Yakuza series

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Fri Mar 30, 2018 7:17 am

Amazing what fans will do for a series. KHHSubs has previously released translated cutscenes for Kenzan on youtube but this is on another level.

Obviously Sega wouldn't officially endorse this, but seeing how they treat fan made Sonic games, I'm sure they wouldn't impede this either.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:17 am

DL30 wrote: To the people that have played Yakuza 6:

Does it bring back the boss specific QTE heat finishers?(Like the "Feel the Heat" ones featured in Yakuza 4 and 5)

The fact that they were missing in Yakuza 0 and Kiwami was a major letdown.

It does not.

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Tue Apr 10, 2018 9:24 am

Crimson Ryan wrote: It's been confirmed Kiwami 2 will retain the Japanese licensed music from Crazy Ken Band. The first time, I think since the original Yakuza 2, this has happened for the Western releases.

This was a big concern of mine when Kiwami 2 was announced. The music adds so much to dramatic scenes of this game.

What music you ask? This one!

phpBB [video]

Wanted to start it last night; turns out my package was returned from Canada on February 20th, due to no recipient or some bs and NOBODY knew where it was; Canadian Customs, both postal services, play-asia, NOBODY knew where it was, until 2 weeks ago. PA refunded my money as a credit and I re-ordered. It came in last night and due to my fiancée's parents having the worst internet speed of life, it took 6 hours to download a console update and the Kiwami 2 update, which went into my sleeping time.

Needless to say, I DIDN'T start it last night. Despite the evidence above, I will let you know if CKB is still in the game, hopefully in the next few days, as I plan to run through everything as quickly and long as possible.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Wed Apr 11, 2018 9:39 am

So they've gone the Yakuza 6 route and canned the opening cinematic altogether, thus CKB isn't there; I'll keep an ear out during the rest of my playthrough.

I'm midway into Chapter One (well, 2's Chapter One is notoriously known as one of the longest in the series, so not really midway lol) and I'm going to get started on the substories and the locker key collection (already have 6 of the latter). Haven't gone to see Daigo yet and already I can roam around everywhere and do things/eat at every establishment as well.

They've also kept the new collection/completion system from 6, which I think is infinitely better than the CP system of Ishin!/0.

The story though... I still can't believe people love 2's story so much; I've always remembered how things go down, but re-watching it again, everything is just SOOOOOOO overdramatic and unrealistic; before you even take control of Kiryu, I already rolled my eyes twice lol.

The need to rehash so many minor characters that were barely necessary in the first game to begin with (Yayoi Dojima, Kazuki, Yuya, etc.), just shows that Hase didn't know what direction to bring the series, after the brilliantly-done first game; for as much shit as Yokoyama has gotten for the stories in later games (some are absolutely deserving), at least he tries to evolve the series and bring it in a new direction, with interesting characters and ideas that are out of the box (like Yakuza 6; I still can't believe how many people couldn't realize the significance of certain things in the plot; even Japanese people!); not rehash after rehash (save for Majima, who has been rehashed to death).

Anyways, Kiwami 2 is great so far, I hope Clan Creator is as good as 6 and that I don't get annoyed by Kaoru after 5 minutes.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Tue Apr 17, 2018 11:30 am

6 is released today in the West; the preliminary reviews I've found (many sites are blocked) have ALL been positive; let's hope this momentum continues.

As for Kiwami 2, I've completed a bit over 60% of the completion list (outside of Substories) and I'm still in Chapter 3.

The plot is still so damn cringeworthy
(Sudo, *KNOWS* that the bombing in Chapter 2 is done by a foreign organisation that has been hired by the Omi, specifically and despite him being a butt-monkey and not taken seriously, "Date is the only person that can solve this case!" Ugh.)
but I will admit now, more than ever, that Ryuji is a superb character; without him, this is, objectively, one of the 3 worst games in the series, plot-wise.

I've always enjoyed golf in the series and despite being frustrating at first (well, not just at first lol), the driving range is a good amount of fun; I'm glad they brought this element back from the original, Yakuza 2.

But I hope they go back to full-fledged golf, in 7, as it was done fantastically in 3, 4 and DS. Done decently in 5, too.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby OL » Thu Apr 19, 2018 3:33 pm

^^Overdramatic and unrealistic (and oftentimes cringeworthy) is the name of the game in most Japanese storytelling. Not sure why you're only pointing it out in Yakuza 2; the series is absolutely filled to the brim with that kind of stuff (the worst offender being Yakuza 5, during the Haruka sections; cringiest trash in the entire series).
I personally like Yakuza 2 because, at its core, it feels the closest to being something that could legitimately appear in a yakuza movie, while pretty much all the others (barring Zero) tend to be much more videogame-y and overly-bombastic.

Anyway, I just got my copy of Yakuza 6 in the mail. And while I really don't give much of a shite about extras anymore (they're nice now and then, but I don't see myself investing much in LE's ever again), whose stupid fucking idea was it to release Y6 in the form of a hardcover book full of fanart, of all things?
I could understand if it was all legitimate concept art from the game's production (or from the rest of the series as a "legacy" kind of thing, being that 6 is Kiryu's last game), but this fanart is all really, really bad. I'm shocked that some of it even made it in, as the artists clearly have no concept of how to draw anatomy.

Seriously, just...


...what the fuck?

If anything, having all this junk packaged in with the actual game makes the release feel weirdly... less-attractive.
If this is the kind of crap they consider a "bonus," I'd really have preferred just a regular ol' clamshell case with nothing extra at all.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby TheThirdComing » Thu Apr 19, 2018 5:42 pm

I got the Yakuza 6 Artbook Edition... but I can't play it yet!

I've not properly played Yakuza 2, so really waiting on Kiwami 2 to continue the series, after that I can play 3-5 in HD on the PS3 and then finally move onto Yakuza 6 on PS4. I own yakuza 2 on PS2, but at this point i may as well wait for Kiwami 2. I did get plaenty of enjoyment out of Yakuza0 & Kiwami 1 & played through Yakuza 3 years ago. I'm just grateful SEGA is fainlly making the series more accessible.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Thu Apr 19, 2018 6:08 pm

I had to cancel my pre-order for the After Hours Edition because of my current situation, although apparently that version comes with the regular blue case unlike the launch regular versions, but I still havent even bought 0 anyway and my PS3 is unable to play Y5 because of hard drive space issues (yay for my 40 gig fat). No idea when I will get around to Y5 Y0 do i even bother with Kiwami 1 and 2 because I have played the originals? I guess I am really a fan that only gives these a once play through, hell I almost dropped the series completely because of Y3 but forced myself to watch the cut scenes on youtube then Y4 sorted me a few years ago, guess it may be time to give Y0 a go.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby myshtuff » Fri Apr 20, 2018 7:30 am

I can't stop taking selfies with Kiryu's angry face. Best feature by far.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Fri Apr 20, 2018 9:53 am

OL wrote: ^^Overdramatic and unrealistic (and oftentimes cringeworthy) is the name of the game in most Japanese storytelling. Not sure why you're only pointing it out in Yakuza 2; the series is absolutely filled to the brim with that kind of stuff (the worst offender being Yakuza 5, during the Haruka sections; cringiest trash in the entire series).
I personally like Yakuza 2 because, at its core, it feels the closest to being something that could legitimately appear in a yakuza movie, while pretty much all the others (barring Zero) tend to be much more videogame-y and overly-bombastic.

Anyway, I just got my copy of Yakuza 6 in the mail. And while I really don't give much of a shite about extras anymore (they're nice now and then, but I don't see myself investing much in LE's ever again), whose stupid fucking idea was it to release Y6 in the form of a hardcover book full of fanart, of all things?
I could understand if it was all legitimate concept art from the game's production (or from the rest of the series as a "legacy" kind of thing, being that 6 is Kiryu's last game), but this fanart is all really, really bad. I'm shocked that some of it even made it in, as the artists clearly have no concept of how to draw anatomy.

Seriously, just...


...what the fuck?

If anything, having all this junk packaged in with the actual game makes the release feel weirdly... less-attractive.
If this is the kind of crap they consider a "bonus," I'd really have preferred just a regular ol' clamshell case with nothing extra at all.

Yeah, didn't get the fanart version myself, but I probably should've gotten After Hours and then sold the game.

lol I still don't find Haruka's parts cringeworthty, but you don't find 2 cringeworthy, so I guess its just a matter of taste!

But I absolutely get where you're coming from; your remark about 2 being most like a Yakuza maovie, that part goes to 1: 1 I think it the most hardened and well-executed, "crime drama," from the entire series.

3, sans the orphanage, would be second best, IMO, as that has government and conspiracy involvement.

Everything else, falls squarely into series-centric storylines, as you mentioned (0 included, IMO).

But yeah, glad you guys are having a good time thus far with 6; I actually bought that same Xperia, when I upgraded my phone, last November, because of this game lol
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby OL » Fri Apr 20, 2018 3:49 pm

Truck_1_0_1_ wrote:lol I still don't find Haruka's parts cringeworthty...

Not to beat a dead horse (I've rambled before on it), but it's mainly the bits where Haruka's manager is explaining to her that being a pop idol is some kind of noble pursuit, that she gives people something to love, so she needs to work extra hard at it or whatever. Meanwhile there's touching music playing in the background, as if the developers themselves actually believe this crap.
Because yeah, being a little girl in a skimpy outfit singing squeaky baby songs mainly for the pleasure of lonely 20- and 30-something-year-old men (which the game totally acknowledges during the "meet and greet" minigames) is super noble.
I'm not sure if the series can make me cringe any harder than that stuff does. That stuff actually hurt Haruka's character for me; I see her on the cover of 6, and all I can think is "ugh." Never used to be the case before Yakuza 5. She seemed like a really strong character until then.
But yeah, rant over. Just had to specify.
I wouldn't mind Haruka's section so much if it were, say, poking fun at the idol scene, or if it were about some kind of corruption or crime going on within. But instead they go the "follow your dreams and be an inspiration by becoming a child sex symbol!" route, and I just can't really dig on that so much.

Aaaaaaaaaaaanyway, I've finally played into Yakuza Zero a pretty good deal now.
Weren't people making Mr. Shakedown out to be some kind of super-difficult fight before? I've beaten him about ten times now (damn good payout for it, so I've been hunting him down), and all you have to do is run around and hit him as he comes out of his charge. Takes a long time, but it seems easy enough. Not a big deal, long as you catch him in an open enough area.
And the 80s atmosphere is pretty great (love how the sidequests draw directly from that stuff, like helping a yanki band seem tough, or tracking down a kid's stolen videogame cartridge), but I am a little disappointed at certain visual elements. Like... why are all these posters of hosts and hostesses clearly made with modern styles? The hairstyles and shit are nowhere even close to what would have been common in Japan in '88. Takes me out of it a bit, having to see guys who look like they're in a modern boy band or something. I just wish I could say the atmosphere is completely on-point, but it's a bit of a mixed bag here and there.

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sat Apr 21, 2018 2:44 am

There's going to be a demo for Kiwami 2. Announced on the Sega Live stream with a play through.
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby south carmain » Sat Apr 21, 2018 9:20 am

I'm not crazy right, they changed the name of sunflower orphanage to "morning glory" in Yakuza 6?
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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Crimson Ryan » Sun Apr 22, 2018 12:53 pm

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Re: Yakuza series

Postby Truck_1_0_1_ » Tue Apr 24, 2018 10:17 am

OL wrote:
Truck_1_0_1_ wrote:lol I still don't find Haruka's parts cringeworthty...

Not to beat a dead horse (I've rambled before on it), but it's mainly the bits where Haruka's manager is explaining to her that being a pop idol is some kind of noble pursuit, that she gives people something to love, so she needs to work extra hard at it or whatever. Meanwhile there's touching music playing in the background, as if the developers themselves actually believe this crap.
Because yeah, being a little girl in a skimpy outfit singing squeaky baby songs mainly for the pleasure of lonely 20- and 30-something-year-old men (which the game totally acknowledges during the "meet and greet" minigames) is super noble.
I'm not sure if the series can make me cringe any harder than that stuff does. That stuff actually hurt Haruka's character for me; I see her on the cover of 6, and all I can think is "ugh." Never used to be the case before Yakuza 5. She seemed like a really strong character until then.
But yeah, rant over. Just had to specify.
I wouldn't mind Haruka's section so much if it were, say, poking fun at the idol scene, or if it were about some kind of corruption or crime going on within. But instead they go the "follow your dreams and be an inspiration by becoming a child sex symbol!" route, and I just can't really dig on that so much.

I fully understand what you mean; the way you paint it is much funnier (and realistic) than many would portray it :rotflmao:

south carmain wrote: I'm not crazy right, they changed the name of sunflower orphanage to "morning glory" in Yakuza 6?

Crimson Ryan wrote: Yep.

Not so much that they changed it, but it was a stupid localisation thing, ala Kazama/Fuma:

The orphanage that Kazama began was called Sunflower; Kiryu's is named after the Morning Glory flower(s), specifically (I believe, not too sure here) Ipmoea Alba, as they bloom during the night (while Sunflowers bloom during the day).


Just thought I'd share that :)

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