue III. I found out about Shenmue III after work (I worked night shift on the night of the announcement) and was told about Shenmue III by a friend on facebook. I thought he was playing a bad joke on me. We are all so excited. I hope that everyone who loved Shenmue I and II get to learn about and play Shenmue III. :D