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A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 9:52 pm
by Himuro
Guys, I know a lot of you don't like how the media has been with Shenmue III but many of you are acting like conspiracy theorists at this point. Shenmue III being on a list of games that didn't show up at E3 doesn't mean that the media is picking on Shenmue or that they have it out for the series. FFVIIR wasn't either. It was just a list of notable games that were absent. That's all. Shenmue III being in an article about the game being a long way off does not mean that the media has a crusade against Shenmue. Many in the games media have not been entirely fair, but the amount of topics and posts discussing the media treatment of this game has gotten out of hand and very close into the area of lunatic fanaticism. Is the treatment of Shenmue III worrying in some cases? Yes. But please cool it and try to think positive.

When the HD direct feed footage of Shenhua's house and Guilin are released, the media are going to want to unzip this games pants and get busy. I think as time goes on, people will be more receptive because I have full trust in Yu and his team! It's not the 90's or 00's anymore. Games like Life Is Strange, Ethan Carter, Gone Home, Heavy Rain, and other slow, more intimate games have been widely received by the games media. I think people are now more receptive to games like Shenmue. Just because III is on some list doesn't mean it's doomed. Have faith in Yu and his team and that they will deliver a great game that stop the media in their tracks. Going by disc 4 of Shenmue II alone, have you ever seen a game have such intimate and personal conversations? I haven't. If what Yu says is true and that part is just a mere taste of Shenmue III, this game could be an all time classic and highly influential. Eyes are watching. Chill and appreciate that this is even happening!

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Sun Jul 03, 2016 10:03 pm
by south carmain
Nah I love chaos. Pic related is me

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:21 am
by Spaghetti
I don't disagree, but there's some very bad reporting going on. Game Informer's article about the anniversary is tinged with FUD and attempts to put words in Yu's mouth to make another "OMG GREEDY BASTARDS WANT MORE MONEY" headline happen. They even tried to stoke the idiocy that caused the PayPal debacle, which was largely the fault of the media being too lazy to take the minute and a half to read back through the Kickstarter page for proper context.

Many other major outlets did a straight factual piece, others editorialised a certain way in the title (Shenmue 3 is going to take a long time to come out, etc), and ones like Game Informer attempted to throw the game, and Yu Suzuki under the bus in the eyes of gamers who trust GI to be the be-all, end-all of info on the game. The comments are proof of this, because they accept everything GI says hook, line, and sinker. The wording of the article also has made some readers believe the anniversary update is the only update from the Kickstarter, because they're so blindly devoted to the games media they can't go check for themselves.

Let's not be pedants and call out media for getting a few details wrong or making a slightly snarky headline, but biased editorialising should be challenged.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 9:43 am
by MiTT3NZ
What the hell does it even matter? So if I think an image looks shit I should lie to myself and say "it looks decent"? The fuck does that accomplish? Here's a different plea... don't listen to this tit. You're allowed to think and feel however you want. Doesn't change one shred of shit.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:49 am
by Anonymous81
Nah, there's no conspiracy. Just alot of bias that doesn't get applied to other games (even other crowdsourced games.) It doesn't bother me too much, but it's definitely an ongoing thing, especially the misrepresentation of facts. But that's okay.

As for the game itself... I couldn't be more positive lol. We're getting Shenmue III! What's more positive than that?

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 11:55 am
by myshtuff
I think lately I've started to take a similar stance in regards to any release whether it's a movie or game or book. Reporters are idiots. Mainstream media is garbage especially videogame related. Form your own opinions and wait until the damn thing comes out to decide. Until then it's all speculative bullshit. Obviously shenmue is more personal to all all of us but when it comes out if it's shit, then so be it. I'm not gonna lie to myself either. Look what happened to Duke nukem forever. It's basically like shenmue 3. Took 15 years and built so much hype and it turned out to be shit. Same thing will happen with half life 3. I hope shenmue 3 is different, but we've all been burned before too.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 1:58 pm
by Hyo Razuki
Good idea. Positive attitude is what we need.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 4:19 pm
by -=SPZ=-47
Comrads! Articles like that one are being written by losers who can't get a better job! Nobody who actually want's a review on a game will read those! People are not that dumb... Not yet at least... :???:

myshtuff wrote:I'm not gonna lie to myself either. Look what happened to Duke nukem forever. It's basically like shenmue 3. Took 15 years and built so much hype and it turned out to be shit. Same thing will happen with half life 3. I hope shenmue 3 is different, but we've all been burned before too.

Oh, no-no-no. This is a different story. DNF is not Shenmue. And Randy "Pinocchio" Pitchford is not Yu Suzuki!
Yu Suzuki created masterpieces his life long! Randy turns every game he touches into trash and gets hyped about it. (I have so much to say about that man but it's offtopic and I'm too lazy.)

Bottom line - everything is great! Don't read moronic articles and comments from CoD fans.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 5:52 pm
by killthesagabeforeitkillsu
First of, none of the games you mentioned are like Shenmue. Back in the 90s and 00s gaming was more experimental and people in general were open to new concepts. Hell, new game genres were getting made during that period. Nowadays everything is either a FPS, an action TPS or a walking simulator.

Second, the amount of 2016 gaming "journalists" that played Shenmue back in the day is optimistically around 0,1%.
It's not a conspiracy to believe journos that never played Shenmue or understand the scope of it, when they hear YS say: "I would like more money to make Shenmue III bigger" or "I want to make Shenmue 4", their reaction is "evil dev that got record breaking money wants to rip off his fanbase".

So I'm not gonna be optimistic about it, I'm going to be realistic about it. There are plenty alternatives to the archaic major gaming news websites that deliver more substantial and informed content. But there are some exceptions:

phpBB [video]

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 6:49 pm
by shredingskin
People aren't mad about being on a list of games not in E3 (that one was funny because the guy made a remark about fishing in Shenmue), people are tired about media trying to twist words just to get a nice clickbait title and since Shenmue has a pretty stable fanbase they think it's easy to get us to outrage click. It's not a conspiracy, it's what they do to grab some attention (because why would we visit a page with information we already have ?).

And it's not just gaming, sadly everything that should be info or reporting falls in this category of editorializing for X demographic and looks more like entertainment than real information.

It's their job to get clicks, make it entertaining and whatnot (because else it's just info relying), but in some cases the priorities are more on the clickbait than actually doing any of that. And it works for them.

I don't think attacking them makes any difference, but maybe a "come on, do your job properly" can make a difference (I don't think so, but who knows).

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Mon Jul 04, 2016 7:41 pm
by Yokosuka
Anonymous81 wrote: Nah, there's no conspiracy. Just alot of bias that doesn't get applied to other games (even other crowdsourced games.) It doesn't bother me too much, but it's definitely an ongoing thing, especially the misrepresentation of facts. But that's okay.

As for the game itself... I couldn't be more positive lol. We're getting Shenmue III! What's more positive than that?

It's mostly because they don't care that much of the other games.

Globally, I noticed that the negative people have nothing against Shenmue. I would say they're pretty all admiring a franchise they dream to play one day but are utterly disappointed that Shenmue 3 will only be a kickstarter game and have the feeling that the guys behind the project look for a way to abuse the fans loyalty.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 10:45 am
by mjq jazz bar
Crowdfunded games in general are an easy target. Add in the Sony conspiracy and you've got the makings of a very, very easy target.

I feel for Yu Suzuki, and I feel for the fanbase, but there's a good reason why crowdfunded games are an easy target. Look at how poor most of them turn out to be.

Once there's a playable build, I expect better coverage provided the game lives up expectations. If the character models are as poor as they were when the game was announced and the voice acting is sub-Shenmue 1, then expect to get upset all over again. (I don't expect any of this to happen.)

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 2:10 pm
by Monkei
MiTT3NZ wrote: What the hell does it even matter? So if I think an image looks shit I should lie to myself and say "it looks decent"? The fuck does that accomplish? Here's a different plea... don't listen to this tit. You're allowed to think and feel however you want. Doesn't change one shred of shit.

What does that have to do with what Himuro wrote? What image? Are you even reading the topics you're posting your retarded bullshit responses in?

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 5:47 pm
by MiTT3NZ
It's what is commonly referred to as a "hypothetical scenario". My response was to the "think more positively" angle, as if a positive thought from some random in Kenya is gonna help with the development of a video game. The rest of the topic bored me to shit (as most do in the Shenmue game forums) coz you all post like whiney emo-PC hybrid pricks who treat the place like a fucking support group because some writer at IGN said that Shenmue III might not be the greatest thing since sliced toastie Warburtons.

Now get back in your cage n have a banana you twelve-toed inbred bellend.

Re: A plea to be more positive

PostPosted: Tue Jul 05, 2016 6:03 pm
by Sonoshee
MiTT3NZ wrote: you all post like whiney emo-PC hybrid pricks who treat the place like a fucking support group because some writer at Kotaku said that Shenmue III might not be the greatest thing since Warburtons fluffy crumpets.
