Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One Mag

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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:04 pm

At what point was I being a twat?
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Giorgio » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:08 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: Some things are best to just let go. The community's gonna get a reputation for bombarding any and all polls. If it's saved for ones with actual significance then it'll mean more. It'll make an actual statement. Otherwise, peeps'll eventually clock on and realise that Shenmue will insta-win pretty much everything, leading to eye rolls, sighs, and fanboy rage.

Any examples of similar situations / indicated consequences with/from games/fanbases? By the way, those "peeps" are free to call their own communities for action, and if their communities are more dedicated and plethoric than ours, then they have the means and they are free (always by what the competition/poll creator has put as rules and allows) to use them and win.

MiTT3NZ wrote: Remember back in the day when kids magazines had a section where you could send in drawings of your favourite character that appeared in said magazine? How amazing would it be to see yours being published? Now imagine someone got their dad to draw it for them, or they traced it, and yours didn't appear because that one was picked over it. Fair enough if there's a prize involved, good on them for being smart and devious enough to do it. Otherwise though, what's the point?

This is unrelated. You present an example of voting with drawings and some of them will be picked up as the best ones. For one, the selection of the best drawings would be not by the readers who would vote for it and based on percentages, but by the subjective judgement of the magazine's publishers. X-One Mag's poll is about voting from potentially all existent Internet users and it is based on percentages (not on judgement). Furthermore, they have include the "Shenmue 3" option, therefore they are not subdue that and the open chances it to be the winner.

MiTT3NZ wrote: It's like these developers and publishers that've got plenty of money in their pocket to fund their own projects, but take to Kickstarter anyway. They're free to do it, and it's not against the rules, but it's kinda goin against the whole idea of it's existence. This poll is for the X-One community. Their readers. Do you buy it? Are you a part of their community? Or are you just gate-crashing it because you wanna spread the word of Shenmue?

Again I don't see any one-on-one connection of the example with the current case. You say it is only for their readers. It is not and here is why: 1) the poll is open to the public view [they even tweeted publicly about it (their Twitter account is public and they don't protect their Tweets)] where all existent Internet users are welcomed to vote, 2) if it was only for their readers, then they would have put that poll via a system that would require for them to give credentials that would prove they are readers of the magazine and then they are allowed to vote, 3) they didn't suggest not to, exclude or prevent any endeavour to call your community for action to vote for the game which is relevant to the community's nature. Epilogically, no one is gate-crashing everything, because individual Internet users have the right to vote or not vote, for whatever reason or game.

MiTT3NZ wrote: I've said in the past, instead of pissing off other communities, efforts should be made to help them instead. A gang of thieves terrorising villages makes them no friends, but a group of heroes protecting the villages or helping them out may gain one or two new recruits.

This is what we do, we help them. How? By advertising their poll, we advertise them, their website, their magazine. Some people wouldn't have known that this magazine/website exists (myself included) without becoming interested to participate in that poll which is relevant to their subject game of interest, that is Shenmue. Furthermore, that kind of advertising, call for participation in that magazine's open to the public poll, would potentially and increase the possibilities to raise the magazine's website's traffic (with everything this implies). Even so, some may become interested in their magazine and be one of their subscribers.

By the reasons explained above (both two paragraphs), we are not by any means of any kind terrorists.

MiTT3NZ wrote: The aim should be to expand the community. Growth. If the name "Shenmue" appears everywhere, leaving negative opinions in it's wake, then how exactly is that helping? Just think about it for a second. Aggressive tactics aren't always the way to go.

The name "Shenmue", or "Shenmue 3" to be correct, has already appeared in that poll by its creators themselves. The possibility the name "Shenmue 3" to appear alongside with a high percentages of votes, does not by any reasoning imply that it will leave a negative opinion by default. It would be just a name with a percentages of votes. Opinions are being crafted in people's minds by their holders, and given the circumstances of the poll, it does not indicate any meaning of negativity projected towards the public eye.

Even so, the means used to encourage fans to vote for the game which are fan of, any kind of them are not prohibited by the poll creators (as also explained above).

MiTT3NZ wrote: But hey, this is your "baby", so why pay attention to any constructive criticism? It's not like it could lead to any form of improvement...

This is semi-irrelevant to the subject of the poll, but here's my take on that:
Construct means to build up. Criticize means to tear down. If you want to praise, get after. If you want to criticize, get after. You cannot build up and tear down at the same time.

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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby south carmain » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:29 pm


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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:37 pm

Wow, I feel like I've just been reading a court document. Seriously though, if you wanna get technical on micro-details, go for it. I'm not talking about Ts&Cs or owt. I'm not even tellin ya's not to do it. I replied to questions. I've seen reactions to Shenmue fans taking over polls, I'm merely suggesting that there are better ways to go about things, and sometimes taking no action can be the best course of action.

...and your comment on the term "constructive criticism" made me facepalm. I mean... "to tear down". Really?
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Tue Feb 11, 2014 5:56 pm

Speaking of facepalms:

MiTT3NZ wrote:At what point was I being a twat?

MiTT3NZ wrote:Ugh... is this what we've been reduced to?

Constructive criticism~!
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby mue 26 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:00 pm

Can't really get mad at us for winning polls and being organised though. We've never condoned or encouraged cheating. We're just a fanbase passionate enough to vote when the opportunity comes. If that leads to fanboy rage from certain parties, then so be it. And to be honest, all publicity is good publicity. If people are seeing Shenmue all the time and rolling their eyes, they are still seeing Shenmue. Vote in polls, talk about it on forums, just keeping the name alive is probably the most important thing.

Your talk of a more selective approach to campaigning in which we eschew these pesky polls is all well and good, but you haven't suggested any concrete ideas on how we can become this "hero" for other communities that you speak of. And for the record, we have been promoting unity with other fan bases from the start.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:15 pm

How is that being a twat? If I said that about going from Nescafe to Tesco's Value coffee, I'm pretty sure peeps would agree. In fact, I'm quite surprised that you don't agree that voting for Shenmue to win in every poll we come across isn't where we would've liked to end up. I'm sure every single one of us would've had the same reaction of "ugh" if we knew about this ten years back. But, hey, if you really want the community to be known as poll hijackers and take pride in the fact, then by all means, lead us to glory, oh wise one.

@mue: I never got mad, it's other fanbases that do. Constantly seeing Kanye West or the scum plastered everywhere doesn't increase my chance of supporting them, it just fuels the hate. And yeah, I've come up with plenty of ideas in the past, but I can't be arsed re-hashing them for the umpteen millionth time. Helping out other fan bases... I know it's been done. Happened with Yakuza fans, and MegaMan fans if I remember right (might've been the original Shenmue Campaign, not sure) All it takes is a different fanbase n additional hashtag every month. Not too difficult really.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:31 pm

MiTT3NZ wrote: In fact, I'm quite surprised that you don't agree that voting for Shenmue to win in every poll we come across isn't where we would've liked to end up.

Who says it's where we've ended up? It's something we do, it's not all we do. But if you despair at the state of the campaign, then get off your arse and do something about it yourself instead of just "ugh"-ing everyone else.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:34 pm

You do all this shit standing up? Weird...
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Let's Get Sweaty » Tue Feb 11, 2014 6:40 pm

lolz m8.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby MiTT3NZ » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:01 pm

I genuinely don't see what your problem is.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby mrslig100 » Tue Feb 11, 2014 7:15 pm

Holy fuck.
Everyone just step back and take in what our drive for shenmue has driven us to!!!
sega your sat on a fucking goldmine get into your thick skulls and get working already. It wont cost much today so just do it!!!
(On a side note im with MiTTZ on this).
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Rakim » Tue Feb 11, 2014 8:27 pm

Part of me wants Shenmue 3 to never come out just so Let's Get Sweaty can't take credit for the whole thing

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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby Stocke » Tue Feb 11, 2014 10:42 pm

Everyone made some great points and it was fun to read until people started writing essays.
If you want to vote, vote. If you think it's pointless, don't bother.
Personally i don't think there's much point, didn't Microsoft recently say they had no interest in Shenmue? I agree with Mittenz that the community's reputation will sour if every little poll is focused on.

Part of me wants Shenmue 3 to never come out just so Let's Get Sweaty can't take credit for the whole thing

As long as the game came out, i wouldn't care what some guy on the internet says or claims.
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Re: Vote for Shenmue 3 in the largest independent Xbox One M

Postby ShOzO MiZuKi » Wed Feb 12, 2014 12:41 am

Voted. Shenmue is off to an early and gigantic lead. Phil Spencer says he doesn't want Shenmue, so Shenmue is voted number 1 in most wanted Xbox one games :lol:
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