This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:06 am

Martin wrote: For me, the 'next-generation' begins with the PS4 and Durango, and the current one will only then start coming to an end. The Wii U is to the PS3 what the Wii was to the PS2 - slightly better graphics, new controls. The new generation does not begin with the Wii U. It doesn't even really begin with the PS4/Durango. It begins when consumers show more interest in the new stuff than the old stuff, and stop buying the old stuff.

I don't know anyone chomping at the bit to get a Wii U, nor to upgrade from their current consoles at all, for that matter. I imagine that for the next two years, it'll be Wii U, PS3 and 360 battling it out with mainly very similar games.

Let's have this topic when it really is time. ... ationwide/

OL wrote:"A year or two" is a pretty damn long time. So make condescending remarks about denial all you like, you just said it yourself: we've got a ways to go.

in the span of almost a decade, 2 years isn't a whole lot. Fact is, its pretty likely Borderlands 3, Darksiders 3 and most/all of the sequels to games releasing now aren't going to be on the consoles they're on now. Theres even a decent chance the next COD won't make it. The point is theres some time, but not a whole lot.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Peter » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:10 am

Thats true, especially thinking back to when i first bought a 360 (certainly not in the same first years as the launch of it). I mean my life was a lot different, i hadnt even met my ex of 3 years, i was living in my own apartment, was in serious debt, was working in a different job, had different friends. I mean i didnt even know what COD was. .

Its scary when you think back, not in terms of gaming, but over that period of time! Think it was around that time Manny started growing a beard!
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Oct 01, 2012 11:24 am

Peter wrote: Thats true, especially thinking back to when i first bought a 360 (certainly not in the same first years as the launch of it). I mean my life was a lot different, i hadnt even met my ex of 3 years, i was living in my own apartment, was in serious debt, was working in a different job, had different friends. I mean i didnt even know what COD was. .

Its scary when you think back, not in terms of gaming, but over that period of time! Think it was around that time Manny started growing a beard!

I shaved last week. I'm captain caveman today.

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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Bluecast » Tue Oct 02, 2012 3:55 am

LOL @ martin. Wii U has quite a bit more power than PS3. Might be the PS2 of next gen but PS2 held fine. Also Wii was miles ahead of PS2. Textures,lighting,particle effects,poly's and more. Not that it matters the most powerful system never wins anyway. Colecovision lost,Sega Master System lost,N64 lost,GCN,Xbox lost,this gen both 360 & PS3 lost to Wii. Game Gear,Turbo Express,Wonderswan,Neo Geo Pocket all lost. PSP lost and now Vita is losing. If you don;t like a certain console company fine. But the history shows the truth.

Won't get into a specs war as they are quite silly but while launch games may not wow us neither did launch 360 games. They looked like PS2 & Xbox games. Wii U is using a GPGPU from 2011 they believe it's a Radeon HD 6770(at least the E3 2012 version did). Loaded with ram. Games in 1080P at 60FPS. Granted the CPU seems a bit weak but it's architecture is more recent as opposed to 2004-2005 tech. However of course the main focus is the Gamepad and sony feels threatened. They are very defensive as of late and now thinking of bundling PSV with PS3. Despite sony does not get Wii U is built around that functionality and PS3 is not.
360 rips it off with surface. They are threatened and you can bet by 2013 new PS4 & Xbox3 announced. I will buy them all if I can. Just depends on the games.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:53 am

The Wii only 'won' on sales because of blind purchases. Nearly everyone I know owns a Wii, and none of them use it, whilst they're constantly on their PS3s n 360s. Nintendo may (have) pose(d) a threat in the "console war", but as far as games go, they're more likely to be purchased on an Xbox or PlayStation.

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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Oct 02, 2012 4:57 am

I think most bought it for Wii Fit. #-o

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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby south carmain » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:11 am

Who Really Cares? wrote: I think most bought it for Wii Fit. #-o

possibly, the amount of times I've heard "it's my sisters" after saying "oh you've got a wii" suggests this, that and even my own sister owns a wii for wii fit
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:19 am

I know a few who bought it for Wii Fit. Juts looked it the 6th best seller on Wii or 5th if you ignore Wii Sports which comes with every console.

Wii Fit plus also sold a lot.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:25 am

Innit. The sales figures don't really tell the whole story. It's like how you can be the richest football club in the world, or turn to highest annual profit, but it doesn't mean you've done the best. That's down to performance, supporter opinion, and trophies.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Bluecast » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:32 am

Doesn't matter. Sales do. In a console war when looking at who won it's sales to the companies. Also look at me and Manny's Wii collection. No Wii fit. The consumer end it's all subjective as they say what they liked best.

Also I never got the sad argument none of my friends....I have 3 neighbors who never saw Star Wars. Does that mean it was not popular? No.

Wii was my fave system this gen as it has so fucking many gems and the most varied library of the 3(I'm closing in on 40 games). PSP my fave handheld.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby south carmain » Tue Oct 02, 2012 5:39 am

Bluecast wrote: Also look at me and Manny's Wii collection. No Wii fit. The consumer end it's all subjective as they say what they liked best.

well to be fair invested gamers like you and manny are somewhat a rarity nowadays
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:11 am

Well yeah not everyone bought Wii Fit but the Wii clearly got a lot of its attention from non gamers. And yes i would say most of the Wii's owners were not the typical core gamer. They were moms or dads hell even grand parents.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Oct 02, 2012 6:52 am

Thats the funniest thing in all of it. The wii is the most hardcore console and the biggest casual one.

For years people who bought stuff like sports games were considered casual, because generally they'd buy a game per sport and not get more then 10 games per year. That hasn't changed, what has is the number of people. Just because theres more of them doesn't mean they've changed classifications they still buy only about 10 games a year, but since theres less sports games due to licensing they've picked up on the bigger brands. A person that buys Fifa, Madden, Nba 2k, MLB2k, Cod, Final fantasy, GTA, elder scrolls, mass effect and assassin's creed doesn't help the people who make Bayonetta, rayman origins, el shaddai, earth defense force, overlord, condemned or even games like Batman, and darksiders which despite being hailed as HUGE must have games across 3 skus weren't able to move much more then 2 million.

Truth is the 70% of people who bought xbox 360s for fifa and cod aren't any better then the 70% that bought the wii for wii fit.

That said, the wii has these odd games that just have "it". Tatsunoko Vs Capcom>MvC3, Metroid Prime corruption>Halo, The last story>final fantasy, Super mario galaxy>everything, Muramasa the demon blade >everything.

Theres a lot of games that don't rely on DLC or online multiplayer and just work as fun games all on their own. Sure it has stuff like "redneck jamboree" 360 and ps3 got "anything with an engine".

when you really look at it, this is the most "casual" friendly gen to the point that people don't even realize "core" gamers are buying games that for 20 years have been considered "casual".

Its that re-branding that has so many people feeling like gaming has left them behind, when its not true, they've simply tried to pull the wool over everyone's eyes. The game industry, the things people buy, the way things work, all of it is so twisted no one really knows whats going on. Thats why people want a new generation.

I think its time for that to end.

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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:10 am

The difference is that the vast majority who bought the Xbox for just a couple of games still play those games. I've never met a single person (and I'm a pretty popular guy, I know plenty of peeps, many gamers included) who actually uses their Wii. It's something that people buy, go on a few times, then either keep it and lie to themselves that they'll use it again, or sell it.
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Re: This Gen is in the twilight so it's time to reflect

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Tue Oct 02, 2012 8:37 am

MiTT3NZ wrote: The difference is that the vast majority who bought the Xbox for just a couple of games still play those games. I've never met a single person (and I'm a pretty popular guy, I know plenty of peeps, many gamers included) who actually uses their Wii. It's something that people buy, go on a few times, then either keep it and lie to themselves that they'll use it again, or sell it.

Additionally, this recent Strategy Analytics ConsumerMetrix survey shows that users of Sony’s PS3 games console showed the highest level of usage frequency, topping its two major competitors. Forty-four percent of PS3 owners use their console on at least a weekly basis, in contrast to 40 percent of weekly Xbox 360 users and 30 percent of Wii users. ... crease-19/

Yes, less people use their Wiis then Ps3 or 360. In 2012, when a new console is coming out.

2010 which saw the release of Sky Crawlers in January, Tatsunoko Vs Capcom and No More Heroes 2 on the same day in Febuary, Fragile dreams in March, Mariokart in April, Mario Galaxy 2 in may, sin and punishment in june, arc rise fantasia in july, and lots of other like monster hunter tri.

1. Monster Hunter Tri - 84:49
2. Super Smash Bros. Brawl - 78:50
3. Animal Crossing: City Folk - 75:22
4. Harvest Moon: Animal Parade - 65:33
5. Call of Duty: Modern Warfare: Reflex Edition - 60:26
6. Guitar Hero III: Legends of Rock - 56:51
7. Harvest Moon: Tree of Tranquility - 53:24
8. Fire Emblem: Radiant Dawn - 52:31
9. Call of Duty: World at War - 51:19
10. WWE Smackdown Vs. Raw 2010 - 51:02 (up from the 11th spot)
11. Rune Factory: Frontier - 50:56 (down from the 10th spot)
12. Lego Star Wars: The Complete Saga - 50:09
13. Rock Band 2 - 49:19
14. The Legend of Zelda: Twilight Princess - 47:49
15. Mario Kart Wii - 41:19 (up from the 16th spot)
16. Tales of Symphonia: Dawn of the New World - 41:13 (down from the 15th spot)
17. Wii Sports - 40:02
18. Pro Evolution 2010 - 39:44 (up from the 20th spot)
19. FIFA Soccer 09 All-Play - 39:31 (down from the 18th spot)
20. Guitar Hero: World Tour - 37:57 (down from the 19th spot) ... ur-barrier

Many of those games sold over 1,000,000 copies and most of them require an internet connection. Meaning that the average playtime for a game like monster hunter tri would be extremely accurate. So this list above basically shows that a lot of people played Wii games for a really long time in 2010. Yes that was 2 years ago, in a month there will be a new console out, should be expected that theres a dropoff with new hardware coming out.
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