Gaming thoughts of the day

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Thief » Fri Jan 04, 2013 9:57 pm

Awesome, thanks so much! I just got in the mood to play some Out Run and my Sega Saturn is with my brother at the moment. Shenmue saves the day once again :)
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby mue 26 » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:12 pm

I'd also recommend Crimson Shroud

Yeah definitely, that's one I really do want to play.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Stocke » Fri Jan 04, 2013 10:33 pm

Just finished playing The legend of heroes: Trails in the sky for PSP. Anyone else played it? I'm gutted there's no confirmed release date for the second game.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sat Jan 05, 2013 12:18 am

My good man, there are 2 very very big fans of the game on this particular board.

I am obviously one of them, a big enough fan to have played just about all of the games in the Legend of Heroes series.

The other equally fanatical "member" is AnimeGamer, or as wel affectionatly know him AG.

Theres a Falcom thread kicking around here you should look it up. and we can talk about Tits all the good long day.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Axm » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:49 am

I did play the first Legend of Heroes game back in the day. I liked it alot. Hopefully they make something for the Vita and ill get back into it.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:59 am

Axm wrote: I did play the first Legend of Heroes game back in the day. I liked it alot. Hopefully they make something for the Vita and ill get back into it.

That'd be Legend of Heroes 4: Tear of Vermillion which is actually a bad port of the game (which is saying something since its still really good) For some reason Bandai released 3 The moonlight Witch, 4 Tear of Vermillion and 5 Song of the Ocean as Legend of Heroes 1,2 and 3. (They also removed sections of the games, downgraded all the music and didn't spellcheck lol)

Still its an English version of the Gharghav Trilogy (they have an overarching story) If you dug 4 you'll love 6 (which is what Trails in the sky is)

Axm, you'll be happy to know Legend of Heroes: Zero no kesiki, which is a followup to the trails in the sky series got released a little while ago, and Sen no kiseki is coming soon (and looks absolutely amazing)

Thing is like Stocke pointed out its alittle slow going when it comes to releasing them outside of Japan. We're still on the first (of three) game in the Trails in the sky series. Theres Second chapter, Third, Zero no kiseki, ao no kiseki and now Sen no kiseki and all of them are pretty important storywise so just jumping to the last one is a bad idea.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby KiBa » Sat Jan 05, 2013 4:54 am

Thief wrote: Turn off the 3D and give the library some time. Before you know it games will be coming out that appeal to you.

We don't tolerate reason here, stranger. Best you clear out of town come morning.

And that goes for the rest of you. Unless you have some dry bitterness to stoke our eternal orgasm of cynicism, you've got no reason to come around the internet anymore.

I will personally unofficially permaban the next person who types a single syllable that so much as squirms in the general direction of positivity.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Rakim » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:09 am

KiBa wrote:
Thief wrote: Turn off the 3D and give the library some time. Before you know it games will be coming out that appeal to you.

We don't tolerate reason here, stranger. Best you clear out of town come morning.

And that goes for the rest of you. Unless you have some dry bitterness to stoke our eternal orgasm of cynicism, you've got no reason to come around the internet anymore.

I will personally unofficially permaban the next person who types a single syllable that so much as squirms in the general direction of positivity.

See, now you're talking. That my friend is the precise definition of a good idea.

Oh shit! That was positive wasn.....
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Who Really Cares? » Sat Jan 05, 2013 6:12 am

:D A Burning Rangers sig.

Anyone know how well Night HD has done? Because the creator said if it did well they might allow a BR HD game.
I know the 360 version has sold at least 8,125 copies from looking at the Spring Vally Leaderboard.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Mocha Joe » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:29 pm

mue 26 wrote: Rage at Nintendo. So, I've ended up with a 3DS today. I personally wouldn't have got a 3DS as I fundamentally disagree with Nintedo's decision to region lock it, alas it's not for me. I also played a bit of New Super mario bros 2, and I don't know why, but that game just makes me feel angry. Also, the 3D effect in that game is utterly pants, all it does is blur the background so I can't see the detail :s. I don't expect the 3D to be best shown off by a 2D game, but still the 3D seems completely unsuited to portable play, as you have to find the right angle and hold it completely still, otherwise you just get some irritating double vision effect. It's a poor gimmick, ya hear me Nintendo! It's also been out a year and there are only like 3 or 4 games out that appeal to me, which is in stark contrast to the DS.

Oh how I loved the DS, this 3D clown is just a pretender.

Well playing a 2D game is not exactly the best way to utilize and fully evaluate the 3D aspect of the console. is it? :P

Try Super Mario 3D Land - that has some great uses of 3D in it.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Thief » Sat Jan 05, 2013 1:40 pm

I just wasted a Blank CD-R by just burning one track on it: "Passing Breeze" from OutRun. I need to go for a drive.

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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Who Really Cares? » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:05 pm

So is anyone playing their Dreamcasts on HD TV's with a AV Cable[£5] or the VGA Adaptor for £45? Of course at that price difference i expect the adaptor to be a lot better but if the cable does more than a good enough job i might just go with that for now.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Axm » Sat Jan 05, 2013 5:16 pm

Its vga or bust for me. AV is just horrible especially on a 47'
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Stocke » Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:22 pm

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:
Axm wrote: I did play the first Legend of Heroes game back in the day. I liked it alot. Hopefully they make something for the Vita and ill get back into it.

That'd be Legend of Heroes 4: Tear of Vermillion which is actually a bad port of the game (which is saying something since its still really good) For some reason Bandai released 3 The moonlight Witch, 4 Tear of Vermillion and 5 Song of the Ocean as Legend of Heroes 1,2 and 3. (They also removed sections of the games, downgraded all the music and didn't spellcheck lol)

So in your opinion, which game in the series should i play next? I'm tempted to play SC in Japanese but it'll probably ruin it for me if it ever does get released in English. Another game in the series will have to do.
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Re: Gaming thoughts of the day

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Sat Jan 05, 2013 7:28 pm

SC is haaaaard not only is it in kanji its written in a dialect thats hard to understand on top of that. if you can get through it power to ya but the xseed version, if it happens, will be a great translation. For now why not revisit 1-5? unless ofcourse you can't wait another year for sc, then just go for it.
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