War in Syria

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Re: War in Syria

Postby beedle » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:23 pm

it's weird, every time I think about america and france playing war without the uk, I get a little twang of... well it's not quite pride yet. But it nearly is. It's quite bizarre, I've never felt anything like that in regards to British politics since, like, ever.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby south carmain » Fri Aug 30, 2013 4:39 pm

mue 26 wrote:
al nusra will take on their fight to Israel

interesting, I would have thought anything America does in that region would have had Israel's interests at heart, or at least be in tandem with Israel's interests in some way or another as has usually been the case.

Dunno but the rebels are very vocal about their hatred for Israel and assads regime could retaliate against Israel in case of a western intervention. so either way the situation is dangerous for them and they know it that's why they have been boosting border defenses since the talks of the decision has been made

so far the only thing keeping la quaeda from attacking Israel is that Hamas is very active in keeping them at bay (by killing any of their supporters that comes near palestine) and in the case of the fall of assads regime this would mean they would have a front to attack them from

in any case the interests of the government are not always the interests of the people so you never know, Israel might be fully behind this for whatever reasons
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Re: War in Syria

Postby Riku Rose » Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:43 pm

Ryudo wrote: Yes fuck the US military who rape women on a daily basis and often the CO who is the one doing it. Except the women are the ones getting punished for getting raped. Check out invisible War. great doc http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2120152/

Fuck the US military who went to iraq and took photo's torturing men. Fuck the US military killing thousands of civilians. Fuck the US military in Vietnam often raped and murdered families because they were "chinks" It doesn't mean fuck every single one but many like anyone by human nature abuses the badge. I spent time in a mental ward with one. I knew a guy from my dad who wore an ear necklace after nam. One of my coaches was on the Korean war.
Also anyone remember the video with the soldier torturing and killing dogs? There are always a few good men like Pat tilman but good men like anywhere are the exception not the rule.

Well I remember a news article a few months back of some guy who pretended to be disabled to get money through a YouTube gaming channel. Since that was highlighted in the news I'm going to assume 99.9% of people in that situation are faking it. Don't get upset if I assume you're faking your condition now I'm just using your logic.

I didn't view you in a great light but this really fucking disgusts me and pisses me off. You've reached a new low in my eyes. Someone like you has no right to label people and judge them on a constant basis like you always do. You may have met a few bad eggs but every person I've met or known involved in the army are amazing people who have pretty much had their lives fucked because they wanted to serve. I like to think of myself as a morally good person and I will always help others out before thinking about myself but I am pathetic when you compare what those people do.

Tell yourself I'm a troll cunt and carry on calling them murderers and rapists. Just next time you do a fucking unboxing of some shitty video game think about what those 'good' army people are doing and what you call them and realise all you're doing with your life is opening a box for a video only 12 people will watch and cringe at.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby QWERTY » Fri Aug 30, 2013 7:54 pm

Riku Rose wrote:
Ryudo wrote: Yes fuck the US military who rape women on a daily basis and often the CO who is the one doing it. Except the women are the ones getting punished for getting raped. Check out invisible War. great doc http://www.imdb.com/title/tt2120152/

Fuck the US military who went to iraq and took photo's torturing men. Fuck the US military killing thousands of civilians. Fuck the US military in Vietnam often raped and murdered families because they were "chinks" It doesn't mean fuck every single one but many like anyone by human nature abuses the badge. I spent time in a mental ward with one. I knew a guy from my dad who wore an ear necklace after nam. One of my coaches was on the Korean war.
Also anyone remember the video with the soldier torturing and killing dogs? There are always a few good men like Pat tilman but good men like anywhere are the exception not the rule.

Well I remember a news article a few months back of some guy who pretended to be disabled to get money through a YouTube gaming channel. Since that was highlighted in the news I'm going to assume 99.9% of people in that situation are faking it. Don't get upset if I assume you're faking your condition now I'm just using your logic.

I didn't view you in a great light but this really fucking disgusts me and pisses me off. You've reached a new low in my eyes. Someone like you has no right to label people and judge them on a constant basis like you always do. You may have met a few bad eggs but every person I've met or known involved in the army are amazing people who have pretty much had their lives fucked because they wanted to serve. I like to think of myself as a morally good person and I will always help others out before thinking about myself but I am pathetic when you compare what those people do.

Tell yourself I'm a troll cunt and carry on calling them murderers and rapists. Just next time you do a fucking unboxing of some shitty video game think about what those 'good' army people are doing and what you call them and realise all you're doing with your life is opening a box for a video only 12 people will watch and cringe at.


Remember, this is the guy who declined a heart operation as there was a chance he would pull through and not be classed as disabled anymore and would therefore have to work. He declined that shit so that he could stay at home and sponge and do fuck all with his life other than play games and chat completely fuck all about the real world that he has nothing to do with. People wonder why this fuck irks me so much. THIS is why I have such a deep rooted disdain for him. Anyone who knows me IRL knows that I am not one to pick a fight, bully or completely embarrass someone without it being in jest. The internet is a different matter as it is hard to convey slight nuances such as a wink or bodily gestures to rock along with any jokes that I make, but the pure vitriol I have for Ryudo is apparent and sincere. You truly are the most despicable person I have ever encountered Ryudo, and for that I can only applaud you.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Fri Aug 30, 2013 8:16 pm

Have to agree with Riku and Qwerty here. A lot of my friends served in the military. 99.9% of them are not these evil people. Also the benefits the disabled receive in the States is amazing. Living in Japan sucks for people with disabilities. If one were to have an incident, they couldn't even get to a hospital in time to save themselves. Most hospitals here aren't even open Saturday or Sunday. Getting an ambulance to come takes hours sometimes. Health and medicine regulations are so different here that Doctors will likely not prescribe medicine that is prescribed back home, they may refuse to prescribe anything at all. Everyone that thinks Japan is some advanced society that is much better than the West needs a reality check. It is a privilege to live in the United States for the disabled.

That's just comparing with Japan, which is still worlds above a lot of other countries. But know that before you think other countries will take care of you better, you need to count your blessings and be thankful you are even alive.

Also being an American currently not in the country I would like to say strongly that about 90% of us want nothing to do with this war in Syria.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby Samanosuke Akechi » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:35 pm

Ryudo wrote:

Can we nuke the US gov instead? I would not shed a tear if Obama was dead. Be happy. US Gov can't even help it's own people then polices the fucking world. US soldiers praised as hereos when really over there you would see them acting like dickwarts like anyone with a badge. We need to stay out of these places. Just because you send a few troops in and blow some shit up does not make democracy just happen...besides US knows nothing of democracy anymore.

Funny,I don't remember you being an angel while you were an admin here.

What really pisses me off is that my friend had to see her father come back in a casket while on the other side we have people with your mindset bad mouthing them every chance they get.You don't see the things they see,you never will.You have no right to judge them the way you do.Fucking disgusting honestly.While you're safe and sound they're in danger 24/7.Think about that next time.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby wude » Sat Aug 31, 2013 3:55 pm

An-nosra is an american tool, they will never attack israel, their main targets are christians, alawites/chi'its and yazidi kurds.
At this point i really hope assad will win
thousands of innocent syrians are dying and the world is worried about stupid israel, fuck this planet :(

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Re: War in Syria

Postby Kenny » Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:00 pm

I echo the above sentiments. But the big problem is that you guys are trying to rationalize with a person whose proven to be completely irrational, and not only that has said to be proud of being irrational and unstable. It's kind of pointless, unfortunately.
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Re: War in Syria

Postby south carmain » Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:05 pm

wude wrote:thousands of innocent syrians are dying and the world is worried about stupid israel, fuck this planet :(

mate in my original post I mentioned the dangers for the religious minorities of Syria and the Lebanese too, mue focused on the Israel part so we discussed that further.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby silent killer » Sat Aug 31, 2013 4:11 pm

in any case the interests of the government are not always the interests of the people so you never know
Also being an American currently not in the country I would like to say strongly that about 90% of us want nothing to do with this war in Syria.
War in Syria is not a popular proposition Stateside either. Yet they continue to push this bullshit forward. :bs:
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Re: War in Syria

Postby Henry Spencer » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:01 pm

It's kind of funny how the media will continue to portray things in a certain light. Is the public finally going to open their eyes to what's really going on and not see things in such black and white viewpoints. I wouldn't be surprised if the chemical weapons were used by those terrorist groups that wude was talking about. It felt too much of a coincidence for me that immediately after Obama was saying "we will only enter into this war if there is dangerous chemical weapons being used" and lo and behold here we are. Seems like these groups were stirring this pot.

On that other debate, I do feel bad for the vets who come back with no job for them when they come home. Some of them no doubt feel totally alienated and fail to adapt to home life after it, they've seen their friends blown to bits, seen another part of the world, another culture that is is completely different (and similar in some ways) to their own, their conscience completely rocked by all of this, it's a lot for some of them to take in. Some of them never recover. I definitely think we should do more for them and it's a fucking tragedy that we do not.

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Re: War in Syria

Postby Kenny » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:34 pm

I saw a video that basically said that an attack against the regime will be an indirect attack against Iran who are trying to take over the Muslim countries and perpetrate an attack against Western societies, specifically the United States, using a nuclear warhead.

It sounds like a bunch of conspiracy nonsense (or a Metal Gear Solid plotline) but the very thought a nuclear onslaught is on the horizon is alarming. Yet it's something that's always been happening since the damn things were invented. Whatever the case, I still don't know what to make of us getting into war yet again. Has it even been determined who used the chemical weapons yet?
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Re: War in Syria

Postby south carmain » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:36 pm

Kenny wrote:Has it even been determined who used the chemical weapons yet?

according to the US? yes. the UN are still conducting their report though
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Re: War in Syria

Postby Kenny » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:40 pm

I heard that the US had evidence that al-Assad did it but then again Obama said they "knew" he did it...now he's just looking for the evidence to support it, which makes the whole thing incredulous.
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Re: War in Syria

Postby silent killer » Sat Aug 31, 2013 6:43 pm

Only John Kerry feels absolutely confident about Syria launching the chems. Others are less confident, but likely going along with his war mongering because profits.
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