Funniest Conversations in Shenmue 1

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Funniest Conversations in Shenmue 1

Postby Miles Prower » Fri May 16, 2003 4:19 pm

I'm replaying Shenmue 1 again, and found you can get some pretty funny and rewarding convos asking people about Heartbeats.
For example, when you ask Nemoto-san
"That song, "Like a Feeling" is totally wasted on a shit-hole like that!"
Heh, nice reference to the cassette tapes and amusing!
Also the one with Noriko is quite funny-
Ryo: "So, do you know where it is?"
Noriko: "No...the name sounds nice though..."

The ones with Minako-san are funny because they're totally irrelevant--
Minako: "Hey Ryo, have you ever eaten super-spicy curry?"
Ryo: ""
Minako: "Aw, that's too bad for you."

Minako: "Hey Ryo, have you ever used a disposable camera?"
Ryo: ""
Minako: "Aw, that's too bad for you."

Minako: "Hey Ryo, do any of your friends have CD players?"
Ryo: ""
Minako: "Aw, that's too bad for you."

But the funniest Minako convo has to be--
Minako: "Hey Ryo? The other day a famous person came in here...I can't remember her name though..."
Ryo: I see...

There's others I'm probably forgetting, I'll post again if I remember.
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Postby goaliefrk » Fri May 16, 2003 5:41 pm

One thing I always liekd to do was refuse to buy that asian dude a soda, and then right when he's still watching me buy a soda, drink it, say. "Ah, good", and then just walk away, lol, funny.
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Postby Anthers » Fri May 16, 2003 9:43 pm

Not really a conversation but if you try to leave the Hazuki residence without asking Fuku-san about the travel agencies, Ryo says "Maybe Fuku-san will have a good idea for once." I'll try to think of a funny conversation I've seen/heard.
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Postby Forklift#5 » Fri May 16, 2003 10:16 pm

You go into the You Arcade and ask one of the guys sitting at the air hockey table type thing and ask about something and the convorsation will go summin like this:
Ryo: Do you know [insert thing here]
Guy: Let me (he says no in a completly unsarcastic voice like 1 second after he says 'Let me think')
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Postby Anthers » Fri May 16, 2003 11:27 pm

Now I remember a couple.

First, if you go into Nagai Industries and talk to the guy at the top of the stairs, it goes something like this:

-Ryo: Excuse me.
-Worker: Tsk.
-Ryo: Hey.
-Worker: Huh? Shut the hell up! Who the hell are you, huh? You don't shut the hell up, I'll make you wish you had.
-Ryo: (aside) This guy's no help. (to worker) Uh, sorry to bother you.

And if you talk to the guy at the desk inside the offfice, this might be what you hear:

-Ryo: Excuse me.
-Guy at desk: Listen kid, I don't know what fire you've got in your pants but never detour from an honest path.
-Ryo: Got it.
-Guy at desk: Good response kid. Very sharp.
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Postby ChaiOgawa » Sat May 17, 2003 3:38 am


I always liked when you talk to Yamigishi san in sakuragaoka at the beinning on the game, and ryo asks him how his back his and what happened

just one response I cant help laughing at. But the best thing is definitley Charlie being hit in the face with the soccer ball 3 times and he makes that really funny sound 3 times Classic!

Postby rens of heavens » Sat May 17, 2003 5:07 am

On disk 3 when you looking fo the Mad Angels .

Ryo: Hey do you know something about the Mad Angels?

Workmen: I dou`t give a *hi* about the Mad Angels!!

Ryo: I see.
Last edited by rens of heavens on Fri May 30, 2003 1:13 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Postby Paul » Sat May 17, 2003 8:07 am

I like all the conversations with goro, and also where the bikers try to avoid swearing (kiss off, twit)
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Postby Cpt. Ultimate K Prime » Sat May 17, 2003 8:45 am

The best conversations are at the Harbor....

Ryo: Excuse me....
Green-haired worker at the harbor (I talk to him all the time, he's hilarious. I think he was in Asia Travel the 2nd time you go in.): What the h*** do you want?
Ryo: Do you know where the old Warehouse District is?
Green-haired guy: I don't care! Go find it yourself!
Ryo: Excuse me....
Green hair: What the h*** do you want?
Ryo: Do you know about a Long Zha involving the Mad Angels?
Green hair: Don't get me involved in s*** like that! I didn't see s***!
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Postby Anthers » Sat May 17, 2003 9:10 am

Yeah, that last one's a classic.

If you refuse to learn the Tornado Kick from, Tom:

Tom: You want me to teach you?
Ryo: No thanks, I'm not up to it today.
Tom: Oooohhhhh man, that's too bad. I can only teach you today, I won't have another chance. Are you sure you don't want to?
Ryo: No thanks.
Tom: Oooohhhhh man, that's too bad. I really thought you'd be able to master this leg move.
Ryo: Sorry, Tom.

I also chuckled when I saw the scene where the bikers harass the homeless man at the harbor and one of the bikers says "Look at him (Ryo), acting like a goodie-goodie, little sh*t.

Also, find Yoshifumi some day after the Heartbeats incident.

Ryo: Excuse me.
Yoshifumi: Stay the hell away from me!
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Postby Miles Prower » Sat May 17, 2003 9:17 am

I like it when Ryo asks one of the security guards standing outside Warehouse #8
Ryo: Do you know a Master Chen?
Secuirty Guard: Chen? Can't say I've heard that name.
Ryo: Are you sure?
Security Guard: Well, lots of people go through here. Ain't no damn way to remember everyone's name!
Ryo: I see

The way he says "Ain't no damn way to remember everyone's name!" is hillarious for some reason. Also the guard outside Warehouse #1 probably has the funniest voice in the game-- "NO LOITERING ALLOWED!" :P
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Postby Cpt. Ultimate K Prime » Sat May 17, 2003 9:52 am

Miles Prower wrote:I like it when Ryo asks one of the security guards standing outside Warehouse #8
Ryo: Do you know a Master Chen?
Secuirty Guard: Chen? Can't say I've heard that name.
Ryo: Are you sure?
Security Guard: Well, lots of people go through here. Ain't no damn way to remember everyone's name!
Ryo: I see

The way he says "Ain't no damn way to remember everyone's name!" is hillarious for some reason. Also the guard outside Warehouse #1 probably has the funniest voice in the game-- "NO LOITERING ALLOWED!" :P

Hahaha... I like the guard guarding Master Chen's district... he is so funny-looking *chuckle*
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Postby goaliefrk » Sat May 17, 2003 3:28 pm

A lot of the guys faces are like full of pimples.
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Postby Juanfran » Mon May 19, 2003 4:45 am

Minako: Hey, Ryo? Yeah, Buy a ticket to my friend's concert, OK?
Ryo: Um, no.
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Postby Miles Prower » Mon May 19, 2003 6:10 am

Juanfran wrote:Minako: Hey, Ryo? Yeah, Buy a ticket to my friend's concert, OK?
Ryo: Um, no.

Lol, I forgot about that one teehee :P
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