dev comment of the day topic

(Gaming discussion not related to Shenmue)

Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:19 pm

*turns ID on...Hi I'm david cage Me oh ok hi david this game blah blah ..erm can I play now blah blah..SHUT UP....finally....erm not so bad so far...THE FUCK KIND OF QTE IS THIS? Oh story ok ok..wait WHAT IS THIS SHIT MAGIC AND UGLY AWKWARD SEX AND MAGIC FROM HIS ASS!? *puts game in blender* *flushes the dust down toilet* AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH I FEEL SO USED AND RAPED!

Honestly AG if you play this then you love torture and pain and the mind of Ed Gien. I would play Superman 64 over this tripe ever again,hell even Enter The Matrix.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Apr 12, 2011 1:22 pm

Ryudo wrote:Derp ... 8573.phtml

:lol: The Daytona part may have just killed my throat from laughing so hard.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Henry Spencer » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:16 pm

The comments on Destructoid, about Cage's latest comments, have made my day:

Press X to shut the fuck up.

Also, I weirdly thought the woman in the photo was Rebecca Chambers and now I need to fap.

Just make an Omikron sequel, you hack.

The only reason David Cage makes videogames is because all the major film studios denied entrance to his ass.

"Herp derp I made a bad film with QTES in it" -- David Cage.

And my favourite one:
I know it's fun to crap all over Cage, but, even if he doesn't do it very well, I respect his desire to innovate and try to explore new ground. Best case scenario: maybe he'll pave the way for someone more cleverer?

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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Kenny » Tue Apr 12, 2011 2:22 pm

Just make an Omikron sequel, you hack.


I agree with this guy.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:28 pm

I just read a little a story tid bit about heavy rain and the origami killer or whatever, the killer drowns his victims in the rain? Or I guess like puddles from the rain or duct tapes a funnel in their mouth and binds their limbs? Seriously? Yet some how I can see simple minded people eating this up... glad I never decided to pick up Indigo Prophecy, I was considering it for a while a few years back. Seems Cages ideas are a bit too out there and un realistic? Just giving a basic impression from what I have seen/read, like hes trying to be super deep and complicated but it turns out being shit?
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Who Really Cares? » Tue Apr 12, 2011 4:54 pm

You want a taste of how bad IP/Fahrenheit gets?

You die...and then your zombie body has sex with a female cop whos been tracking you since the start of the game.

Oh and Giant bugs..


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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:11 pm

The lifetime channel rejected his scripts so now he has putrid games studios.
He is not allowed near any movie rental equipment nor to buy any. Last time he did he got the boom mic stuck in his ass. It's also rumored he used the camera to film him self fucking a flesh light with a pic of m himself attached.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:31 pm

wow, ok, I literally busted out laughing half way through the office bug attack, the mixture of that cheesy music, the horrible animations, the way the bugs were trying to corner him at every chance, and those ridiculous QTEs that didnt even seem to fit the setting in this cutscene, the moves he was doing trying to get away from them, all contributed to making that scene be shat out into a steaming pile. Wow did he try to make those QTE sequences mimic shenmue, and failed hard, I would imagine they were quite annoying as well. This seems like a horrible cheesy corny psychological thiller movie, that hollywood would have rejected over and over. Really? Really guy?
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Bluecast » Tue Apr 12, 2011 5:37 pm

I actually didn't even go to get my money back. I just went AVGN on it and broke it in pieces then burned it. Good thing I got it used and cheap. I did not want anyone else to suffer through that again.
If you don't burn it's like fruit cake,it keeps getting givin away for years.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Riku Rose » Tue Apr 12, 2011 8:37 pm

I really want to play Fahrenheit since everything I hear from you lot makes it sound hilarious. Might just play it drunk.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby ThyDarkAngel » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:18 pm

Yep, you people make it seem enjoyable in a dumb, cheesey, B-movie kind of way.

Your working with the enemy!
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:29 pm

^ The point is, thats surely not the original intention, right???

I was watching video for heavy rain, and I can say I have no interest in the game, it looks more like a chore and incredibly drawn out movie, or choose your own adventure book, than an actual game. The only difference is with the choose your own adventure book, the other choices are available to read at any time, where this game takes multiple play throughs to understand its entirety and that sounds like insanity, might be worth it if there was a bit more depth. What skill does it take beside hand eye quardnation, and social decision making? The ability to move a character around on screen? And this is susposed to be amazing and a AAA title? Its barely even a game.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby ThyDarkAngel » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:46 pm

AnimeGamer183 wrote:^ The point is, thats surely not the original intention, right???

I was watching video for heavy rain, and I can say I have no interest in the game, it looks more like a chore and incredibly drawn out movie, or choose your own adventure book, than an actual game. The only difference is with the choose your own adventure book, the other choices are available to read at any time, where this game takes multiple play throughs to understand its entirety and that sounds like insanity, might be worth it if there was a bit more depth. What skill does it take beside hand eye quardnation, and social decision making? The ability to move a character around on screen? And this is susposed to be amazing and a AAA title? Its barely even a game.

Yes, I am aware (at least I think) that the B-movie-ish quality of Indigo was problably not what Quantic Dream had in mind for it.

You nail Heavy Rain right there, actually.
It's an interactive, 'choose your path' fiction rather than a game.
The best thing that can be said about it is that it's rythm is fairly intense. That fast pacing made me finish the game and, well, it is not anything they told you it is but I did felt I had not completely toosed way those 7 or 8 hours of my life.
Some rarely seen type of scenes, more in tone than in script, on the videogames medium also leave something of an impression, but while there seems to be some good ambitions HR ends up not delivering anything new nor memorable.

If they had found better inspiration for the story and presentation (specifically gameplay-wize) and if they had delved much deeper in the realistic/immersive/emotional interactivity/relations/drama they were boasting...
As it is, it's passable, whatever it is.
If you're looking for a good game look elsewhere.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby Kenny » Tue Apr 12, 2011 9:49 pm

With the wonders of youtube, you can see alternative choices and endings if you can't be bothered experiencing them yourself. Like anything else.
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Re: dumbass dev comment of the day topic

Postby AnimeGamer183 » Tue Apr 12, 2011 10:14 pm

^ not everyone has access to youtube, but yeah for the people on these boards (save for ryudo and his wii), that statement pretty much applies.

I think HR was the first game in this style to get this much media coverage and hype, and thus everyone was going ape shit about it. I watched some of the "first 2 hours of Heavy Rain" on youtube and even the story seemed retarded, the guy loses his kid in the mall, he runs off like a bad little boy, goes outside accross the street THEN finally the dad gets his attention and he runs out in the middle of the street without looking both ways (the dad doesnt even tell him to come here). I am sure there are some retarded enough kids out there to actually do some stuff like that at 10 years old like the boy in HR was (seems more like something a 4-6 year old would do). But why should I care about hearing stupid fucks like these stories? it only makes me want to point out how retarded it is, and I cant take it seriously. and the more videos i watched the more stupid little shit I saw like that. OMG dude sneaking around the conveince store all crouched down and almost knocks over a cereal box, good thing I succeeded at getting that QTE and caught before it hit the floor... mind numbing. I know I dont really know jack about the game, but the little I have seen really put me off. And I was initially interested in it.
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