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Re: Superman

Postby Crimson Ryan » Thu May 23, 2013 5:58 am

Finally, a Superman film where he doesn't do battle with a businessman..
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Re: Superman

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu May 23, 2013 11:31 am

Funny that Zod's suit looks a lot like Luthor's.

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Re: Superman

Postby Sonikku » Thu Jun 13, 2013 3:44 pm

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Re: Superman

Postby MiTT3NZ » Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:03 pm

I honestly don't understand how a lot of people can call themselves reviewers nowadays. 99% just tell the plot and give an opinion here and there, equating to about one paragraph of actual review.
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Re: Superman

Postby Who Really Cares? » Thu Jun 13, 2013 4:18 pm

Funny seeing some reviews moaning it has too much action.
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Re: Superman

Postby silent killer » Sat Jun 15, 2013 4:59 am

Saw it today. It was cool. Kept me in my seat the whole time even made me feel for the characters a few times. One thing that bugged me thought was Lois Lane. That bitch is just too dumb to live. Holy crap! I never realized that until now, but the reason Supes always has to save her is because she is looking to get herself killed. It seems the only thing keeping her alive in her innate good luck and catching Superman's eye. But yeah, other than that, it was a great movie.
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Re: Superman

Postby Sonikku » Sat Jun 15, 2013 1:53 pm

Is she dumb? It's no secret that all the women in the movie think he's hot. Sounds to me like she's subtlety setting the stage for falling in her boy toys arms at every opportunity. ;-)
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Re: Superman

Postby Kenny » Sun Jun 16, 2013 12:15 am

Thought the action was good. But man, they really fucked up the story by making it way too complicated.

The damn thing should've gone like this: Jor-El finds out planet is dying at the last second cause they pillaged the planet of all its resources. Sends Kal-El to Earth, the only other planet he knew of that could sustain life. Kryptonians wanted to know coordinates, Jor-El doesn't tell them for fear of Earth becoming like Kypton. Zod is detained for war crimes in the meantime, despite his loyalty to Kypton.

Fast forward to the present, Zod finds out Kypton was destoryed. Kal-el, now as Clark, reactivates his pod which sends a becon to Zod. Zod comes in and decides to make Earth into Krypton even if it means killing all human inhabitants cause that's his prime directive. Clark, not wanting that, fights and defeats Zod. The end.

Fucking seriously, was all that other BS absolutely necessary? You could keep the whole Superman has the DNA (or whatever the fuck it was) of all Kryptonians in him making it a priority for Zod to kill him and take it...but make a revelation for the SECOND HALF of the movie!! Not the whole damn thing, which just made it confusing and generally uninteresting.

I have more gripes, but the main structure was the biggest fuck up. And those flashbacks thrown in had the worst fucking dialogue I ever heard. Seriously, what the fuck?
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Re: Superman

Postby silent killer » Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:09 am

I didn't think it was that hard to follow. They could've done with less flashbacks. I agree with that. One other thing that I didn't like though was the camera. They had a silly shaky camera effect going through about half the film. I am not a fan of that.
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Re: Superman

Postby Kenny » Sun Jun 16, 2013 3:48 am

Yeah the zoom-in stuff got kind of annoying afterwhile.

The story itself went full circle when it got to the end, but by then I thought it was too late. Christ, i'm fucking SCARED for that Justice League movie now. They've been pulling this muli-layerd plot thing for awhile now with Batman and now Superman, and I just don't think it works.

With an ensemble movie, it's going to be a NIGHTMARE if they attempt to do that.
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Re: Superman

Postby Riku Rose » Mon Jun 24, 2013 2:44 pm

Watched this today. Can't say I found any of it confusing but the movie has some big issues. The only Superman related thing I have ever watched was the original Reeve movie about a month ago so I'm hardly an expert on Superman history.

Pretty much all the flashbacks sucked. I only see the teaser trailer before going into this but I thought we would get to see quite a bit of Superman growing up. Instead all we got was random clips of people being dicks to him at different points in his life. We never really got Clark Kent in this movie and it was mostly about Superman whereas with Batman Begins you felt like you got both Bruce Wayne and Batman.

Once Zod turned up on earth I thought the movie started getting better and the action was pretty amazing. After the first half of the film I was afraid we wasn't going to see Superman do anything amazing but I was totally wrong.

I thought the ending with the glasses was pretty stupid. Through the whole film Lois was yelling the name Clark Kent in front of everyone be it army guys or policemen and at one point takes a cop to his house when his outside in the suit talking to his mum. Also the female army solider who says she found him hot was cringe worthy.

Overall it wasn't terrible but could have been a whole lot better. Just get rid of the flashbacks at the start and place the scenes in order rather then try to be Batman Begins. Focus more on him growing up and how his Dad effects who he becomes.

Also Russell Crowe is fucking awesome.
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Re: Superman

Postby Bambi » Wed Jun 26, 2013 4:06 pm

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Re: Superman

Postby Sonikku » Wed Jun 26, 2013 7:15 pm

Bambi wrote:
phpBB [video]

For all the concern over Zod's life, Supes sure didn't seem to mind punching bad guys through populated buildings. :lol:
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Re: Superman

Postby Bluecast » Fri Jun 28, 2013 6:06 am

So Reeves made one last Superman film appearance as a subtle CG of reeves face for a single frame
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