What are you currently playing?

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Jokatech19 » Sun Dec 28, 2014 7:04 pm

Playing Super Mario World, Metroid Prime, and Batman: Arkham City right now. A bit stuck in all 3
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Sun Dec 28, 2014 8:47 pm

Ok put in Drive Club..
Actually a really good game. I can certainly believe it was a hot mess when it first came out, but as of right now its a solid game. I havent had any bugs, server things, issues of any kind. The graphics are next gen level, the gameplay is fun and addicting, the multiplayer works good and everything else seems like standard affair. Half sim half arcady fun.

It was absolutely worth the 10 bucks. Id say its easily worth 30 to 40 bucks. Not like theirs a ton of options out there atm but its the best racer on PS4.
I still like Forza 5 more but this is a very competent racer.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Thu Jan 01, 2015 6:39 am

Finally gots me a PS4, a few days ago. Been playing almost nonstop.

At the moment, the only retail game I have is AC Unity. And it's probably because of the patches they've put out so far, but it actually runs beautifully. This certainly ain't the game people were bitching about at launch.
I have to say though, I don't know what's wrong with people that they can't appreciate these kinds of things, but it's insane how much work was obviously put into this game. It has its quirks, and I can't say I'm ecstatic about every change they've made, but the fact remains that they did change a lot in order to offer a much fresher experience. From the animations to the overall game structure, almost nothing has been reused from previous games. Like I said, I'm not a big fan of all of it, but I can easily appreciate the ridiculous amount of work and passion that was put into this. I could easily go into a point-by-point post about all the changes and whether I think they're good or bad, but I'll just leave it at this: it's flawed, but it's a beautiful kind of flawed.

Also finally got to play the Silent Hills/PT demo, and it's a whole different experience when you're actually playing it as opposed to watching a video. The sense of unease it creates in you is incredible.

And the biggest surprise I found on the system is something I just stumbled upon today; the free-to-play digital game Warframe.
I knew nothing about it to begin with (may have seen a quick trailer a ways back, but that's it), but I felt like the art style looked familiar... and then it hit me; the player characters looked a helluva lot like the final armor forms from the game Dark Sector. I loved Dark Sector, and hold it as a real underappreciated great from last gen, so this got me curious. So I looked it up, and lo and behold, the games share the same developer, and Warframe actually acknowledges Dark Sector as a part of its lore (though apparently Warframe takes place thousands of years in the future from its predecessor, so they don't really consider it a "sequel").
Very, very cool. So despite it being free-to-play (which is usually an immediate turnoff for me) and despite it being very much online-focused, I gave it a fair shot. And it might not be breaking any new ground, but I had a helluva lot of fun. It may be online, but it's still set up pretty much like a single player game. You can play it by yourself to your hearts content. The options for customization are pretty vast, and good lord, the art design is great.
I need to learn more about it (there are lots of possible microtransactions, so it may eventually turn me off), but as it stands now, based on what I've played, I think it's pretty freaking great.

I also have Watch Dogs and The Last of Us Remastered ordered. Should get here next week.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby redline » Thu Jan 01, 2015 8:36 am

finished ghost recon future soldier on the ps3, now playing deadspace 3
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Thu Jan 01, 2015 10:21 pm

Grats on the PS4 OL. Glad to know ACU is patched up enough now. And glad to know you feel alot has changed. I'll play it soon enough. Maybe we can do some co-op.

atm im getting into Far Cry 4, Drive Club and finally Danganronpa.

Far Cry is a brilliant kind of mess. Graphically beautiful, fun and huge.
Danganronpa I finally got past the slow start and into the meat of it.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby redeye » Fri Jan 02, 2015 3:39 am

Virtual Fighter 2, the arcade version on PS3.
And trying to find a way to play Shenmue, and Shenmue II, after freaking 15 years. :-({|=
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Fri Jan 02, 2015 7:04 am

Axm wrote:Grats on the PS4 OL. Glad to know ACU is patched up enough now. And glad to know you feel alot has changed. I'll play it soon enough. Maybe we can do some co-op.

I think online play actually requires a PS+ account, which I unfortunately don't have anymore.
I did try a co-op mission by myself though, and it was pretty intense and lengthy. I can see how it would lend itself well to playing with others, so I'm thinking they did a pretty good job with it all.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby shengoro86 » Fri Jan 02, 2015 11:12 am

Policenauts (English Fan Patch) burnt on my original chipped Playstation.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby DEVILLE_David » Fri Jan 02, 2015 1:19 pm

Final Fantasy XIV A Realm Reborn.

Naoki Yoshida has done an amazing work on that MMO and i really like it. Too bad i am way behind and need to catch up with primals etc... but that's a good game to play.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Martin » Mon Jan 05, 2015 12:46 am

Been playing a lot of oldschool stuff on PC. Notably:

Alien versus Predator Classic 2000
Brutal Doom
Earthworm Jim 1&2
Duke Nukem 3D: Megaton Edition
Manhunt 2
Resident Evil 2
Shadow Man
SimCity 4

It's been a blast peering into the earlier PC gaming days from my youth. Some of them are PC versions of console games that I loved (such as Resi and Shadow). Bummer that most of these old games don't work with the 360 pad, but oh well. One becomes strangely-accustomed to the keyboard and mouse. Besides, some are simple enough. Resi for example. Every control you need is on the arrow keys, and Z, X, C, and V. Nice!

I am eagerly-anticipating the rerelease of REmake on Steam, as awful as that makes me sound! I hate games I love being exclusive to one company, or even worse.. one old shitty console that nobody cares about. I'm a huge fan of the Resident Evil series, and REmake is my absolute favourite entry. Badass game. I always liked the oldschool 'static camera' style of the original trilogy, with all the gameplay caveats it brought. That's what made the series.

These days, the original game is quite painful to play. Whilst that is a direct consequence of the static angle game engine, they refined the controls somewhat over the course of the original trilogy. The 'tank controls' were pretty much as good as they were reasonably going to get by RE3. Auto-aim, 180* turn. Lovely. They then basically perfected this concept in REmake.

I'm sure you've all played it, so I won't go on. I'm excited to be leaving GameCube emulation behind for this game, I'll say that! They (the rumourmongers) say RE0 will follow. I suppose it's inevitable. They were made back-to-back by the same team, and the continuity between the two is astonishing (both graphically and otherwise). If they had the assets for REmake available for 'remastering', then I'm sure the RE0 assets are just as available, all in the same format etc. Easy. RE0 isn't as good, but I'd still play it over RE6 any day.

I hope that they do not stop there, and finally give RE2 and RE3 the full remastering jobby they've always deserved. This is probably a futile suggestion. Details are sparse on the exact nature of the upcoming REmake 'remaster', and exactly what has been done to it. Eurogamer says it's 1080p on PC, PS4 and XONE, and 720p on the old two. Here's an image they posted:


It seems likely to me that they had access to the original assets. Even the static backgrounds seem to benefit greatly, which would suggest they have not simply been upscaled. Chris' model and textures may have also received an upgrade. I could be wrong, but to me his face looks a little closer to RE5 and 6 Chris in the side-view. Could just be literally vanilla 3D model and texture from the GC. The fact that the backgrounds don't seem to have been simply upscaled is encouraging. Time and better pictures will tell. I'm buying, regardless.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Calshot » Tue Jan 06, 2015 1:25 am

I finished the Legend of Korra game. Despite being a licensed tie-in for a kid's show made by Platinum's B-team, it's still a Platinum game through and through. Had a lot of fun with it.

I'm also still playing through Dark Souls. I've finally managed to get the amount of TItanite slabs that I wanted. Only took about 2 dozen Dark Hands and literally the maximum amount of Titanite chunks you can possess.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby OL » Tue Jan 06, 2015 8:57 pm

Finished Alien: Isolation.
Good freakin lord, they really should have called the game "Alien: Anything That Can Go Wrong is Going to Fucking Happen." It's a fantastic stealth/horror game, but it feels like there are tons of false endings. Just when you think you're about to escape, something else goes wrong to keep you there. Then as you're about to escape somewhere else, another thing happens to keep you there. And this process repeats a few times until you're about 7 or 8 hours past where you thought it was going to end. It's pretty insane.
It's kind of hilarious to some extent in that
it seriously doesn't end until the space station you're on is literally falling to pieces and burning up around you.

Still, excellent game, even though I was playing the technically inferior last-gen version (choppiness, stutters, and long-ass load times abound). I bet the PS4 version is beautiful.
And I think we can now qualify the Xenomorph as not only one of the greatest monsters in movie history, but also in videogame history as well. Sure, they've been in other games, but this is the first time it really feels as scary as it was originally intended. The thing is fucking terrifying, and its presence and implementation honestly makes this one of the scariest games I've ever played.
Only thing that, to me, just doesn't add up is
how the fuck do all of the eggs end up on the space station near the end anyway? I always assumed that only the queens lay eggs, and there are no queens in the game.

Also started Watch Dogs and The Last of Us Remastered.
TLoU is incredibly high-quality all around, even if it was originally made for last gen. This is my first time playing either version. Excellent opening. The sort of "training" bits after that are a little slow, and the stealth feels a little simpler than I was expecting, but maybe things pick up once the infected start showing up. I'm really only up to the point of meeting Ellie so far. Still, it's really, really impressive how good the animation is in-game. That's the part that's blowing me away the most.
And Watch Dogs seems pretty damn great as well. I LOVE all the little hacking tricks. It's incredibly satisfying when you manage to pull one off and it actually goes the way you intend, especially during a high-speed chase. Weird thing to mention, but the in-game camera is great too, how close it is to Aiden and the way it bounces slightly when moving and all. Makes it feel really visceral when you chase someone on foot. I wish the Assassin's Creed games would use this kind of camera (they sort of had a way to do it in ACIII, but they took it out altogether after that).
Oh, and Jordi Chen: awesome fucking character.
So far, I mean (I'm saying "so far" a lot).
For some reason his opening scene immediately made me want to see more of him. Really good acting, great dialogue, all that. I hope he lives up to his early potential. Hope Ubisoft doesn't pull another goof like they did with Vaas from Far Cry 3, and
kill him off way too early.

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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Tue Jan 06, 2015 9:44 pm

I was really tempted to pick up Alien Isolation cause of the sale on PSN but I have so many other games to play. I'll get around to it someday based on your impressions.

As for Last of Us, ya you've only scratched the surface so far. Incredibly long game too do to pacing and all. And imo Survival mode is where the game shines best in gameplay. Sight mode is removed, enemies are punishing, materials are scarce. Love that game. Must have beat it 5 times.
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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby ShenGCH » Sat Jan 10, 2015 3:35 am

Axm wrote:As for Last of Us, ya you've only scratched the surface so far. Incredibly long game too do to pacing and all. And imo Survival mode is where the game shines best in gameplay. Sight mode is removed, enemies are punishing, materials are scarce. Love that game. Must have beat it 5 times.

I liked The Last of Us (first time I played it was on PS4), but the stealth became really tedious and the gameplay in general (especially the 'puzzles') was a little too standard for my liking, and that really soured my experience. By the time I'd reached chapter eight, I just wanted the game to end, honestly. I wasn't expecting the world out of it, or anything, but for the amount of praise it received, I think I was expecting more than what it delivered. Based on the characters, narrative, and performances (on all fronts), however, they're probably the best I've ever encountered in a game. Friggin' phenomenal in that regard.


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Re: What are you currently playing?

Postby Axm » Sat Jan 10, 2015 4:51 am

Just got the platinum in Far Cry 4. Was a great game. I'll do my little review later.
Now kinda jumping around with games.

Drive Club (PS4)
Diablo 3 (PS4)
The Swapper (PS4/Vita)
Dangan Ronppa (Vita)
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