DMC [Reboot]

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Re: Devil May Cry 5

Postby Crimson Ryan » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:13 pm

Segata Sanshiro Jr. wrote:again:

"I guess you could give Strider to Ready at Dawn that'd piss me off and give me an aneurysm."

Ready at Dawn are fine. You leave them alone!
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Re: Devil May Cry 5

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:27 pm

RAD did a great job for the most part with Okami,some large chunks of the Wii port were re-created from scratch due to porting issues and missing files.
Yeah there is the credits debate but I don't put that on RAD and the watermark was just a different department(besides got some great free artwork out of that.
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Re: Devil May Cry 5

Postby Segata Sanshiro Jr. » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:30 pm

They're impressive no doubt, but I can't trust my favorite action platformer on the Genesis to the studio that made Chain of Olympus.
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Re: Devil May Cry 5

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:37 pm

Not that I played the PSP game but how many times can you make an overrated douchebag game appealing.
But nevermind me I just really don't like Kratos or the series.(only played some of 1-2,but was so annoyed by it never got through them..fuck gow)

However I am still with you that Strider be kept to inhouse.
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Re: Devil May Cry 5

Postby Oppy » Wed Sep 15, 2010 5:59 pm

I think its way to early to early to write this off as a shit re-boot/ shit game when we still know barley anything about it. I am a big fan of the DMC series, and this does come as dissapointing news to me. But i think the trailer and screenshots look pretty cool.

Sure, its not the DMC we know and love, but if it was a new Ip and came under a totally different name, would everyone still be bitching about it? We dont even know if it is really the Dante from the previous games.

IMO 'Dantes' new design isnt to bad, my first impression was that he looked like a young Vincent Valentine, and i fucking love Vincents design.

I can undersand why you guys are dissapointed, but to get so worked up and angry about it, and the say it looks like shit without seeing any actual gameplay footage. I think thats a bit over the top. I am willing to give it a chance, or atleast wait till I know more about the game before I decide whether its shit or not.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby OL » Wed Sep 15, 2010 6:51 pm

I never said the game itself looks like shit. Just that this isn't the Devil May Cry that anyone knows or even wants, and I'm fucking pissed about that. Why reboot it to begin with? Dante was an awesome, super-appealing character to begin with. If you want to make a change to his surroundings or whatever, fine, but why the fuck would they go through a total reboot, attempting to make it "darker" to appeal more to western gamers?
Tjhey already tried the "darker Dante" thing with DMC2, and it was a critical failure.
I'm a huge fan of Devil May Cry. And as a fan, I want to play as the wise-cracking, white-haired, Japanese rockstar son of Sparda (or an equally cool character; I actually really liked Nero in DMC4, and I wouldn't mind another game starring him).
Instead, we're getting a Saint's Row-looking Hot Topic shopper. The only good thing I can say about his design is that, thankfully, he isn't wearing skinny jeans and high-tops.

Whether the game is any good or not (I'm not saying anything about that whatsoever), this aesthetic sellout reboot is fucking bullshit.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Tuffty » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:23 pm

^ My name is Tuffty, and I approve of this message.

Dante is a great character, I don't really understand the hate. From what I see now, the people defending the shift are saying that Dante was a douche or he loved himself too much for the player to get attached too. Personally, I loved the swagger, the too cool for school attitude. Otherwise you get another self-serious protagonist and there are more than enough out there already. Better to have a guy who's in for the ride as much as the player is.

I wonder too if this would be different if say it was Vergil's origin story, or a completely new IP. But the answer remains the same, I do not like this character. Unconvincing, ugly and too much of a Twilight reject for me to care. And when you don't connect with your main protaganist from the get-go, then that's already a bad start. The fact that it's an 'edgy' remake of one of my personal favourite game characters, purely based on what they assume is market appeal? Well that just plain annoys me.

Really the only optimism I have right now is that it actually isn't Dante, with the talk of "subject", a "rehabilitation program" and no Rebellion (Dante's sword), that this guy only believes he is Dante.
Last edited by Tuffty on Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:49 pm, edited 1 time in total.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:31 pm

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Re: DMC reboot

Postby OL » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:38 pm

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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Tuffty » Wed Sep 15, 2010 7:51 pm

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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 15, 2010 8:55 pm

Reading comments on other gaming sites and forums it's a mass amount of hatred. It really seems the majority is not feeling this new take and want the old back.

Course we won't know for sure if that is just internet hate or mass hate from fans in general til the game hits stores. [-o<
Let us pray it flops so they can bring the old DMC series back.
Even if the game turns out decent,if I can't even connect to the main character then it's an instant turn off.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Riku Rose » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:14 pm

Just me thinking but all the bad comments helped them change Infamous back to the old style.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Bluecast » Wed Sep 15, 2010 9:18 pm

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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Kenny » Thu Sep 16, 2010 12:48 am

That's gatta be the most retarded thing i've seen in awhile.


I'll ignore it like the rest of these stupid reboots and remakes. People, the only way to effectively kill these things and prevent them from happening as often is to ignore it so they will not make any money off this kind of milking. I'm for reimagining if the property itself is old and the take on it is interesting but it looks like that shit some people here already posted: Twilight baiting, cliché ridden, EXTEREEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEME bullshit I expect to see in a direct to dvd release.

I mean for christs' sakes he looks like a cross between the werewolf guy and the vampire guy from twilight. That's disgusting.
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Re: DMC reboot

Postby Tuffty » Thu Sep 16, 2010 7:09 pm

The popular defense now is that Dante has looked the same for the past 5 games and needs an overhaul. Well, let's just apply that to all games from now on shall we? Let's see....ok, God Of War. That series has been going on for a while hasn't it? Kratos hasn't changed in appearance at all though. So let's reboot the series, let's make it modern day, give him some tribal tattoos, spiky hair and incorporate regenerating health in there too. Seriously health pickups? Wtf is this, the 90's?!

I'll tell you who else could do with a revamp. Professor Layton. That guy, I swear, we need to find out the origin story of that guy. Beneath that gentlemanly exterior I bet lies a tortured soul with a dark past. Let's make a game where he's 18, his tutor's just been murdered and he has to find out who it was and exact brutal bloody vengeance upon him. This whole puzzle solving thing has been selling pretty well, people like it a lot, but hey you know what people love more? A FPS! Make it a FPS already. And don't even think about giving him that top hat, he's a teen FFS. You need to connect with the youth of today so give him some short curly hair, black of course, a little 5 o'clock shadow and some khaki pants. People will identify with that guy.

What a shitty defense.
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