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The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III?

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:07 am
by DoubleO_Ren
We all know about the cool feature of Shenmue I saves carrying over to Shenmue II on the dreamcast but what are the chances that Sega has or will work with Yu Suzuki to make your save in the HD rerelease carry over to Shenmue III at least on the PS4 and PC versions?

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 5:18 am
by BlueMue
Well things are definately alligning right now for this to happen. I do hope they can manage to implement this feature.

What this means for Shenmue III is yet to be determined. Since so much of the mechanics are about to change it is not easy to answer what will be possible to carry over. Maybe they can bring the original capsule toys back into III now thanks to this.

Now we don't know how long Yu and his team have been informed by Sega that rereleases are going to be a thing so they could be working on implementing something for a while now. If not this could make December 2019 all the more possible for Shenmue III. Since the rereleases are definately not going to take that long and miss the "opportunity" to celebrate the 20th anniversary of the original, that leaves Shenmue III to do so.

The I & II pack definately has to come out at the very least a month before III, regardles of the save feature, so people can actually take their time to enjoy them before continuing on with the story. But say "second half of 2018" so that could still be far enough in front of Shenmue III's "late 2018".

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:06 am
by myshtuff
I better be able to carry over those cassette tapes and listen to Tom's rap on repeat while going through the green hills of China.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 8:31 am
by Hyo Razuki
I think it's a given for the PC version. If Sega won't do it, we will mod it in.

For the PS4 version, it is feasible if Sega and YSNet collaborate on it. If they don't, I guess it will be (almost) impossible to do.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 9:43 am
by Telekill
I'm honestly not all that worried about it because I never got the option in the first place.

I was a fan of Shenmue since I first saw it in the Official Dreamcast Magazine. I preordered it, bought it, played it numerous times over. Then when the 2nd was going to release, Sega snubbed N. America, gave us the middle finger and put it on Xbox instead of Dreamcast.

Definitely no save transfers there.

It was a couple years later and I had a pirate buddy of mine burn a self booting EU version of Shenmue 2 for me on my Dreamcast. I had to read everything which sucked but at least I got to continue the story.

For the first time ever, I'll finally get to try the save transfer with the HD Collection.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:34 pm
by Scribe86
I fear it may be a little late in Shenmue 3’s progress to add the feature of save data transfer and not effect the release window, don’t get me wrong I really, really would love it. But it would mean adding a lot more items to the game which Ys.Net may have simply left by the wayside due to licensing issues with Sega, i.e Sega themed capsule toys. & other items Yu-san may have simply forgotten about (White leaf/Mysterious Scroll/Nozomis Amulet) - I think they are totally necessacery btw but we saw some items drop off from 1 - 2 so this has always been a slight worry of mine as I would love to know the purpose of those three in particular.

However saying that if HD collection now has dropped all sponsorship tie ins it would be nice from a consistency standpoint to have the aesthetics of Ryos’s watch, branded backpack etc to match one another from HD releases and Shenmue 3 as both will most likely drop all branded tie ins.

Now it also begs another question that now Sega seems to be back riding the Shenmue train will it be easier for to get Yu Suzuki’s Sega arcade games put into Shenmue 3? Would love to get to see all the old classics plus maybe Power drift too in #3. Even though realistic release dates & in game date wouldn’t quite tie up for Power Drift they could spin it as a special Arcade in China has a preview cabinet or something :).. (as I believe it was actually released in 1988). Note: I personally think Power Drift was possibly planned for a future Dreamcast entry of Shenmue back in the day as the work was done on porting and emulating it on DC via the Yu Suzuki works collection game, which contained the Shenmue version of Hangon (Shenmue/Dobuita signs shown in background in that)

But back to save data transfers, personally this shouldn’t be something that should delay release of either game due to implication, I’d be more than happy for this to be added in a patch or even for a few £/$ DLC after release.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 1:36 pm
by Spaghetti
It'd be nice if some stuff carried over, but given HD and III are being made independently of one another, and that in some respects III will be a "clean slate" on items, moves, etc; I don't expect it.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sat Apr 14, 2018 10:01 pm
by Axm
It would be amazing if Shenmue 3 would at the least maybe just do a check of your hdd for the Shenmue 1&2 saves and award you an original item or even a move scroll.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 3:16 am
by Reprise
I really don't think people should get their hopes up on this happening.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:31 am
by Yama
I'm with Axm, an unlockable or something of the sort would be a nice nod. Perhaps dependent on the clear, more rewards. An actual save transfer would obviously be great, but in no way is it serious enough to alter my anticipation in any way.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:25 am
by Amir
What are the items that people would want to see carried over most? It sounds like, despite there still being scrolls, the fighting system will be quite different in III from the first two games, not sure how they would carry over in concept. Capsule toys? Those would be dependent on Sega allowing the licenses I guess.

The only thing I can really think of maybe are the photos, but they seem to have fulfilled their purpose already (i.e. showing Shenhua the photo of Ryo and Nozomi in Guilin in Shenmue II).

With things like the White Leaf, it's probably best that everyone starts with that in III, but if I remember correctly I think Suzuki had forgotten all about the White Leaf in a fan interview :P

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 4:59 pm
by Martin
Most important thing to me when carrying over from SI to SII was the game start date on SII. On original Xbox I felt like I had less time to explore because my start date was months later than on Dreamcast. If this carries over, you could have a quick blitz through SI+SII in order to have lots of time to explore Shenmue III.

Re: The possibility of HD Saves carrying over to Shenmue III

PostPosted: Sun Apr 15, 2018 5:58 pm
by ShenmueTree
Less than 1%. I don't think YS Net developed that into the engine when prototyping and they're too far into development to just add it in after the fact. It might seem like a small thing to implement, but something like that would take a lot of work.

Fans might find a way to mod it into the PC version but I'm unsure how? Maybe depending on your save file they'll create a script to auto-answer the player survey that YS Net planned to introduce for past players so that could have a bit of cohesiveness? But that wouldn't be a true fix because it would only allow for what the game automatically puts into your inventory based on what you answered, it doesn't give you your complete inventory list.