Fan Translations

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Fan Translations

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:39 pm

I thought we could use this topic to discuss games and releases that may never see the light of countries or language we are fluent in, in this case being english (but if you wanna discuss a fan release thats in a different language, by all means), that some incredible group of fans have chosen to take the high road and translate (and some cases even voice over) games that deserve to be heard from. Or just talk about something you want to see translated.

Lets talk about some of the major fan projects going on right now they some have discussed a little bit around here, then ill mention a few that are complete or near completion.

Final Fantasy Type-0, apparently a fan translation is in the works from people on the neogaf forums, but there is no dedicated website or anything with actualy information, could be a while for that game because that game is HUGE.

Grand Knight History, did you know there is a partial translation out right now for this title? Unfortunately I think its mainly just menus that have been translated, but even with that and a good guide its still doable.

Soma Bringer, ah yes a game from one of my favorite devs that never saw the light of day here, and deserved to. I think this one is almost completely done.

I also want to bring up some titles that we need to see fan translations for, I will start with (and everyone should see this coming) The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky Part 2. I would marry the translator for this and give them sex whenver they asked for this one, like seriously. Earth Seeker, I know Ryudo has been ranting and raving about that one, and I think he mentioned there is a small english patch that was started but never finished, any new word about that?

One more important thing, so when we get in the realm of fan translations we naturally start diving into illegal downloads and in some cases roms and emulators and the like. DO NOT POST LINKS TO ROMS EMULATORS AND ILLEGAL DOWNLOADS OF GAMES, its not allowed, the fan websites I think might be ok just no direct links (if someone could clear that up for sure, that would be great). Want a piece of the action? Ask me or one of the other users in PM, I have a few places I go to find games, sometimes they have the english patches, sometimes they dont, sometimes they have only partial patches. But the best advice there is, use google, just about everything we talk about can be found simply by searching for it on there.

So lets hear about some cool games
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Re: Fan Translations

Postby MiTT3NZ » Mon Apr 15, 2013 2:52 pm

I'm pretty sure that Yama doesn't give two fucks. Especially considering the fact we have links to Shenmue translations packs n shit. Either way, I reckon it's great how communities put so much effort into it. I'd like a translation for Mizzurna Falls n some of those DS point-and-click adventure games (there's a series that OL used to bang on about a lot, Jack Hunter or summat), but I probably wouldn't ever get round to actually playing em.

Good topic though.
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Re: Fan Translations

Postby Yama » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:34 pm

The one I was the most hyped over was Persona 2 Tsumi and then it received an official release. I still enjoy playing the original version on my PSone, though. I was also excited for Soul Hackers, but that too is now getting an official release. I heard a lot of it was taken from the project though which is cool, the team did great work.

Two of my favorite titles I played with a fan translation, those being CHAOS;HEAD and STEINS;GATE. Tough to find a working version due to licensing though.

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Re: Fan Translations

Postby Bluecast » Mon Apr 15, 2013 4:37 pm

Someone translate Earth Seeker to English and Christina Hendricks be very thankful
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Re: Fan Translations

Postby Stocke » Mon Apr 15, 2013 6:41 pm

I really do love fan translations. They're like a forbidden fruit. Without the fans taking matters into their own hands, you'd never get to experience them.

I'm quite a big Tales Of fan. Right now there's multiple fan translations going on for games in the series that now have near enough no chance of being released in English like Tales of Hearts on DS, and Tales of Vesperia PS3. Been following those for a few years now.

AnimeGamer183 wrote: I also want to bring up some titles that we need to see fan translations for, I will start with (and everyone should see this coming) The Legend of Heroes Trails in the Sky Part 2.

I wish Xseed would hurry up with that. I can remember when i finished that and wanted more badly. It got to the point of where i was thinking of playing through the game with a rough translated script :lol: Glad i didn't though.

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Re: Fan Translations

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Mon Apr 15, 2013 7:49 pm

Fire Emblem New Mystery of the Emblem got a translation and its fucking amazing. If you want to experience the definitive version of Mystery of the emblem this is the one. ... eased.html
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