Vita owners

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Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:37 am

I know this happens with most systems first year. Anyone just feeling really dry. Just nothing since launch tho Ys is out this September. Long ways away. To help make up the time been getting PSone games on it. Also use Wake up Club as an alarm. So still using yours or is it dusty.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Sonikku » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:40 am

The system looks like it's a bit of a flop. There are more good games coming, but they seem to not be coming fast enough to support a healthy system. Sony can say it's sold virtually as well as they had anticipated, but I suspect they are only deluding themselves at this point. I hope the 3rd parties start lining up soon.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:45 am

Well the ps3 wasn't really much for the first 2 years, the psp don't have much to start with either (oddly enough one of my first psp games was Ys6)

aside from using it to work I don't think I've actually played much of anything on it.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 1:45 am

PSP started off slow and ended up selling 70 million. 3DS was considered a flop at first and now at 30 million outpacing the original DS. Vita will be ok I think. Just needs some releases like 3DS and every Sony system eventually got after a slow start.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:16 am

Never played YS before,is each title tied to the previous games?Or are they all stand alone? The Vita is in need of some jrpgs.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:21 am

Samanosuke Akechi wrote: Never played YS before,is each title tied to the previous games?Or are they all stand alone? The Vita is in need of some jrpgs.

Kinda but not enough to stop you from playing (plus half the series is on PSN anyhow Ys1-2, Seven, and Oath in Felghana which is a remake of 3 are like 15$ a pop)
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Re: Vita owners

Postby south carmain » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:27 am

sony are trying to bribe people in to getting their friends to buy the PSVita so I'm guessing it isn't doing too good
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:34 am

south carmain wrote: sony are trying to bribe people in to getting their friends to buy the PSVita so I'm guessing it isn't doing too good

Wii was selling like Hotcakes in 2007 but still did a deal with Comcast that if you became a subscriber to cable you get a free Wii.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby south carmain » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:36 am

that's a completely different situation, this isn't a deal with a company nor is the PSVita selling well
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:37 am

PSP,PS3,3DS none sold well at first.

70 mill,70 mill,30 mill. First year dry spells are too early to calla system dead as all three of those were said to be a failure also.
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Re: Vita owners

Postby south carmain » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:51 am

the PS3 is because it was overpriced, the PSP and 3DS started selling well when they started getting good popular exclusives on them, also sony at the time had money to support the PS3 and same for nintendo with the 3DS

the vita is expensive and isn't expecting anything major any time soon, sony need to find a way to bring down the price instead of bribing people because with the little user base it has now 3rd party support will be difficult and sony themselves seem to be hesitant to support the thing, but then again they are selling their HQ so I doubt hey have much money to invest in it right now

in normal times I wouldn't be too worried, but with sony struggling and 3rd party supporters not taking any risks the vita seems like it will die out soon, sony could use their money from selling their HQ to support it but apparently they will use that for the PS4 since it's their safest bet

EDIT: I didn't call it dead, I said it wasn't doing good and the way things are going the future doesn't look too bright
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 2:58 am

Past is often a good indication of the future and going on that. Vita should be fine. After all the year is young and not had E3 yet. While Ys for me personally is the very reason I got a vita. Sony needs some major name drops at E3 or else that is when I will be worried Vita becomes the Dreamcast of Handhelds
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Re: Vita owners

Postby south carmain » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:11 am

well history repeats itself if you have the right factors, the vita could be success but the way I see it with all the poor choices sony took with it I don't see it being as successful as the PSP any time soon, to be honest I blame it mostly on the gimmicks they decided to add to it, the are unnecessary, nobody cares about exploiting them and they are only there to attract the mobile gamer crowd which is kind of dumb since the mobile gamer crowd already have their phones and much cheaper games

without these gimmicks the cost would of been lower and they could of marketed it as the portable device for traditional gaming like the PSP was, more people would of been able to afford it, developers would be less hesitant to approach it

I'm surprised sony didn't learn that they suck at gimmicks after the playstation move tbh, they need to stop trying to emulate nintendos success and go with what they know best
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Re: Vita owners

Postby south carmain » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:16 am

to add to that their marketing strategy is really weird, they add gimmicks to attract the more casual players like nintendo did but at the same time market it as a more "hardcore" console with dark ads and show "intense" games

this really doesn't make sense to me, I would understand if they added gimmicks and said "oh look thanks to the gimmicks you can pet this cat blablabla" to attract the audience that typically likes gimmicks but why add gimmicks that matter very little in the games you are marketing the system for
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Re: Vita owners

Postby Bluecast » Wed Feb 06, 2013 3:17 am

:lol: Yeah move kinda sucked. Sony should drop the 3G model keep the Wifi and drop it to 199$ bundled with Uncharted and a 8GB card. That way they could buy some time til E3. If not Sony as usual is being very stubborn and arrogant.
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