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Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 9:37 am
by Yokosuka ... 97909.html

Interview context: Gamekult is shown an extended version of the trailer with additional scenes and QTEs with "work in progress" mark. Then the interview begins with Suzuki and his English translator.


Gamekult: First of all, I would like to know why you decided to publicly publish a short version of what you just showed us privately? Is it for marketing purpose or a future backer exclusivity?

(Suzuki begins to talk to his translator who is also in charge of the business side of YSnet. The latter takes the floor.)

YSnet businessman: That's a good question! Honestly, there's no specific reason but some people think showing the extended version is too early. The idea behind the trailer was to announce our partnership with Deep Silver. We aimed to reveal that we got a better financial support. We have been silent for too long so it was important to show something at Gamescom while it's not a real marketing strategy.

Yu Suzuki: We may create an improved and longer version of the video for the end of the year. A true promotional trailer.

GK: After watching the video, I now wonder how you proceed with animation in Shenmue 3. Do you use motion capture, handmade animation or both? Are you working with an outsourcing studio or do you have your own motion capture studio?

YS: We use motion capture as working base then we make adjustments. Everything is captured internally although we do not have a true motion capture studio. We're using a magnetic capture tool because it needs less space to work so we can easily proceed in an open space. However, we are certainly going to use a real motion capture studio for the most important action scenes.

GK: Are you working with outsourcing studios? For instance, TOSE or Virtuous.

YS: We have our own team where people from various companies are working. In general, everything is made internally. The goal is to avoid outsourcing.

GK: How many people are working in the team?

YS: Sorry but I can't tell you any figure.

GK: How will your partnership with Deep Silver benefit Shenmue III? Is the original project going to evolve?

YS: To be honest, we just signed the contract. We have yet to know what Deep Silver can bring us exactly but we hope it's significant (laughs). From a business point of view, we should take advantage of their international network and their communication expertise since they have a great record with Japanese studios.

GK: How will you proceed to make the game interesting for the fans as much for the newcomers? Can we start Shenmue III without having played the previous episodes?

YS: We plan to insert images and videos from previous episodes in ingame situations, something like memories. One of the ideas consists of inserting visuals when you're phoning characters from Shenmue I & II.

GK: Yakuza 3 proceeded differently with cinematic buildups to summarize the story of Yakuza 1&2. I wonder if Shenmue 3 can proceed the same way but the visual contrast between cinematics and the gameplay would be obviously significant.

YS: I still don't know how it may look on screen but it's a possibility. Anyway, we'll decide our own way to proceed.

GK: What will the Shenmue III main themes be? Storywise, is there any particular event or topic you're willing to set up?

YS: It's faster to show you. (Suzuki starts his PC and launches a slideshow) Here we go, the three key points of the game are romance, characters' life and martial arts. Then my main goal is to use the latest advancements in technologies to express feelings through gaming situation. Today there are even more ways of expression but also more challenge with the modern tools. With Unreal Engine 4, the most challenging part is to create good characters.

GK: You mean, using your own engine when you're working on Shenmue I&II was easier than using a foreign third-party engine?

YS: Yes, absolutely!

GK: So far, have you programmed with your own hands?

YS: I created some algorithms and little prototypes but I'm not working at the heart of coding. I worked on an artist's AI who appears in the game, NPC behaviors and some combat scenes. But my main job is research. The final code is written by people who are more skilled than me.

GK: About visuals, how far do you think you are from the final state?

YS: First of all, I confirm that everything related to the characters is temporary. Then I would like to say that, in order to reach the best possible result from a technical point of view, we need a lot of resources, way more than we currently have today. That's why I'm trying to find a balance between visual quality and the other key points of the game, especially what makes the gameplay singular and different from the other productions.

GK: About environment size and interaction volume, how would you rate Shenmue 3 compared to the Dreamcast episodes?

YS: I would say that the game is as wide and dense as Shenmue 1&2... On further consideration, it will even be richer. The time of play is more difficult to estimate since each player has his own pace and may progress differently with all the side quests available. I think more than 20 hours will be needed.

GK: In order to make Shenmue 1&2, you traveled several times in China. Did you travel again for Shenmue III or are you using mainly archives and memories?

YS: I went back to China two years ago, when the project did start. (Suzuki is searching his PC folders to find photos of mountain landscapes, old buildings and busy streets) As you can see, we reproduced some roofs of tiles in the last video. I really would like to display as much characters as those you can see in these photos! (laughs)

GK: If you were going to leave Japan to live in another country, would you choose China?

YS: Not China, no. (laughs)


Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:09 am
by Senpai Gamer
I wonder why Yu doesnt want to live in China 0-0?

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 11:54 am
by Hazuki00
Very interesting, with each interview I'm more hyped!

Thanks so much!

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 12:15 pm
by Your Boy Leroy
This is all great reassuring stuff!

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 1:12 pm
by Mr357
Senpai Gamer wrote: I wonder why Yu doesnt want to live in China 0-0?

Let me think... :-k

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:11 pm
by ShenSun
We're going to need a thread at some point with all the interview information compiled together. I cant keep up lol.

Its been a great week.

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 6:25 pm
by Yokosuka
As far as I know, Suzuki has held 10 interviews lol. Two of them have yet to be published.

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Fri Aug 25, 2017 7:10 pm
by Chaikilla
Romance is a key theme? I know what we're all thinking here...Finally we'll see the softer side of Chai and Lan Di!

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 2:04 am
by Spaghetti

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:09 am
by Gromber
i translated to spanish:

Gamekult: Antes de nada, me gustaría saber porque decidisteis mostrar públicamente una versión más corta del tráiler de la que nos habéis enseñado en privado.

(Suzuki comienza a hablar con su traductor, que también está a cargo de la parte comercial de YSnet, y esté toma la palabra).

Socio de YSnet: ¡Buena pregunta! Sinceramente, no hay ninguna razón específica, aunque hay quienes piensan que es demasiado pronto para mostrar la versión extendida. El objetivo de este tráiler es anunciar nuestra asociación con Deep Silver. El anunciar que dispondremos de un mayor apoyo financiero. Además, llevábamos demasiado tiempo sin mostrar algo, por lo que era importante hacerlo en la Gamescom. Por lo que no era una estrategia de marketing propiamente dicha.

Yu Suzuki: Puede que hagamos una versión mejorada y extendida del video para finales de año. Un auténtico tráiler promocional.

GK: Después de ver el video, me pregunto cómo estáis creando la animación en Shenmue 3. Que utilizáis ¿captura de movimiento? ¿animación manual? ¿ambas? ¿trabajáis con algún estudio externo especializado o tenéis vuestro propio estudio de motion capture?

YS: Utilizamos la captura de movimiento como base de trabajo y a partir de ahí realizamos algunos arreglos. Todo está capturado internamente a pesar de que no tenemos realmente un estudio de motion capture. Estamos utilizando una herramienta MOCAP magnética porque necesita menos espacio para funcionar, lo que nos permite utilizarla fácilmente en un espacio abierto.
Sin embargo, sí que vamos a utilizar un estudio real de motion capture para las escenas de mayor importancia.

GK: ¿Van a trabajar entonces con estudios externos? Como TOSE o Virtuous.

YS: Nuestro propio equipo está compuesto por gente que trabaja en varias compañías. Por norma general, todo lo hacemos internamente. Intentamos evitar la subcontratación.

GK: ¿Cuánta gente está trabajando en el equipo?

YS: Lo siento, pero no puedo darte ninguna cantidad.

GK: ¿Cómo va beneficiar a Shenmue 3 vuestro acuerdo con Deep Silver? ¿El proyecto original va a crecer?

YS: Para serte sincero, acabamos de firmar el contrato. Todavía tenemos que ver que puede Deep Silver realmente aportar, pero esperamos que sea importante (risas).
Desde un punto de vista empresarial, deberíamos poder aprovecharnos de sus conexiones internacionales y su experiencia de comunicación ya que ellos tienen un gran historial con estudios japoneses.

GK: ¿Qué vais a hacer para que el juego sea interesante no solo para los fans, sino también para los recién llegados? ¿Podremos comenzar a jugar a Shenmue III sin tocar las anteriores entregas?

YS: Planeamos añadir imágenes y videos de entregas anteriores mientras se está jugando, como si fueran recuerdos. Una de las ideas consiste en insertar elementos visuales mientras estamos llamando por teléfono a personajes de Shenmue 1 y 2.

GK: En Yakuza 3 lo hicieron de otra manera, con una recopilación cinematográfica para resumir la historia de los dos primeros Yakuza. Me pregunto si Shenmue 3 podría hacer lo mismo, pero la diferencia visual entre el gameplay y las cinemáticas sería obviamente significativa.

YS: Todavía no sé cómo podría verse en pantalla, pero es una posibilidad. De todas formas, decidiremos nuestra propia manera de llevarlo.

GK: ¿Cuáles serán los temas principales de Shenmue III? O, mejor dicho, ¿hay algún acontecimiento o tema en particular que quieras tratar?

YS: Enseñártelo será más rápido. (Yu Suzuki arranca su PC y carga unas diapositivas) Vamos a ver, los tres propósitos fundamentales del juego son el romance, la vida de los personajes y las artes marciales. Por tanto, mi meta principal es utilizar los últimos avances tecnológicos en expresar sentimientos a través de las situaciones del juego. En la actualidad hay aún más formas de expresión, pero también es más difícil trabajar con las herramientas actuales. Con el Unreal Engine 4, lo más desafiante es crear buenos personajes.

GK: Me estás diciendo, ¿qué te era más fácil trabajar con tu propio motor cuando realizabas Shenmue 1 y 2 que utilizar un motor third-party de fuera?

YS: Si, ¡sin duda!

GK: hasta ahora, ¿programabas tú mismo?

YS: He creado algunos algoritmos y pequeños prototipos, pero no estoy trabajando en el núcleo del código. He trabajado en una IA artística que aparece en el juego, temas de los NPCs (personajes) y en algunas escenas de combate. Pero mi trabajo principal es la investigación. El código final está escrito por gente que es más hábil que yo.

GK: Sobre el aspecto visual mostrado, ¿Cuánta es la distancia con la versión final?

YS: Lo primero de todo, puedo confirmar que todo lo relacionado con los personajes es temporal. Luego me gustaría decir que, para alcanzar el mejor resultado posible desde un punto de vista técnico, necesitamos muchos recursos, muchos más de los que disponemos ahora. Es por eso que estoy intentando encontrar un balance entre la calidad visual y otros aspectos del juego, especialmente los que hacen que la jugabilidad sea original y diferente de otras producciones.

GK: Sobre el tamaño de los entornos y la cantidad de interacción, ¿Cómo calificaría a Shenmue III respecto a las entregas Dreamcast?

YS: Diría que el juego es tan amplio y denso como Shenmue 1 & 2... Reflexionando más profundamente, sería incluso más rico. La duración ya es más difícil de calcular ya que cada jugador tiene su ritmo y puede avanzar de diferente forma con todas las misiones secundarias que hay disponibles. Creo que se necesitarán más de 20 horas.

GK: Para crear Shenmue 1 & 2, viajó varias veces a China. ¿Viajaste otra vez para Shenmue III o estas usando principalmente material guardado y recuerdos?

YS: Volví a China hace dos años, cuando el proyecto comenzó. (Suzuki está buscando en su PC carpetas con fotos de paisajes montañosos, edificios antiguos y calles muy concurridas) Como puedes ver, hemos reproducido algunas azoteas de azulejos en el último video. ¡Me gustaría mostrar tantos personajes como los que puedes ver en estas fotos! (risas)

GK: Si te tuvieras que ir de Japón para vivir en otro país, ¿elegirías China?

YS: China no sería, no. (Risas)



Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:32 am
by Enigma
Somehow I never imagined Ryo and Shenhua becoming a couple. This theme of romance is a bit of a surprise.

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:45 am
by 7heavens
It may be a romance between another character such as Ming Ming etc. Where maybe Ming Ming has feelings for ryo, but he's focussed on the lan di situation. Also, whilst everything goes on, shenhua and ryos relationship could get deeper, but maybe not exactly to the level of a couple, but definitely a form of love.

Who knows....

It might just be a scenario a bit similar to nozomis where ryo and shenhua have deep feelings for each other, but never formally express it. When eventually shenhua leaves ryo to travel to
the afterlife once she is sacrificed to save the world. Lol

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 11:52 am
by Spaghetti
Enigma wrote: Somehow I never imagined Ryo and Shenhua becoming a couple. This theme of romance is a bit of a surprise.

We don't really know the extent of the romance, but Yu has talked about the romance being platonic in interviews from last year (or slightly before?), so I dunno if they're going all the way. I believe he cited the film Roman Holiday as something he was using for research, and could want to model Ryo and Shenhua's relationship on that.

I kind of figure the maximum peak of the relationship is genuine romance, but that's kinda it. It'd be an interesting counterpoint to most other explorations of romance in video games, where the end goal is basically just sex.

There's also the behind the scenes of Mega64's "How Shenmue Ends" video where they recount talking with Yu Suzuki who said Ryo and Shenhua can't have sex, but they can "fool around". Hahaha.

Either way, pretty typical of Yu the "romance" option in Shenmue III seems to subvert and move away from what a lot of other games are doing. There's likely to be only one option, Shenhua (rather than a list of characters like other games, where the designers are pretty transparently asking the player who they'd like to fuck), and the maximum will probably be a genuine emotional relationship.

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:17 pm
by Enigma
Spaghetti wrote:
Enigma wrote: Somehow I never imagined Ryo and Shenhua becoming a couple. This theme of romance is a bit of a surprise.

We don't really know the extent of the romance, but Yu has talked about the romance being platonic in interviews from last year (or slightly before?), so I dunno if they're going all the way. I believe he cited the film Roman Holiday as something he was using for research, and could want to model Ryo and Shenhua's relationship on that.

I kind of figure the maximum peak of the relationship is genuine romance, but that's kinda it. It'd be an interesting counterpoint to most other explorations of romance in video games, where the end goal is basically just sex.

There's also the behind the scenes of Mega64's "How Shenmue Ends" video where they recount talking with Yu Suzuki who said Ryo and Shenhua can't have sex, but they can "fool around". Hahaha.

Either way, pretty typical of Yu the "romance" option in Shenmue III seems to subvert and move away from what a lot of other games are doing. There's likely to be only one option, Shenhua (rather than a list of characters like other games, where the designers are pretty transparently asking the player who they'd like to fuck), and the maximum will probably be a genuine emotional relationship.

Wow, thanks man. You're always very informative! Come to think of it I do remember him citing Roman Holiday being one of his many inspirations for Shenmue 3, the romance thing probably just didn't officially 'sink in' until now.

I guess we've already had a sneak peak into their relationship from Shenmue 2: that awkward moment when Shenhua tried to kiss Ryo after he helped her pick some flowers. I interpreted that as Shenhua liking him (because what woman in Shenmue doesn't fancy Ryo aside from Ine-san, honestly?) and Ryo had no time for it. Maybe that sort of thing might resurface and Ryo will warm to it. Or...who knows? I'm sure it will be nicely done, just never really envisioned the possibility of them falling in love all this time.

Re: Gamekult interview with Yu Suzuki @Gamescom

PostPosted: Sat Aug 26, 2017 3:42 pm
by ShenSun