Is the Gamecube better then the Xbox?

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Is the Gamecube better then the Xbox? (Total votes: 17)

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Postby T1249NTSCJØ » Thu Jun 19, 2003 11:17 am

Yeah that is true you can honestly tell the difference once the GC goes into a few cutscenes', it does look a bit compressed. Xbox & PS2 have alot to work with when it comes to disc space. Then again this is why competition is great otherwise we wouldn't see what can and can't be done.
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Postby FoxHound » Thu Jun 19, 2003 2:12 pm

kenshiro wrote:Xbox is the most powerful console, then GC, and last PS2. The PS2 cannot do 75 million polys like they say. That test was simple polygons with all effects turned off. It is estimated that the PS2 does more around 6-8 million in real world examples. While it is true that Nintendo, like Sega, has always been conservative with their figures, Factor Five figures that the GC could do 20 million polys with all effects on. The most a GC game has done was around 10 million with all effects on. The Xbox, on the other hand blows them all away. It's estimated that the Xbox can do around 60 million or so with all effects on. The Xbox also has equal, if not better, texture processing. Both the GC and Xbox are capable of single-pass texture compression based on S3 texture compression (S3TC). The GC I believe can push more textures per pipline, but that advantage is nil since the Xbox has more pipelines. The PS2 is only capable of multi-pass textures, so it fares the worse. One of the advantages that the Dreamcast had over the PS2 was better textures.

As for the GC and Splinter Cell, it does have the worst version. The PS2 graphics may be the worst of the lot, but it makes up for it with an extra level and cutscenes......something missing in the GC version. Want to know why? It's b/c of those stupid 1.5GB minidiscs! Splinter cell on an Xbox takes like 4 GB, so they had to make many sacrifices for the GC. Had Nintendo picked regular DVD media, it could have had better graphics than the PS2 as well as have the extra levels and cut scenes.

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Postby goaliefrk » Thu Jun 19, 2003 6:41 pm

I think everyone knows and agrees that the XBOX is the most powerful system out there. Except stupid fanboys of course.
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Postby Daemos » Thu Jun 19, 2003 7:05 pm

Didn't vote. I don't like the "kiddie console".
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Postby Sonikku » Thu Jun 19, 2003 9:51 pm

whiteShadow wrote:Didn't vote. I don't like the "kiddie console".
I know what you mean. But I like the resident evil series, eternal darkness and bmx xxx even if they are all kiddie games...
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Postby Sonikku » Thu Jun 19, 2003 10:09 pm

FoxHound wrote:
Sonikku wrote:Isn't there also a sticky bomb weapon in the gamecube version? On the issue of power the X-Box is far superior to the gamecube, at least on paper. In microsofts unfair comparison of the 3 over which one is best they compared them by polygons, with the ps2 ranking in at 6 million per second, the gamecube pushing 12+million a second(it was not known at the time it's full power) and the X-box had 125 million per second. First of all, this is a VERY unfair comparison, as that 125 reffered to raw white polygons that the xbox was doing in a demo without variables. The numbers that sony and nintendo put out were IN-GAME which is a big differnce.

I'm not exactly sure if you know this, but Sony has stated time and time again that the PS2 can push around 66 million raw polygons per second. That's about 1/2 of what the Xbox can do, and I calculate the Gamecube can do anywhere from 90 to 100 million polygons per second. Either way, polygons aren't the only thing that matter when it comes to graphical beauty. It's a matter of the developers taking advantage of ALL the options a console can offer, not just to push the polygon count on their titles.

Yes! that was exactly my point. Mircosoft went on to make a huge deal of it's polygon proccessing power, when obviously if that was the ONLY factor in making good looking games the xbox would have literly ten times the polygons in there games.

They were not compared by price, in which nintendo had a edge by a hundread dollars. Ironic that Microsoft was sure to point out it's power, but forgot to mention how it was far more expensive then the gamecube.

Maybe so, but the Xbox includes several features which the Gamecube doesn't. Why do you think Microsoft loses money with each Xbox they sell and Nintendo actually profits from the Gamecube? Because the Xbox is much more expensive to make. The HDD and DVD capabilities of the console alone mean that under any other company besides Microsoft, it would have debuted with at least a $500 price tag. Fortunately for us (the consumers), Microsoft can afford to lose money and thus they didn't mind pricing the product competitively.

No, "The Spot" on reported that even at 200$ nintendo took a 35 dollar loss on every console. Of course they also mentioned that Microsoft took one close to 100. Of course is is for the reasons you have stated, but with a stand alone DVD player and a Playstation 2 I rather would NOT rather pay for yet anouther dvd player and just get 2 extra games instead.

But, despite all of it's power the gamecube ironicly (I am NOT lieing) actualy has better load times. That was also somthing microsoft forgot to mention.

Which in any case is the fault of developers and not Microsoft, because they're not taking advantage of the HDD. Halo for example, had very little loading. The only time it actually had some was in between levels, and that took 5 seconds at most. Keep in mind that Halo is a launch title and had Bungie been given more time to finish it, the game would probably feature next to nothing when it comes to loading times. That's a little bit of proof of what can be achieved on the console.

You say "very little"? Do you HAVE a gamecube? Boot up a game like Metroid Prime with it's huge enviroments only to find that there isn't really any load time at all...

Also, not to long ago Microsoft was sure to point out there success over nintendo in the UK but completely for the life of them forgot to mention how the x box is bombing in Japan.

MS doesn't need to mention how the Xbox is doing in Japan. Every idiot and their mother knows the console is struggling over there. Pointing it out again would be moot.

They don't need to? Then why would they "need to" in the UK? Yeah Microsoft didn't "need to" mention how they are doing in Japan as they are getting pummeled by there competiton!!

What do you do about a country that does not care for FPS's? (cough, halo cough) Don't get me wrong.

This is the only thing I agree with you upon- The Xbox is failing in Japan because Microsoft has no clue on how to make it sell. Quite frankly, in America, Europe, Australia, and most of the places where the Xbox is being sold, it has something going for it. In Japan, it doesn't.

The only thing eh? So you DO think the X-box can have games with 125 million polygons a second with full effects? Yeah right.

Do I also need point out that Halo 2 looks just as good as, if not better than, DOOM III and Half-Life 2? Let's see anything on the Gamecube match those three titles (all slated to be released on the Xbox sometime in the near future), and then we'll talk.

NEAR FUTURE?! Halo 2 must be close to a year off!! Microsoft is no where near ready to release that title. I would agree if it was out know, but both consoles have not been pushed quite to there limit yet and as of know very little has been written in stone.

If there xbox is as powerful as they all want us to belive the xbox should be outperfoming nintendo on every single level several times over with both arms tied behind there back.

You want more proof that the Xbox is more powerful than the Gamecube (hardware wise)? Itagaki is working it.

That man is the single biggest power-whore in the industry. Why do you think the Dead or Alive series has been all over the place? Because he always tries to develop his titles on the most powerful machine to date. Don't believe me?

Dead or Alive on the Saturn- The most powerful console at the time of the game's release.

Dead or Alive on the Playstation- The most powerful console at the time of the game's porting.

Dead or Alive 2 on the Dreamcast- The most powerful console at the time of the game's release.

Dead or Alive 2: Hardcore on the Playstation 2- The most powerful console at the time of the game's porting.

Dead or Alive 3 on the Xbox- The most powerful console at the time of the game's relase.

Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball on Xbox- The most powerful console at the time of the game's release.

Ninja Gaiden on Xbox- Will still be the most powerful console when this game is released.

Need I go on?

Hey, he can have his pretty graphics with shallow gameplay. Soul calibur 2 is going to blow his work out of the water.
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Postby FoxHound » Fri Jun 20, 2003 1:18 am

Sonikku wrote:Hey, he can have his pretty graphics with shallow gameplay. Soul calibur 2 is going to blow his work out of the water.

First of all, no one was talking about gameplay. The argument was that the Xbox is in fact superior to the Gamecube in hardware, yet you somehow decided to back pedal on that one.

But, while we're on the subject: Shallow gameplay? Have you ever even played any of the Dead or Alive games? Anyone who claims that the DoA series is "shallow" has obviously never given it a chance.

Unlike other fighting series out there who heavily rely on forcing the players to learn each character inside out in order to achieve victory, the Dead or Alive series does things differently. In order to achieve victory in a DoA match you must be able to move within an arena quickly and efficiently. Speed and timing are what truly matter, and unless you have quick reflexes you WILL fall to your opponents. That's just a little bit of proof of how DoA is unique despite its short comings. Sure, it's no Virtua Fighter, but it's good nonetheless.

The only one from that list that I'll give you is Dead or Alive Extreme Beach Volleyball, which is really shallow when it comes to the actual gameplay itself (The Volleyball). However, it has depth in it's own strange way. For example, it's no easy task getting any of the girls to wear a Venus. It actually takes time and skill to pull that off.

Ninja Gaiden we have yet to see, however, I am fairly confident that the game will deliver.
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Postby goaliefrk » Fri Jun 20, 2003 10:50 pm

Eternal Darkness is shit. But RE rocks. That's the only reason I have a GCN, for RE.
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Postby Sonikku » Sat Jun 21, 2003 6:28 pm

Are you crazy?! (with all do respect) check out the in-depth review at gamespot! ... index.html
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Postby goaliefrk » Sun Jun 22, 2003 1:01 am

Gamespot? Gamespot? LOL you gotta be kidding me, I don't give a horse's shit about what Gamespot says about anything...these are the same fuckers who gave Shenmue a 7.6....Hot Shots Golf 3 a 7 and Splinter Cell a 8.5. LOL, I don't give a shit what Gamespot said. Eternal Darkness sucks, theres nothing good about it.
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Postby FoxHound » Sun Jun 22, 2003 10:22 am

goaliefrk wrote:Gamespot? Gamespot? LOL you gotta be kidding me, I don't give a horse's shit about what Gamespot says about anything...these are the same fuckers who gave Shenmue a 7.6....Hot Shots Golf 3 a 7 and Splinter Cell a 8.5. LOL, I don't give a shit what Gamespot said. Eternal Darkness sucks, theres nothing good about it.

I don't agree with you about Eternal Darkness sucking, as I think it's a superb title. However, I agree about Gamespot being one of the worst gaming sites ever. How people can trust a website that gave Shenmue a 7.6 while they gave garbage like Tekken Tag Tournament a 9.5, is beyond me.
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Postby JAPANFAN » Sun Jun 22, 2003 2:15 pm

FoxHound wrote:I don't agree with you about Eternal Darkness sucking, as I think it's a superb title.

It was decent. Underrated, no doubt, but still, not as good as some diehard fans make it out to be. Given the amount of hype it received prior to its release, I found its gameplay and story line to be a little disappointing overall.

However, I agree about Gamespot being one of the worst gaming sites ever. How people can trust a website that gave Shenmue a 7.6 while they gave garbage like Tekken Tag Tournament a 9.5, is beyond me.

It's all a matter of opinion. In fact, to be more accurate, it's all a matter of two people's opinions. How can you not like Gamespot because two entirely different people gave two entirely different scores to two entirely different games?

You don't agree with the guy above you that Eternal Darkness is bad, and the one reviewer at Gamespot didn't agree with the majority of Sega whores out there who think Shenmue is God's gift to video games. What's your point?
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Postby Sonikku » Mon Jun 23, 2003 12:04 am

Yes, I agree. But while one person has not seen the light not all of gamespot is like that. For isntance here is gamespots review for the dreamcast version, that got a 8.7 that can be seen here. ... index.html

an excert from the front page:It's a polished game that serves as a showcase for the DC and the evolution of the RPG genre, and fans should definitely find a way to play it.
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Postby FoxHound » Mon Jun 23, 2003 9:01 pm

FoxHound wrote:It's all a matter of opinion. In fact, to be more accurate, it's all a matter of two people's opinions. How can you not like Gamespot because two entirely different people gave two entirely different scores to two entirely different games?

You don't agree with the guy above you that Eternal Darkness is bad, and the one reviewer at Gamespot didn't agree with the majority of Sega whores out there who think Shenmue is God's gift to video games. What's your point?

The TTT and Shenmue comparison was just one example, don't blind yourself into thinking that was the only thing I had to support my argument. Go check out most of Gamespot's reviews and you'll see just how quick they are to shoot down any game that's not on the Playstation 2.

I don't mind them being harsh, but if they're going to do it, they should do it equally instead of half-assed. They completly overrate anything on Sony's console and ignore anything else with a few exceptions here and there.

My point? Gamespot is full of Sony trolls.
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Postby goaliefrk » Tue Jun 24, 2003 12:18 am

Pretty much any XBOX game gets bashed, except Halo of course, they gave DOA3 a fucking 7.6, and DOX a 6! A fuckin 6!!! These are idiots, the only good thing about Gamestop is you can see all their pics, even though the quality isn't quite as good as IGN, but IGN only lets you look at about 5 pics, then it's subscription. I have never believed Gamespot, and I can't always trust IGN(JSRF, Rallisport Challenge, Eternal Darkness, Hot Shots Golf 3, Genma Onimusha, Burnout, Burnout 2, Luigi's Mansion, RE:Zero, Skies of Arcadia, NHL2k, NHL2k3;etc. the list goes on and on of games that were over-rated and under-rated...sure it's my opinion...but I think most people would agree with me. The only game Gamespot got right was NFL2k3, Enter the Matrix and Brute Force.
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